Viet Xuan Luong Becomes First Vietnamese-American General

Viet Xuan Luong pins on a brigadier general’s star today, becoming the first Vietnamese-American officer to achieve that rank.

Immigration Legislation: Veto Players in Action

The current immigration debate is yet another great example of how our system works (so to speak).

Despite International Pressure, Israeli Public Supports Netanyahu On The War In Gaza

The Israeli public if overwhelmingly behind the war in Gaza, and that means it will probably continue for awhile.

Despite A Plethora Of World Crises, Americans Oppose Greater Foreign Intervention

Crisis seems to be brewing all over the world, but the American people aren’t persuaded that it’s necessary for the United States to act.

Thank God For Negative Campaigning

Rather than being a bad thing, negative campaigning is an essential part of our political system.

Afghans Agree To Changes In Government In Deal To Resolve Election Dispute

The various factions in Afghanistan have agreed, at least in principle, to alter the nation’s government as part of a deal to resolve election disputes.

Rush Limbaugh Is Madder Than Hell And He’s Not Gonna Take It Anymore

Rush Limbaugh is still really, really angry about subsidized birth control. And lots of other stuff.

Obama Secretly Backing Warren Over Clinton, Declares Lying Hack

Ed Klein says he has “Democrat sources” who Obama wants Warren to continue his mission to “transform America into a European-style democratic-socialist state.”

Presidents and Prime Ministers

More on instiutional design.

Institutional Design and Governance

A piece at Foreign Policy provides a chance to give some thought to institutions.

Belief In ‘American Exceptionalism’ Is Declining, And That’s a Good Thing

A new poll shows that Americans don’t buy into the idea of “American exceptionalism” as much as they used to. That’s a positive development rather than a negative one.

Millennials: Less Patriotic, Or Just Differently Patriotic?

Some surveys suggest that younger Americans are less patriotic than older generations.

Democrats Have A 2014 Voter Enthusiasm Problem

If current trends holds, Democratic candidates are going to have a problem turning out voters in November.

A Quick Note on Voters (MS Primary Edition)

Parties do not own voters, and the job of campaigns is to attract voters.

George Will Has A Question For Republicans About Iraq, And So Do I

Some questions for the Republicans who would be President about the actions of the last Republican President.

Mike Huckabee Invokes Martin Luther King Jr. To Argue Against Marriage Equality

Once again, conservatives demonstrate how little they understand minority voters.

All Politics Is National?

Congressional elections have become “nationalized” to a far greater extent than they have ever been.

Is The Iraq War To Blame For Iraq’s Current Crisis?

Recent events in Iraq have opened up old domestic political arguments in the United States.

The End of History, Continued

Twenty-five years after his seminal “End of History” article, Francis Fukuyama reflects on its legacy.

Insurgents Continue Advance Toward Baghdad

It’s sure beginning to look like a civil war in Iraq, albeit a rather one sided one at the moment.

Eric Cantor, House Republican Leader, Loses in Republican Primary

An unknown Tea Party candidate unexpectedly beat the House Leader in today’s GOP primary.

At Normandy, Obama Continues A Tradition That Reagan Started

For the fourth time in 30 years, an American President spoke at Normandy to honor a day of sacrifice and triumph.

Tiananmen Square 25 Years Later

After two and a half decades, the images of June 4, 1989 resonate with many, unless you happen to live in China.

Reforming Ballot Access Laws

It may be time to rethink the way we make candidates get on the ballot.

Hillary Clinton Wasn’t a Horrible Secretary of State

Yet another autiobiography invites public discussion about her accomplishments.

Should We Eliminate The Vice-Presidency?

Does the office of Vice-President serve any useful purpose anymore?

New Dictator Wins Egyptian Presidential Election

Different name, same result in Egypt.

Ideological Purism Is Making American Politics Stupid

The latest chapter in an all too familiar story.

Supreme Court Quietly Revises Opinions With Little Notice To The Public

The Supreme Court, subject to revision.

How America Stopped Thinking Strategically

Today’s foreign-policy disputes rarely consider the way America’s response to one crisis might affect another.

Brian Schweitzer Hits Hillary Clinton Over Wall Street Ties

A prairie populist challenger for Hillary Clinton?

Thailand’s Army Stages Military Coup

Another civilian government falls in Thailand.

Shut Up, He Explained

Shutting down rational debate one meme at a time.

New Russian Law Requires Bloggers To Register With The Kremlin

Vladimir Putin wants to put the Internet genie back in the bottle.