[JD Vance] [JD Vance]

Today in Absurd Rationalizations

Blood poisoning edition.

Comparing Trump to Hitler

The coiner of Godwin’s law gives his blessing.

Trump Doubles Down on Fascism

The Republican frontrunner continues to use Hitler’s language, praise dictators, and lionize traitors.

What About Henry Ford?!

Do his achievements and good works outweigh his virulent antisemitism?

When Autocrats Get Desperate

Autocrats facing defeat have all kinds of counterproductive, dangerous ideas.

CNN Boss Eschews ‘Big Lie’ Branding

The new honcho at the original 24 hour news network wants to be more subtle and less alarmest.

Madeleine Albright, 1937-2022

A trailblazing diplomat has died at 84.

It’s Like 1939, But Better In Some Ways, And Also Worse

The military threat is smaller, but the political one is bigger.

G. Gordon Liddy, 1930-2021

The Watergate conspirator, author, and talk show host was 90.

Wonder Woman 1984

A very low-spoilers review.

Greta Thunberg Greta Thunberg

Climate Activist Greta Thunberg Is Time’s ‘Person Of The Year”

An interesting albeit dubious selection for Person of the Year.

Robert Mugabe, Independence Leader Who Sent His Nation To Disaster, Dead At 95

Robert Mugabe led a nation to independence only to become a dictator who destroyed its economy, has died at the age of 95.

Steve King Is Low On Money And Out Of Friends

Iowa Congressman Steve King finds himself low on campaign cash and with virtually no support from his party.

Steve King: Rape And Incest Necessary For Humanity To Exist

Congressman Steve King has some rather unique views about human history.

The End Of The Volkswagen Beetle

Volkswagen recently announced that it was ending production of one of its most famous and recognizable models. The last Beetle rolls off the assembly line tomorrow.

Donald Trump And The Legacy Of D-Day

Donald Trump has betrayed the legacy and the sacrifices of the soldiers who fought their way onto the beaches of Normandy.

Steve King Facing Serious Republican Challenge In Iowa

Steve King, who has recently come under attack for a long history of racist remarks, is facing a strong challenge for the GOP nomination in 2020.

Racist Republican Congressman Steve King Is Unrepentant And Running For Re-Election

Steve King isn’t backing down from his history of white supremacy and racism. And he’s also running for re-election.

Steve King Stripped Of Committee Assignments Over Racist Comments

The House GOP has moved to rebuke Iowa Congressman for his racist remarks. What took them so long?

Racist Congressman Steve King Wonders What’s So Bad About Being A Racist

Iowa’s Steve King has long expressed anti-immigrant and racist views, now he’s asking why that’s a bad thing.

White Supremacist Found Guilty In Murder Of Charlottesville Counter-Protester

The white supremacist charged with killing a counter-protester during last year’s events in Charlottesville has been convicted of first-degree murder.

Trump Blames Media For Poisonous Political Rhetoric. He Should Look In The Mirror.

In the wake of attempted bombing attacks on people he has criticized, the President is blaming the media for poisonous political rhetoric. He needs to look in the mirror.

Collapse of the Global Elite?

Elliot Cohen laments the lack of steel in the spine of the statesmen, diplomats, soldiers, and thinkers of the current generation.

Donald Trump Is Time’s ‘Person Of The Year’

In the end, there was no other logical choice.

Normalizing Hysteria

Donald Trump is not Adolf Hitler. But that’s not the standard.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Republican Donor Class Says Trump Is Falling Dangerously Behind In Fundraising

Top Republican donors are becoming increasingly concerned that Donald Trump isn’t paying enough attention to raising money for the General Election campaign.

As Republicans Run From Trump, The Seeds Of A GOP Civil War May Be Starting To Grow

With top Republicans recoiling from the realization that the GOP is stuck with Trump in 2016, the ground seems to be being prepared for a conflict that could tear the GOP apart regardless of who wins in November.

Yes, It Is Appropriate To Think Of Donald Trump As a Fascist And Demagogue

Given his rhetoric, it’s fairly clear that Donald Trump is drawing from a poisonous political well. So there’s no point in failing to acknowledge reality.

Jeb Bush Wants You To Know He’s In Favor of Killing Baby Hitler

Give Jeb Bush a DeLorean or a TARDIS and he’ll be traveling back in time to Hitler in no time!

Scott Walker Says He’d Nuke The Iran Deal Even If Our Allies Objected

Scott Walker’s response to the Iranian nuclear deal is perhaps the most irresponsible so far.

At Normandy, Obama Continues A Tradition That Reagan Started

For the fourth time in 30 years, an American President spoke at Normandy to honor a day of sacrifice and triumph.

Overselling the Stakes in Crimea

My first piece for The Hill, “Crimea is not Armageddon,” posted this morning.

On Iran, Diplomacy Beats Containment, And Containment Is Smarter Than Military Action

There are many choices in dealing with Iran’s nuclear program there are many choices, but some are better than others.

No, The Iranian Nuclear Program Deal Isn’t Like Munich

The opponents of the temporary deal reached in Geneva have been making some ridiculous historical analogies.

Women Were Nazis, Too

Wendy Lower documents the half-million women who helped Hitler carry out the Holocaust.

Syria And The “Isolationist” Smear

Opposing interventionism and unnecessary and unwise military engagements is not isolationism.

German Rabbi Faces Potential Criminal Charges For Performing Circumcision

Under German law, this ceremony, which Jews believe dates from the time of Abraham, is now illegal.

George Washington Named Britain’s Greatest Military Foe

American revolutionary leader George Washington has been voted the greatest enemy commander to face Britain, lauded for his spirit of endurance against the odds and the enormous impact of his victory.

Santorum’s Gospel Of Doom And Gloom

Rick Santorum’s stump speeches have becoming increasingly dark.

What Newt Gingrich Really Thought Of Ronald Reagan

He may be praising Ronald Reagan now, but Newt Gingrich was singing a different tune in the 1980s.

There’s No Place In Politics For Herman Cain’s Anti-Muslim Bigotry

Why isn’t the GOP calling out religious bigotry from one of its candidates?

War and Rhetoric

Elias Isquith proclaims my Atlantic essay “How Perpetual War Became U.S. Ideology” to be “a total disaster.”

Bin Laden Op “Geronimo” Codename Offensive?

Congress is getting complaints that calling the Osama raid “Geronimo” is offensive to Indians.

Adolf Hitler Not a War Hero?

A new biography of Adolf Hitler analyzes new documents about his World War I service and “concludes that he was not the hero he was later made out to be and that his radicalization shouldn’t necessarily be attributed to his wartime experiences.”