Obama’s Gun Control Plan DOA In Congress?

Despite the push it’s likely to receive, most of President Obama’s gun control proposals will barely even see the light of day in Congress.

NRA Calls Obama ‘Elitist Hypocrite’ in New Ad

The NRA is calling President Obama an “elitist hypocrite” for opposing armed guards in schools while sending his own girls to school with armed guards.

The Politics Of Gun Control

Based on the polls, the odds of some changes to America’s gun control laws will become law. It’s unlikely they’ll accomplish anything, though.

A Credit Downgrade Warning Both Sides Should Listen To

Fitch is out this morning with a warning on the nation’s credit rating that both Republicans and Democrats need to listen to.

Republican Debt Ceiling Strategy Doomed To Fail

The GOP is following a strategy on the debt ceiling that cannot possibly succeed.

Malik Obama Running for Kenya Governorship

Amusing in light of the birther nonsense:Obama half brother Malik seeks Kenya governor’s office.

Republicans Foolishly Risking Default To Prove A Political Point

Once again, the House GOP is risking sending the economy into the tank to prove a political point.

The Latest Crazy Solution To the Debt Ceiling: IOU’s

Welcome to the latest crazy scheme to avoid reality.

Obama Hit For Lack Of Diversity In Reshuffled Cabinet

President Obama is taking some heat over the fact that his Second Term cabinet selections have been very white and very male.

Zero U.S. Troops In Afghanistan After 2014 A Possibility

The idea of completely pulling out of Afghanistan after 2014 is very compelling.

Just Say No To The Platinum Coin

Minting a Platinum Coin would be a really bad idea.

John Boehner’s Side of the Fiscal Cliff Story

The Speaker’s version of what went down during the negotiations does not make the Speaker look good.

Get Ready For Another Debt Ceiling Fight

The next six weeks or so will see Congress once again fighting over a self-created crisis.

Judging The 2012 Preditions

Last January 1, some of us made a series of predictions. Here’s how we did.

With Five Days Left, No Fiscal Cliff Deal In Sight

With less than a week left, the odds of a deal to avert the “Fiscal Cliff” seem longer than ever.

Virginia GOP Goes Redder as State Goes Purple

The bizarre dynamics of Virginia politics.

Jake Tapper Moves to CNN

Jake Tapper is moving to CNN, where he’ll host a daily show and run their political coverage.

House GOP Fails To Find Enough Votes To Pass “Plan B”

The Republican leadership in the House suffered a big loss tonight:.

Tapper Asks Where Obama’s Been on Guns

On rare instances in Washington, reporters do their job and ask tough questions of political leaders. Rarer still, the leaders give good answers.

Obama Re-Elected!

Six weeks ago, we held a non-binding referendum asking Americans who they’d like for president. Yesterday, the real election was held.

Boehner Puts Tax Rate Increases On The Table

The latest offer from John Boehner includes a significant concession.

Obama Administration Sending Mixed Signals On Marijuana

President Obama’s recent statements on the legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington are not consistent with his own Administration’s policies.

They Have No Idea!

Today, there are many millions of Americans who can tell one Kardashian sister from another, but have no idea that Barack Obama has compiled the worst presidential record since Jimmy Carter.

Obama’s New National Security Team?

While no official announcements have been made, President Obama’s second term national security team appears to be taking shape.

US Government Spying on Innocent Citizens, Just In Case

Remember when the Bush administration was spying on calls Americans made overseas without a warrant? Those were the good old days.

A Map Is Worth A Thousand Votes

Democrats are approaching an “Electoral College lock.” Republicans are trying to pick it.

Republicans Ignoring Political Reality In Fiscal Cliff Negotiations

From a political point of view, the GOP’s position on taxes makes no sense at all.