Republicans Could Have Done A Lot Worse Than Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney wasn’t a perfect candidate, but he was much better than most of the 2012 Republican field.

Some Respond To Election Results By Advocating Secession

Some people on the right apparently want to return to this map.

The Conservative Political Media Complex

Many conservatives are living inside of a media bubble and they’ll continue to have problems until the consciously decide to break out of it.

Barone not Learning

Barone tells some tales to make himself feel better.

The GOP Is Nearly Dead In California

Republicans used to dominate California. Now, they’re barely a factor in the state’s politics.

Republicans In A Bind On Tax Increases

Political reality says that the Bush Tax Cuts for high income earners are likely doomed in the wake of the election, but the GOP will find it very hard to switch positions on this issue.

Republicans And Young Voters

Turning young voters into Young Republicans isn’t going to be an easy thing for the GOP to pull off.

Unfortunately For the GOP, Democrats Have An Electoral College Advantage

The Democratic Party appears to have a lock on a substantial part of the Electoral College. That poses a problem for Republicans.

The Fight Against Obamacare Died On Election Night

Any chance that the Affordable Care Act will be repealed died with the re-election of Barack Obama. But, there are other fights to come.

So What Did Silver Opponent Jay Cost Have to Say?

More griping about poor analysis.

Republicans Need To Understand What Went Wrong If They Want To Win Again

Republicans are trying to figure out what went wrong. Will they learn the right lessons from their loss?

In 2012, Democrats Had The Advantage On Foreign Policy

Without question, Barack Obama won the foreign policy debate in the 2012 campaign.

Conservatives Blaming Chris Christie For Romney’s Loss

The ink is barely dry on Barack Obama’s victory and some conservatives are already focusing blame on the Governor of New Jersey.

Conservative Media Bubble

If you’re a white Southerner who gets most of his information from Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, you probably don’t know a lot of people who voted for Barack Obama.

Immigration, The 2012 Elections, And The Future Of The GOP

The 2012 Election should be a warning to the GOP that it needs to open itself up to minority groups, especially Latinos.

Obama Girls Grow Up

Why Romney?

Why I supported Mitt Romney despite his constant flip-flopping, fibbing, and fecklessness.

Donald Trump Loses It

America Not a Center-Right Nation Anymore

President Obama easily won re-election last night, carrying virtually all of the battleground states. Meanwhile, abortion, gay marriage, and recreational marijuana also won big.

The Popular Vote

Barack Obama Re-Elected President Of The United States

There are still votes to be counted, and the Romney campaign has yet to concede, but the race is over and Barack Obama has been re-elected.

“New Black Panther Party” Panic Returns

It’s time to panic over anonymous guys in Philadelphia again, at least if you work at Fox News Channel.

Final Gallup Poll: Romney 49, Obama 48

If we elected presidents by a national telephone survey using Gallup’s likely voter screen, Mitt Romney would be a happy man.

Dixville Notch Tie: Obama 5, Romney 5

In a silly quadrennial tradition, the residents of Dixville Notch, New Hampshire voted at midnight. It was a tie.

On Election Eve, The Race Is Close But Obama Has The Advantage

The 2012 Election promises to be close in the Popular Voter, but President Obama still retains an Electoral College advantage.

Romney In OH And PA On Election Day: Sign Of Confidence, Or Desperation?

The Romney campaign doesn’t seem too confident of its path to victory.

Virginia Now Leans Obama

Democrats Barack Obama and Tim Kaine have gained momentum in Virginia in weekend polling.

Did Hurricane Sandy Blunt Romney’s Momentum?

Republicans already seem to be blaming Hurricane Sandy in the event Mitt Romney loses.

Obama Introduced F-Word to Washington?

Barack Obama’s Washington is more foul-mouthed and course, according to no evidence whatsoever.

Republicans, The Latino Vote, And Immigration

Republicans are going to get trounced among Latino voters tomorrow, and they only have themselves to blame.

Democrats And The White Vote

President Obama is likely to win re-election while overwhelmingly losing the white vote. Does it matter?

Ohio: Turnout vs. Suppression

Could Romney win Ohio by ginning up Republican turnout and tamping down Democratic votes?

2012 Congressional Election Predictions

OTB bloggers give their best guesses on the House and Senate races.