Jimmy Carter: U.S. Under Obama Is A “Widespread Violator Of Human Rights”

From one Nobel Peace Prize winner to another.

The Arizona Decision Is A Mixed Bag For Obama And Arizona

The Supreme Court left the most important part of SB1070 intact, but it faces serious challenges in the future.

Obama Crushing Romney Among Latino Voters

Mitt Romney continues to trail the President very badly among Latino voters. That could be a big problem in November.

Does the Constitution Matter?

It’s a wonder the Constitution gets followed at all.

Ahead Of Supreme Court Decision, Second Guessing Among ObamaCare Supporters

With the Supreme Court’s decision imminent, many supporters of the PPACA are starting to second guess the Obama Administration’s legal strategy.

Further Evidence That Voters Don’t Pay Attention To Gaffes

Voters don’t seem all that interesting in the things that the political media becomes obsessed with.

Friedman Finds His 3rd Party Candidate: Obama

Thomas Friedman continues his quixotic quest for a third party. His candidate: a fantasy Barack Obama.

House Oversight Committee Holds Eric Holder In Contempt

The stage is set for a showdown between the Executive and Legislative Branches.

Obama’s Assertion Of Executive Privilege And The Law

Is there any legal merit to the Administration’s invocation of Executive Privilege?

In Advance Of ObamaCare Ruling, The Attacks On The Supreme Court Begin

We don’t know what the Supreme Court will have to say about the Affordable Care Act, but their decision is already being attacked.

Mitt Romney Has Some Very Disturbing Opinions On Presidential War Powers

Mitt Romney believes he could take America to war without Congressional involvement.

Obama’s Latino Support Surges After Deportation Policy Shift

Not surprisingly, President Obama’s immigration announcement has been very well received among Latino voters.

George Will’s Less Than Lapidary Column

The 1976 Pulitizer prize winner is phoning it in.

Obama’s Immigration Policy Shift Was Legal, But Was It Proper?

President Obama’s immigration policy shift is legal, it’s good policy, but bypassing Congress won’t solve our immigration problems.

Republican Response To Obama Immigration Moves Not Entirely Negative

Republican reaction to the President’s immigration policy announcement has been relatively muted, and it’s likely to stay that way.

The Other Side Of The Neil Munro Story: Obama Doesn’t Take Many Questions

Neil Munro acted like a jerk, but Barack Obama needs to be more open to questions than he has been.

Obama to Ignore Immigration Law, Pretend DREAM Act Passed

Frustrated by its inability to get laws passed through Congress, the Obama administration has decided to stop following laws already passed by Congress.

The Big Lie Of The 2012 Election

Both candidates are telling the public that they can change the way Washington works. They’re both setting themselves up to be the source of major disappointment.

Obama Losing Support Among New York Jews? Or, More Statistical Noise?

Several conservatives are touting a poll that purports to show a 22 point drop in support for Obama by Jewish voters in New York. Is it believable?

Problems For Obama Among Blacks In North Carolina? Don’t Believe The Poll

A new poll purports to show the President losing 20% of North Carolina’s African-American vote to Mitt Romney. Don’t Believe It.

Should Congress Hold Eric Holder In Contempt?

If the Department of Justice does not fully comply with Congressional subpoenas, then there seems to be no alternative other than holding the Attorney General in contempt.

Will Obama’s Gaffe On The Economy Matter In November?

The President’s comment that the private sector is “doing fine” continues to be a topic of discussion.

Who’s On The Democratic Bench For 2016?

If not Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden, who might the Democrats have to choose from in 2016?

No Mr. President, The Private Sector Isn’t Doing Fine

The President seems to think the private sector is doing fine. He couldn’t possibly be more wrong.

Bill Clinton’s Bizarre Walk Back On Tax Cut Extensions

Bill Clinton walks back his comments about extending the Bush Tax Cuts in the most unbelievable manner possible.