Will The Facebook Fiasco Hurt Obama?

Does the fizzled out Facebook IPO tell us anything about the state of the economy? Not really.

Romney Trailing Obama Among Hispanics By Wide Margin

The GOP has a serious problem with the Latino vote, and it may too late to fix it.

Presidential Race Still Incredibly Close, And Likely To Stay That Way

The margin between Barack Obama and Mitt Romeny is razor-thin, and it’s likely to stay that way for quite some time.

Is It Racist To Oppose Barack Obama?

Figuring out how much of the opposition to a black president is based on racism is . . . complicated.

Colin Powell and Political Opportunism

Jennifer Rubin accuses Colin Powell of political opportunism for hedging on whether to renew his endorsement of Barack Obama.

No, Hillary Clinton Is Not Going To Replace Joe Biden As Vice-President

The “Clinton-Biden Switcheroo” Scenario is the pundit’s fantasy that will not die.

Cory Booker’s Kinsley Gaffe And The Relevance Of The Bain Attacks

Yesterday, Cory Booker committed the rookie mistake of saying what was on his mind.

What Happens If All The Bush Tax Cuts Expire?

Here’s why nobody in Washington will allow the Bush Tax Cuts to expire.

The Unsurprising Death Of Americans Elect

Americans Elect is dead. This should surprise nobody.

The Death Of Occupy Wall Street? It Sure Seems Like It

All the available evidence suggest that the Occupy movement has fizzled away into virtual nothingness.

Whites Now Minority of American Births: So What?

White babies now constitute slightly less than half of American births.

Super PAC May Resurrect Reverend Wright In New Ad Campaign

A pro-Republican SuperPAC may be bringing the Jeremiah Wright story back. That would be bad news for the Romney campaign.

Common Cause Files Ridiculous Lawsuit Against The Filibuster

Common Cause has filed a specious lawsuit alleging that the filibuster is unconstitutional.

Even if Christie is VP, Obama Wins New Jersey

A new poll finds that adding Chris Christie to the ticket would fail to deliver New Jersey to the Republicans.

Get Ready For Another Debt Ceiling Showdown

The battle lines are being drawn for another showdown over the debt ceiling.

Do Businessmen Make Good Presidents?

The Oval Office is nothing like a corporate boardroom.

Twitter Wars And The 2012 Election

Will Twitter impact the 2012 elections? The evidence seems thin that it will.

New Obama Ad Attacks Romney’s Bain ‘Job Creator’ Record

A tough new Obama campaign ad highlights people who lost their jobs after a Bain Capital takeover–at a time Mitt Romney was not at Bain Capital.

Was The Romney “Bullying” Story Good Journalism?

There’s much to question about The Washington Post’s decision to run a 47 year old story about Mitt Romney.

Dissecting Mitt Romney’s Foreign Policy

Is there a Romney Doctrine?

Santorum To Romney: Make Opposition To Same-Sex Marriage Part Of The Campaign

Rick Santorum is urging Mitt Romney to go all-in on opposition to same-sex marriage. Not surprisingly, this is bad advice.

Is Mitt Romney Running Against Barack Obama, Or Jimmy Carter?

He may be running against Barack Obama, but Mitt Romney seems to mention Jimmy Carter a lot.

Who Wins From Obama’s Same-Sex Marriage Announcement?

Will Obama’s announcement on same-sex marriage benefit him or Romney in the upcoming campaign?

House Republicans Gut Defense Sequestration Cuts

Another example of Republican foreign policy taking precedence over fiscal conservatism.

No, We Don’t Need To See The President’s College Transcripts (Or Romney’s Either)

Some blogger wants to pay someone to get Barack Obama’s college transcripts. It’s time for this silliness to end.

Yes, Biden Did Force Obama’s Hand on Same-Sex Marriage

How the Vice-President’s comment’s on Meet The Press led to an historic Presidential announcement.

Romney Accused of Vicious Hair-Cutting

The day after President Obama expressed his personal support for gay marriage, a report has surfaced of his presumptive general election opponent engaging in a mean, anti-gay “prank” back in 1965.

On The Politicial Impact Of President Obama Endorsing Same-Sex Marriage

Some thoughts on the potential impact of the President’s announcement on same-sex marriage.

Obama: Same-Sex Marriage Should Be Legal

The same-sex marriage pivot that everyone was expecting has come.

Mitt Romney’s Likeability Gap

Mitt Romney has a big problem. People don’t seem to like him very much.

White House Same-Sex Marriage Games

The White House is playing a game that few people are buying.

Washington Times Columnist: “Half-White” President Silent On Death Of Beastie Boy

Another bizarre conservative rant about the President.