Walking Away From The Nuclear Deal With Iran Would Be A Gift To Iran

President Trump seems intent on walking away from the nuclear deal with Iran. If he does, he’ll be handing a gift to Iran and harming American national interests significantly.

Vladimir Putin “Wins” “Election” For Fourth Term In Office

To nobody’s surprise, Vladimir Putin has won re-election to another term as Russia’s President.

UK Retaliates for Russian Nerve Agent Attack

Theresa May has expelled 23 Russian diplomats and convened the North Atlantic Council.

South Africa Votes to Confiscate White-Owned Land

Under Nelson Mandela’s leadership, the country made a smooth transition from apartheid. Now it’s going the way of Zimbabwe.

Words You Can’t Say

The February 2 episode of This American Life gets at some of my frustrations over our inability to have a meaningful discussion about pretty much anything.

Georgia May Strip Delta Tax Break Over Its NRA Break

I don’t see how the state legislature making tax decisions on the basis of the public position an company takes is legal under the 14th Amendment. 

Anti-NRA Boycott Gaining Steam

More than a dozen companies have ended relationships with the gun rights organization and protesters are demanding more follow suit.

Federal Court Strikes Down Law Requiring State Contractors To Promise They Won’t Boycott Israel

A Federal Judge In Kansas has blocked enforcement of a state law barring anyone who does business with the state from engaging in a boycott of Israel.

Russia Barred From 2018 Olympics

Russia has been barred from participating in the 2018 Winter Olympics after an investigation uncovered extensive evidence of cheating.

Laws That Forbid Americans From Joining In Boycotts Violate The First Amendment

Arguments advanced by those advocating a bill that would prevent Americans from participating in a boycott of Israel would not violate the First Amendment appear to be without merit.

Catalan Independence Vote Set For October 1st, Propelling Spain Into Crisis

In less than a month, voters in the Catalan region of Spain will be voting whether to remain part of Spain or assert independence.

The Limits of Free Speech

The dangers of the tyranny of the majority have only magnified.

Puerto Rico Votes Overwhelmingly For Statehood in Heavily Boycotted Referendum

Puerto Rican voters voted overwhelmingly for statehood yesterday in a referendum whose legitimacy is being questioned due to boycotts by opposition parties.

Puerto Rico To Vote On Statehood For Fifth Time In Fifty Years

For the fifth time in fifty years, Puerto Ricans will vote tomorrow on a referendum on statehood, but it’s not likely to have any impact on the island’s current status.

Bill O’Reilly Out At Fox News Channel

Another big change at Fox News Channel.

Federal Government, North Carolina, File Competing Lawsuits Over State’s ‘Bathroom Bill’

The political fight over North Carolina’s so-called “Bathroom Bill” has moved to the Federal Courts.

The Latest ‘Stop Trump’ Effort Is Probably Too Little, Too Late

A renewed internal GOP fight to stop Donald Trump seems to be doomed to fail.

Ted Cruz Becomes The Target At Trump-Less Debate, Trump Puts On The Donald Trump Show

Without Trump, the seventh Republican debate largely focused on Ted Cruz, who doesn’t seem to have done himself any favors. Donald Trump, meanwhile, will likely not pay any price at all for skipping the last pre-Iowa debate.

Racial Tensions Getting Ugly at University of Missouri

Massive boycotts and protests likely spell the end of Tim Wolfe’s tenure as president.

Republican Campaigns Meet In Effort To “Fix” Debates, But They Won’t Do What’s Necessary

Representatives from most of the Republican Presidential campaigns met to discuss reforms to the debate process, but none of their ideas will actually improve the quality of debates.

CNBC, RNC Agree To Modify Rules For October 28th Debate, Including Two Hour Time Limit

After complaints from several campaigns, and threats of a boycott by the men at the top of the field, CNBC and the RNC have agreed to some rule modifications for the upcoming Republican debate.

Donald Trump Threatens To Boycott Next GOP Debate Over Format Disputes

Donald Trump is threatening to boycott the next Republican debate if there aren’t format changes. The GOP should call his bluff.

Taylor Swift, Apple Music, And The Future Of The Music Business

Taylor Swift is taking a stand against Apple’s new streaming music service, and she’s largely right.

Tennessee Sacrifices Property Rights On The Altar Of ‘Gun Rights’

Legislators in Tennessee have taken the “gun rights” argument further than it was ever intended to go.

Indiana Legislature To Vote On Revised RFRA Addressing Discrimination Concerns

Indiana’s RFRA will be amended to address most of the concerns of its opponents. That counts as a victory.

Should We Boycott Moron Clothing Designers?

Elton John is leading a boycott against Dolce & Gabbana.

Democrats Consider Boycott Of Netanyahu Speech To Congress

Some Congressional Democrats are considering skipping a speech by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to a Joint Session Of Congress.

Edward Brooke, First African-American Elected To Senate, Dies At 95

The first popularly elected African-American Senator, and the first African-American Senator to serve since the end of Reconstruction ended, has passed away.

Retailers Opening On Thanksgiving Day Yet Again, But Don’t Blame Businessmen

Once again, some people are upset because retailers are opening on Thanksgiving Day, but that’s only because people are coming out to shop.

Burger King Should Not Be Condemned If It Moves To Canada For Tax Purposes

The announcement of a potential merger between Burger King and Tim Horton’s has led to much moral preening from the usual suspects.

Target To Customers: No Guns In Our Stores, Please

Target is the latest business to ask customers to leave the guns at home when they go shopping.

Tennessee Brings Back The Electric Chair

Tennessee makes an unfortunate return to the past.

Brendan Eich Had To Go

In an ideal world, we would be more tolerant of leaders who held controversial positions. We don’t live in that world.

On the Crimean Referendum

More on the pending referendum and some thoughts on elections in authoritarian contexts.

Preliminary Thoughts on the Ukraine Situation

Russian invasion or legitimate secessionist movement? And does it matter?

American Studies Association Israel Boycott is Righteous but Wrongheaded

While I concur with the “intent, justice, legality, and morality” of the decision, I nonetheless oppose it.

The Cultural Conservative Love Affair With Vladimir Putin Is Quite Odd

Vladimir Putin seems to be getting a lot of love from cultural conservatives in the United States.

Conservative Group Calls For Boycott Of Radio Shack For Not Using “Christmas” In Ads

It’s the return of the most absurd meme of all time.

Mario Cuomo Finally Watches The Godfather

Until this weekend, Mario Cuomo had refused to watch The Godfather. He still isn’t being very fair to it.

Starbucks CEO: No Guns In Our Stores, Please

Starbucks is kindly asking customers not to bring guns to their stores.