Half A Billion People Escaped Poverty Between 2005 and 2010

Global poverty has plummeted in recent years.

Somali Pirates Seize American Yacht

The ongoing saga of piracy off the coast of Somali is about to get Americans’ attention again, as a yacht containing four U.S. citizens has been hijacked.

Donald Trump at CPAC: Running For President (Maybe)

Donald Trump sounds like a man running for president.

A Crash Coming In China?

Is the Chinese economy headed for a correction?

Has a Military Coup Already Taken Place in Egypt?

An interpretation of the events in Egypt.

The Eschatological Stylings of Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck seems to have more in common with End Time preachers than he does with a serious political analyst.

Compressing History

Revolutions don’t happen over a weekend.

Rand Paul, David Vitter Take Aim At Birthright Citizenship

Two Senators are proposing a Constitutional Amendment to redefine what it means to be an American citizen.

Jon Huntsman 2012?

Jon Huntsman is running for president. Who the hell is Jon Huntsman, you say?

How Much Does Russia Spend On Highways?

Does Russia really spend more on roads than we do?

Silly State Of The Union Pageantry

As the night of the State Of The Union Address approaches, the silliness in Washington has been taken up a notch.

OTB Foreign Desk

Brief takes on foreign affairs

China: Balancing Interests

Like it or not, human rights is only at the top of the agenda for countries that otherwise don’t much matter.

American Political Violence Rare

While our politics are seldom violent, our violence is often politicized.

Caption Contest Winners

The Pelosi Estates Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Anti-Immigrant Groups Begin Assault On Birthright Citizenship

Anti-Immigrant groups are beginning their assault on the 14th Amendment, but don’t expect it to go anywhere.

Caption Contest

Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM

Caption Contest Winners

The Contender Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Time To Put Defense Cuts On The Table

With just over a week to go before the 112th Congress convenes, battle lines are already being drawn in battle over the defense budget.

Blizzard Postpones Sunday Night Football: Are We A Nation Of Wimps?

The National Football League’s decision to postpone last night’s Eagles-Vikings game due to weather is receiving a lot of criticism, but they made the right choice.

International Sitrep

A capsule look at the world situation as 2010 draws to a close.

Sarah Palin On Iran: Speak Loudly And That’s About It

Sarah Palin waded into the foreign policy pool today with a piece about Iran, and it was about as empty as most of the other ideas on Iran that we’ve heard over the last six years or so from everyone else.

2010 Census: Republicans Win

Red States should gain 10 seats while Blue States should lose eight.

iPhone Adds $1.9 Billion to US Trade Deficit

Did you know that the iPhone is made in China for a mere $6.50? It’s false but true!

Veteran Diplomat Richard Holbrooke Dies At 69

One of the most active American diplomats of the past twenty-five years has passed away.

Mr. Sanders Goes To Washington

Bernie Sanders took to the floor of the Senate yesterday to rail against President Obama’s tax cut deal. It was history in the making, but it’s not clear that it actually accomplished anything.

Obama “the most Left-leaning President ever elected”?

Is Obama really the most liberal President ever? Not really.

How Do You Define “Vital”?

The latest Wikileaks leak is a list of foreign infrastructure sites deemed vital to U. S. security.

Public Diplomacy vs. Private Diplomacy

Are American diplomats lying to reporters because they figure our citizens can’t handle the truth?

Cities Matter More Than Ever

Despite recurring predictions that the Internet and mass communications would allow people to work from anywhere, talent continues to cluster in big cities.

Passport Snobbery

Mike Bloomberg says we’re electing people to Congress who “can’t read” and “don’t have passports.”

China Ready To Bail On North Korea?

The latest Wikileaks revelations suggest that China may not be willing to protect North Korea for much longer.

Wikileaks Releases Diplomatic Cables, Revealing International Secrets

A new round of Wikileaks documents is out, and it opens the door on diplomatic correspondence previously hidden from the public.

McCain and North Korea

McCain brings up “regime change” in re: the DKRP and China apparently isn’t doing enough.

A Basic Point on the Korea Situation

There is at least one simple reason why dealing with the North is so difficult.

Potential Responses to North Korean Provocations

What sort of response is required to Pyongyang’s ratcheting up of tensions on the Korean Peninsula?

North Korea Shells South Korean Island, Tensions Rise

Tensions are on the rise again on the Korean Peninsula after North Korea shelled a South Korean island.

New Plant Raises New North Korean Nuclear Concerns

North Korea has unveiled to the world a new nuclear processing facility that puts back on the table the question of just what we should, or can, do about the fact that a rogue state possesses nuclear weapons and wants to build more.

Republicans Against The Military

Conservative Republicans who are typically deferential to the military are ignoring the advice of the military leadership on the new START Treaty.

Bernanke’s Reply to China

The finger-pointing about the global economy continues.