Syria and Civil-Military Relations

My latest for The Atlantic, “It Isn’t the Military’s Place to Weigh In on the Syria Debate,” has posted.

Obama Syria Speech Instant Reaction

I’ve been up since 3 am and drinking since 6 pm, so my reaction to a presidential war speech at 9 am may not be the definitive word

Obama Administration vs Bush Administration on Syria

Score one for Team Bush?

It’s Time For Congress To Debate The Wisdom Of Attacking Syria

Some Members of Congress are calling for a debate before any strikes on Syria. They’re absolutely right.

America Has Options in Egypt

Andrew Bacevich argues, persuasively, that “absence of leverage does not preclude options” with respect to Egypt.


Breaking: Top Officers Live in Nice Houses

As Congress eyes the Defense budget for cuts, some are drawing attention to the lavish housing of our top brass.

John Kerry Leads America’s Latest Quixotic Quest For Middle East Peace

Secretary of State Kerry becomes the latest American official to wade into the Middle East’s longest lasting quagmire.

Should UN Ambassador Have Cabinet Rank?

David Bosco wonders, “Why is the United Nations Ambassador in the Cabinet?”

Could Today Be The Day Harry Reid Goes Nuclear? [Update: Tentative Deal Reached]

The Senate may be headed for an historic confrontation today if an 11th hour deal isn’t reached.

New NSA Leaks Reveal Spying On European Union, European Allies

The latest NSA leaks are likely to prove to be diplomatically embarrassing.

Do Personal Relationships Matter In International, Or Domestic, Politics?

Does it matter if political leaders like each other on some personal level? Sometimes it does.

Why NATO Isn’t Going to Fight in Syria

Syria isn’t Libya.

Obama Administration Walking Back Obama’s Red Line

Is the White House distancing itself from the President’s “red line” remarks about Syria?

North Korea’s Bluster: How Should We Respond?

So what, exactly, is going on in North Korea? And how should we respond to Kim’s bluster?

Journalism Doesn’t Pay

There’s no money in wri

Trying to Understand Benghazi!

A theory on why Benghazi will not die as a political issue.

China Starting To Get Irritated With North Korea?

North Korea’s latest provocations may be testing the patience of their patrons in Beijing.

Rand Paul Criticizes Romney’s Foreign Policy Speech

One of Mitt Romney’s own supporters didn’t like his foreign policy speech very much.

Iran’s Currency Has Collapsed. A Sign The Sanctions Are Working?

Iran’s currency has collapsed and there are riot police in the streets of Teheran. It appears the sanctions may just be working after all.

I am not Seeing Capitulation

Wherein I engage in a little intra-blog debate.

White House Denies Netanyahu Request For Meeting Amid Signs of Increased U.S.-Israeli Tension

In another sign that things may not be going so well between Washington and Jerusalem, President Obama will not be meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu when he’s in the United States.

Jimmy Carter Longest Serving Ex-President

Jimmy Carter’s ex-presidency has lasted the equivalent of 26 Iranian hostage crises.

In Closing Speech, Obama Does What He Needed To Do

President Obama didn’t blow the doors off the Time Warner Cable Arena last night, but he didn’t need to.

Wars, And Rumors Of Wars: Is An Israeli Strike On Iran More Likely Than Ever?

A new IAEA report may make an Israeli strike on Iran in the near future more likely than it has ever been.

Bob Zoellick and the Real Mitt Romney

The presumptive Republican nominee has sent a strong and welcome signal about his governing philosophy.

Does A President’s Cabinet Even Matter Anymore?

The President’s Cabinet is less a Team Of Rivals and more a Team Of Managers.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Diplomacy By Other Means Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Dissecting Mitt Romney’s Foreign Policy

Is there a Romney Doctrine?

China Will Continue Buying Iranian Oil

There’s a big hole in the latest sanctions against Iran.

The GOP’s Ridiculous Appeasement Argument

To Republicans, even thinking about engaging in diplomacy is enough to accuse the President of appeasement.

Newt Gingrich’s Foreign Policy Judgment, Or Lack Thereof

Newt Gingrich’s foreign policy vision leaves much to be desired.

Supercommittee Headed For Unsurprising Failure

Not surprisingly, the Supercommittee is a Super Failure.

Panetta Warns Of Unintended Consequences Of Striking Iran

The Secretary of Defense has some words of warning for those advocating military action against Iran.

Defense and State Reining in CIA Drone War

The CIA’s drone war in Pakistan has gotten so out of hand that the Pentagon and State Department are reigning it in.

What Is Iran Up To, If They’re Up To Anything?

What’s the logic behind Iran’s alleged plot to commit terrorist attacks inside the United States?

Romney’s Realism Redux

The key to my understanding of Mitt Romney’s foreign policy rollout is the assumption “this is fundamentally a campaign document rather than a governing platform.”

Jon Huntsman Excluded from Debates?

CNN may deny Jon Huntsman a spot in its October 18 debate.

Media Ignorance: Dog Bites Man

Political journalists are asking clumsy, ignorant, and intolerant questions. Film at 11.

Supreme Court Asked To Decide If “Born In Jerusalem” Means “Born In Israel”

The Supreme Court is being asked to decided if Congress can overrule a foreign policy position the U.S. has held since 1948.