Iran’s President and Foreign Minister Killed in Helicopter Crash

A shocking development amidst regional turmoil.

Biden and Trump Cruise Despite Discontent

Reading the tea leaves in Michigan.

One Foreign Policy Crisis at a Time, Please

Our limited attention spans.

Turkey’s Elections

Don’t get your hopes up.

Turkey-Syria Quake Kills 1300+

A natural disaster has compounded a man-made one.

Debbie Stabenow Retiring

The Michigan Senator’s stepping down at a reasonable age shocked everyone.

Voting Underway in French Presidential Runoff

The incumbent should win easily but turnout is low and the consequences dire.

The Stupid, Evil Party

It’s not getting any better, folks.

U.K. Supreme Court Rules Suspension Of Parliament Was Unlawful

Prime Minister Boris Johnson suffered a huge and historic loss in the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.

Second Major Earthquake Hits Southern California

The ground shook overnight in Southern California for the second time in two days.

People For The American Way STOP GORSUCH FOR SUPREME COURT JUSTICE RALLY in front of the United States Supreme Court on First Street, NE, Washington DC on Tuesday night, 31 January 2017 by Elvert Barnes Protest Photography People For The American Way STOP GORSUCH FOR SUPREME COURT JUSTICE RALLY in front of the United States Supreme Court on First Street, NE, Washington DC on Tuesday night, 31 January 2017 by Elvert Barnes Protest Photography

Gorsuch Confounding Expectations

President Trump’s first Supreme Court appointment has joined the liberal bloc on several cases.

Is San Francisco’s Gentrification Such a Bad Thing?

The city by the Bay is rapidly transforming. Should we lament that?

Japanese Emperor Officially Yields The Chrysanthemum Throne

Emperor Akihito became the first Japanese Emperor to abdicate the throne in 200 years today.

Democrats, 2020, And The Age Issue

With the 2020 Campaign set to begin as soon as the 2018 campaign ends, Democrats find themselves facing an age issue.

Naomi Osaka And The Changing Definition Of What It Means To Be ‘Japanese’

Lost in all the news about Serena Williams and her arguments with an umpire during last night’s match is the fact that Naomi Osaka represents the face of what appears to be a Japan that is changing for the better.

Trump World Experiences An Omarosa Earthquake

Omarosa Manigault Newman, who used to be a Trump favorite, is out with a book that makes sensationalistic claims about the Trump Administration. The real story, though, is what she has on tape and how she got it.

Democrats Set Early Date For 2020 Convention

Democrats have decided to move up the date of their 2020 Convention.

No, Your Facebook Likes Didn’t Steal the Election

Will Bunch wildly exaggerates the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

American Ideals?

Some thoughts about why the president’s remarks on immigration are so problematic.

Trump Derides Immigration From ‘Shithole’ Countries

Once again, President Trump opens his mouth and proceeds to insult a good part of the world while embarrassing the country.

VA House of Delegates Race now a Tie

One for the textbooks.

A Political Earthquake In Virginia Thanks To A Single Vote

After nearly twenty years, the Republican domination of the Virginia House of Delegates came to an end thanks to a single vote.

Tennessee’s Bob Corker Announces He Won’t Seek Re-Election in 2018

Bob Corker, who has served in the Senate since winning election in 2006, announced yesterday that he would not stand for re-election.

Puerto Rico Votes Overwhelmingly For Statehood in Heavily Boycotted Referendum

Puerto Rican voters voted overwhelmingly for statehood yesterday in a referendum whose legitimacy is being questioned due to boycotts by opposition parties.

British Prime Minister Theresa May Aiming For A ‘Hard Brexit’

British Prime Minister Theresa May made it clear that she intends to move forward with Brexit.

Britain Votes To Leave European Union, Cameron Resigns As Prime Minister

By a narrow margin, British voters have chosen to send their nation, themselves, and indeed all of Europe into uncharted waters.

Trump Wins South Carolina, Rubio & Cruz Fight For Second, Bush Drops Out

Donald Trump racks up another big win, while Marco Rubio surges into second and likely saves his campaign for now.

Experts Cast Doubt On North Korean Claim That It Tested Hydrogen Bomb

Experts are casting doubt on North Korea’s claim that it tested a thermonuclear device earlier this week.

Canadian Voters Kick Stephen Harper Out Of Office After Nine Years

A political earthquake north of the border.

Kevin McCarthy Drops Out Of Race For Speaker, House Republicans In Chaos

Another political earthquake in Washington as Kevin McCarthy drops out of the race for Speaker, and the House GOP doesn’t seem to know which way to go.

Nine Dead In Shooting At African-American Church In Charleston, South Carolina

Nine people died overnight in a shooting at an historic African-American Church in Charleston, South Carolina.

An Electoral Earthquake In Alberta

Possibly big news out of Canada

Saudi King Salman Shakes Up Royal Family Succession

Saudi Arabia’s new King has shaken up the Royal Family, and that could have interesting results.

Questions About Foreign Donations To Clinton Foundation Could Dog Hillary’s Campaign

New allegations regarding foreign government donations to the Clinton Foundation seem likely to become a campaign issue.

Harry Reid Retiring From Senate

After nearly 20 years in office, Harry Reid announced early today that he would not seek reelection in 2016.

Will The Supreme Court Be The Most Important Issue Of The 2016 Elections? Probably Not

The next President will have a profound ability to shape the future of the Supreme Court, but that is unlikely to be the most important issue on voters minds in 2016.

Democrat Drops Out Of Kansas Senate Race, Which May Help Democrats

A political earthquake in the Sunflower State that could have a big impact on the battle for control of the Senate.

Establishment Victories In Iowa GOP Could Impact 2016 Race

A setback for supporters of Rand Paul in the Hawkeye State.

Eric Cantor To Step Down As Majority Leader

Get ready for a big GOP Leadership fight in the House.

Chelsea Clinton Pregnancy Reveals Everything Bad About Political Media

Chelsea Clinton is pregnant, and once again America’s political pundits are making fools of themselves.

Republicans Hold Edge In Battle For Senate Control

Thanks to favorable polling numbers and candidate selection, winning the Senate may very well be in the GOP’s grasp.

Republicans Take Slight Lead in Generic Congressional Ballot

So far at least, the 2014 elections do not appear likely to be a political earthquake on the scale of 2006, 2008, or 2010.

No Fighter Escorts For Santa

You know the Defense budget is getting tight when we can’t spare a few measly fighter planes to escort an imaginary character.

No Sex Please, We’re Japanese

The good folks at The Guardian wonder, “Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex?”