R.I.P., Hiroshi Yamauchi

Logistics of Chemical Weapon Destruction

The destruction of Syria’s stockpiles will be slow and laborious even if all goes according to script.

Obama Didn’t Try To Scare Americans Over Syria, Except When He Did

:Like his predecessors, President Obama’s speech last night exaggerated the threat that Syria poses in order to sell his plan to American voters.

Sell Wars That Need Selling

My latest for The National Interest has posted.

Syria And The “Isolationist” Smear

Opposing interventionism and unnecessary and unwise military engagements is not isolationism.

DoD Needs Real Strategic Review

“No More Baby Steps,” my first piece for Defense News, has posted.

Fukishima ‘Much Worse’ Than We Thought

Everyone knew the Fukushima disaster was bad. We likely underestimated how bad.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The May The Farce Be With You Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Japan’s National Debt Hits A Quadrillion Yen

Japan’s National Debt has reached a level that’s somewhat incomprehensible.

Japan Reassessing Its Military Policy

In response to North Korean saber rattling and the rise of China, Japan is reassessing it’s military posture

The End of the Affair

To maintain growth China needs to consider its priorities.

Obama Handing Out Ambassadorships To Top Donors And Friends, Just Like His Predecessors

President Obama has appointed a lot of donor’s and supporters to plumb Ambassadorial slots. That’s not at all unusual.

“Border Security” And GOP Political Pandering

There are many fallacies contained within the GOP’s insistence that immigration reform must begin and end with “border security.”

North Korea Nukes Here To Stay

North Korea’s nuclear weapons aren’t going anywhere.

U.S. Faces More Blowback Over Revelations Of Spying On Allies

The blowback from yesterday’s revelations about U.S. surveillance on European allies continues.

New NSA Leaks Reveal Spying On European Union, European Allies

The latest NSA leaks are likely to prove to be diplomatically embarrassing.

California Balances Budget While Expanding Aid to Poor

Jerry Brown’s second go-round as governor has been very, very good to the Golden State.

An Automobile Showroom Where You Can’t Buy A Car

Thanks to archaic state laws, you can look at cars in a Tesla showroom, but in my states you can’t but anything there.

Drug Approval Reciprocity

Shouldn’t medical advances available in Germany be available in the United States and vice-versa?

Administration Silent On Future Plans For U.S. Troops In Afghanistan

The United States is currently negotiating for a U.S. troop presence in Afghanistan after 2014, but they’re not sharing their plans with the American people.

Was Obama’s Syrian “Red Line” A Mistake?

President Obama may regret drawing a line in the sand over Syrian chemical weapons.

North Korea Calming Down?

In a chaotic week, one source of chaos was remarkably quiet.

North Korea’s Bluster: How Should We Respond?

So what, exactly, is going on in North Korea? And how should we respond to Kim’s bluster?

Uncle Sam’s Losing Streak

A tendency to expand objectives mid-fight has seen America fail in its last four major wars.


North Korea has conducted its third test of a nuclear weapon.

China Starting To Get Irritated With North Korea?

North Korea’s latest provocations may be testing the patience of their patrons in Beijing.

Guns and Preventing Tyranny

The notion that guns prevent tyranny is based on fantasy and movies, not reality.

The Debt Ceiling and the Remainder of the Fiscal Cliff

Are we really going to do this again? The answer appears to be yes.

Governing Requires Compromise

There are factions of the American right that really need to understand this.

Man Bemoans Selfish Women Not Having Enough Kids

Ross Douthat says American women should stop being decadent and have more babies, explaining that raising children is easier than it used to be, so there’s really no excuse for women to be so selfish.