World Reacts To U.S. Debt Downgrade

Like the rest of us, financial analysts across the globe are trying to figure out what the U.S. debt downgrade means.

Downgrading Standard & Poors

While it’s hard to argue with S&P’s political analysis, its economic judgment is a head-scratcher.

The Economy And The 2012 Elections

It isn’t just President Obama who should be worried about the economy next year.

June Jobs Report Disastrously Disappointing

Judging by the June jobs report, there’s no economic recovery coming in the near future.

Republican Party Politics And The Isolationist Canard

A few Republicans have picked up on John McCain’s criticism of critics of the Libya mission as being “isolationist.”

Republicans At A Foreign Policy Crossroads

For the first time since the end of World War II, the GOP is wrestling with two diametrically opposed visions of foreign affairs.

Guns and Democracy

Is it reasonable to state that countries with less guns are more likely to become tyrannical than countries with more guns?

Opposing Dumb, Unnecessary Wars Is Not “Isolationism”

Contrary to what Senator McCain, seeking realism in military policy does not make one an isolationist.

Is the U.S.-European Relationship Really in Decline?

My latest piece for The Atlantic, “Is the U.S.-European Relationship Really in Decline?” is posted.

Horrifying Graphic of the Day

Overfishing may mean a near term future in which there are no more fish in the sea.

Job Growth Weakens, Unemployment Rate Jumps To 9.1%

After several months where it seemed like things were turning around, the May jobs report was depressingly bad.

One of the Many Problems of the Health Care Debate

We need to stop talking as if the Medicare debate is a question of the Ryan Plan v. the Status Quo.

Tyler Cowen’s Productive Mind

A profile of George Mason economist and blogger Tyler Cowen offers this amusing description: “Cowen, 49, has round features, a hesitant posture, and an unconcerned haircut.”

Congress Credit Application Denied

“Our records indicate that your annual income for the 2011 taxable year was $2,170,000,000,000. You have requested a credit limit of $17,000,000,000,000. These figures exceed the American Public’s guidelines for credit issuance”

Red Bull’s Billionaire Maniac

Business Week has a fascinating profile of Dietrich Mateschitz, whom they dub “Red Bull’s Billionaire Maniac.”

Santorum: Social Policy Killed the British Empire

Santorum has an interesting theory about the decline of great powers.

Japan Nuclear Crisis Reaches Chernobyl Level

The Japan nuclear meltdown has now topped the scale used to measure such things, reaching the same level as the Chernobyl disaster. It’s a stupid scale.

Mike Huckabee And The Mystery Of The Destroyed Hard Drives

Why did then-Governor Mike Huckabee’s office destroy all its office hard drives shortly before leaving office?

Gates Hints U.S. Could Stay In Iraq, But It Looks Like The Iraqis Don’t Want Us

Defense Secretary Gates hinted this week that the U.S. would stay in Iraq if the Iraqis wanted. It doesn’t seem like they do.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Kleinfelds of New YorkDelhi Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Why They Fought

Humorous take on America’s wars.

Ford Stops Making Black Vehicles (Briefly)

Natural disasters in Japan have lessened the supply of pigments necessary to make black paint.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Kinetic Military Man of Action Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Fukushima Proves Nuclear Power Awesome

Nuclear power remains far safer than coal. The awful events in Fukushima must not spook governments outlawing atomic energy.

Obama In South America: Nitpicking, Bad Optics, Or A Really Bad Idea?

Obama is visiting Brazil and Chile while American fighting men join the coalition against Libya.

The Intervener’s Dilemma

There are many opportunities to go to war. Here’s a guide for choosing between them.

Biggest Full Moon in 18 Years Saturday

Earth’s moon will seem bigger Saturday night than it has since 1993. It’ll still be the same size as usual, however.

The Political Consequences Of Japan’s Triple Disasters

Will one of the worst natural disasters to hit Japan in centuries change the relationship between the Japanese government and the people?

Gilbert Gottfried Fired From Aflac After Japan Tweets

Comedian Gilbert Gottfried is the latest idiot celebrity to damage their career on Twitter.

Meditations on a Broken Window, Part 1

Bastiat vs. the Second Law of Thermodynamics

Obama Fills Out His Bracket While World Collapses

President Obama is once again catching flak for his leisure activities.

Atlantis Found?

Archaeologists may have found the lost city of Atlantis. And, no, not the one in the Bahamas.

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Damage

Status report on the damage in Japan.