Vetting A Running Mate In A Post-Palin World

The vetting process for a Vice-Presidential running mate will likely be very different with memories of the Sarah Palin debacle fresh in everyone’s mind.

Santorum Scores Meaningless Win In Louisiana

Rick Santorum won Louisiana last night, but he’s still going to lose the race for the nomination.

Jeb Bush on the “Stand Your Ground” Self-Defense Law

Looking also at Zimmerman’s 911 call and who pursued whom.

Do Endorsements Matter?

Like most endorsements, Jeb Bush’s endorsement of Mitt Romney is unlikely to have a major impact on the race.

Santorum: People May As Well Vote For Obama If Romney Is The Nominee

Yesterday, Rick Santorum started to demonstrate that his campaign has run out of a logical reason to exist.

Pundits Making The GOP Race Seem Closer Than It Is

If you listen to the punditocracy, you’d think that there’s actually a doubt as to who the GOP nominee will be.

Santorum 2016?

Would Rick Santorum be the frontrunner for the 2016 GOP nomination? Not necessarily.

Pressing The Santorum Button

Nominating Rick Santorum may be the best things Republicans could do to save their party, but not for the reasons Santorum thinks.

The Myth Of The Republican Savior

There is no Republican savior out there.

Romney Holds A Strong Lead As Florida Heads To Final Days

Mitt Romney seems poised for victory in Florida.

Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio Warn Republicans On Losing Hispanic Voters

Two prominent Florida Republicans are warning their party about losing the support of the nation’s fastest growing ethnic group.

Newt Gingrich Wins South Carolina, Republican Race In (Temporary) Chaos

Last night, South Carolina was Gingrich Country.

Breaking and Unbreaking News in Twitter Time

Within an hour last evening, I passed along and retracted two breaking news stories on Twitter.

Brokered Convention Fantasy

People who ought to know better are now concocting absurd scenarios to get around a really weak Republican presidential field.

The Republican Nominee is Already Running

No, some mythical candidate will not swoop in and save the day for the Republican Party.

A Brokered GOP Convention? Not Likely

Could the GOP go into Tampa next August not knowing who their nominee will be? It’s possible, but not probable.

New Candidate Window Closing Fast

Pundits love to speculate about new candidates entering the race and spicing things up. This will all be academic quite soon because filing dates in key states are fast approaching.

Conservative Pundits Continue Their Obsession With Chris Christie

Some pundits on the right can’t seem to quit Chris Christie.

GOP 2012 Race A Replay Of 2008 Democratic Race?

Will 2012 be the Republican version of the 2008 race between President Obama and Hillary Clinton?

2012 isn’t 1992

Some think that 2012 will be like 1992. However, that analogy is problematic.

Republicans 2012: Who Else Might Run?

With the customary hand-wringing over the low quality of the presidential field well underway, the corollary pining for other candidates to join the race is starting.

Why Nobody’s Running Against Obama

Why are many of the top Republicans are sitting out the race despite a seemingly vulnerable incumbent?

Republicans Begin To Realize That Obama Won’t Be Easy To Beat

Republicans begin to discover that defeating an incumbent President isn’t an easy task.

Generic Republican Ties Obama In New Gallup Poll, Actual Republicans Not So Much

President Obama isn’t unbeatable in 2012. but it’s clear even now that he’s going to be a far more formidable opponent than many Republicans seem to think.

Stupid Poll Tricks

Polls matching President Obama against potential Republican contenders are entertaining but not informative.

Can Mitt Romney Win Republican Nomination?

New polling shows that Mitt Romney is well behind the Fox News candidates for 2012.

Nepotism Nation?