When Will It Not Be News That Someone Is Gay?

Ellen Page is gay. So is Michael Sam. Shouldn’t we be aiming for the day when the response to news like this is “So what?”

Rush Limbaugh: Heterosexuals Under Attack By Homosexuals

Once again, Rush Limbaugh panders to the most pernicious of the right side of American politics.

N.F.L. Draft Prospect Michael Sam Comes Out As Gay

Michael Sam is gay.It didn’t matter to his University of Missouri teammates. Will it matter to the NFL?

Nomination Mechanisms and GOP Party Evolution?

Time to watch a bit of true American exceptionalism in action.

Republicans Teaching Candidates How To Talk To Women

Much like the guy who’s afraid to talk to girls in High School, Republicans don’t seem to know how to talk to women. But their problems are actually bigger than that.

Sane Republican Minority Prevails

Nearly two-thirds of House Republicans voted for default. They lost.

Time For A GOP/Tea Party Divorce? No, Time To Re-Open The ‘Big Tent’

Much like the Tea Party, David Frum wants to make the GOP tent smaller.

Syria Mission Creep

Is U.S. planning against Syria moving beyond just chemical weapons?

Was The American Civil War Avoidable?

Rather than asking whether it was “worth it,” the important historical question regarding the Civil War is whether it could have been avoided.

1/3 of Flagged 501(c)(3)&(4) Applications were from Non-Conservative Groups

Tax analyst Martin A. Sullivan finds that 1/3rd of “potentially political applications” approved by the IRS were from non-conservative groups.

The GOP And The Conspiratorial Mindset

The wacko fringe of the GOP is increasingly finding room in the mainstream of the party.

Southerners Not Fat, Just Honest

Southerners lie about their weight–but not as much as those lyin’ Yankees.

Why Marriage Equality Matters

A case from Missouri provides an excellent example of why it matters that states forbid people who love each other from being married.

End Military Funeral Honors for Veterans?

Bill McClellan calls for ending military funeral honors for most veterans.

FAA May End Stupid Electronic Device Restrictions

Passengers may soon be able to use approved electronic devices during all phases of airplane flights.

Jack Eskridge, Designer of Dallas Cowboys Logo, Dies at 89

The Cowboys’ first equipment manager and designer of the iconic blue star logo has died.

Counting Hispanics

We’re having trouble counting Hispanics. Should we be trying?

Hagel Will Be Confirmed, But The Hagel Battle Tells Us Much About The GOP

Chuck Hagel will be confirmed, but the campaign against him tells us much about the current state of Republican foreign policy

40 Years Later, Roe v. Wade Enjoys Majority Support

40 years after Roe v. Wade, support for the decision is still strong, but the effort to restrict it continues apace.

More People Have Traveled into Space Than Flown in a B-2 Bomber

More people have been to space than have flown in a B-2 stealth bomber.

Judging The 2012 Preditions

Last January 1, some of us made a series of predictions. Here’s how we did.

100th Anniversary of the Blues

The Blues began a century ago yesterday, with the release of WC Handy’s “Memphis Blues.”

Palin As The GOP’s 2016 Savior? In Your Dreams

Guess who’s back?

America’s Dysfunctional Election System

Fareed Zakaria declares “America’s election process an international embarrassment.” He’s right.

About Those Secession Petitions

There’s been a bit of buzz of late about the fact that people in several states have filed petitions to secede from the Union. There shouldn’t be.

Some Respond To Election Results By Advocating Secession

Some people on the right apparently want to return to this map.

The Fight Against Obamacare Died On Election Night

Any chance that the Affordable Care Act will be repealed died with the re-election of Barack Obama. But, there are other fights to come.

Republicans Need To Understand What Went Wrong If They Want To Win Again

Republicans are trying to figure out what went wrong. Will they learn the right lessons from their loss?

Apparently, Citizens United Didn’t Ruin The Election After All

The impact of outside spending on the election turned out to be far less consequential than many had feared.

GOP Unlikely To Grab Senate This Year, But They’ll Have Another Shot In Two Years

The GOP’s hopes of taking over the Senate in 2012 have all but slipped away, but there is another option.

2012 Congressional Election Predictions

OTB bloggers give their best guesses on the House and Senate races.

Love the Tracking? Hate the College

Yet another in a long line of critiques of the electoral college.

Romney’s Post-Debate Poll Bump

Mitt Romney has gotten a bump in the polls from Wednesday debate, but it’s still too early to say if it means anything.

Are Republicans Going To Sacrifice The Senate To Rally Around Todd Akin?

Now that he is on the ballot for good, Republicans seem to be giving Todd Akin a second look. That seems unwise.