Prospects For GOP Senate Takeover Appear To Be Slipping Away

It’s looking less likely that the GOP will be able to gain control of the Senate.

Federal Court Strikes Down Texas Voter ID Law

A legal setback for the Texas Voter ID law, but not much of a political setback for Voter ID laws in general.

Ohio, Ohio, Ohio

Once again, a Presidential election could be decided by the Buckeye State.

Election Night Might Be Over Early

Brookings Institute scholar William Galston says election night might end early this year even if the race remains tight.

Todd Akin Controversy Exposes Rift Inside The GOP

The fallout from Todd Akin’s rape comments on Sunday has exposed a rift in the Republican Party.

Pre-Convention Electoral College Wargaming Finds Romney In A Tough Spot

A pre-Convention look at the Electoral College map finds Mitt Romney in the same tight spot he’s been in for months now.

Another Week Where Romney’s Campaign Loses The News Cycle

Abortion and “legitimate rape” are not what the Romney campaign should be having to deal with this week.

Todd Akin Says He’s Staying In The Race

Todd Akin says he will continue to be the Republican nominee for United States Senate from Missouri.

An Observation about Akin

Ironically, the Congressman was trying to avoid actually taking a stand on the question of abortion in the case of rape.

Todd Akin Says He’ll Stay In Race, While Republicans Continue To Abandon Him

Todd Akin says he’s staying in the race, but his party is abandoning him.

Todd Akin’s Rape Remarks Causing Angst Among Republicans

National Republicans aren’t at all thrilled with Todd Akin right now.

Obama Campaign Tries To Distance Itself From “Mitt Killed A Lady” Ad, Lies In The Process

The Obama campaign told a few fibs in its effort to distance itself from a controversial Priorities USA ad.

Priorities USA: Mitt Romney Killed A Lady

A Pro-Obama SuperPAC is out with what may be the most despicable ad so far this election cycle.

Mitt Romney’s Path To Electoral College Victory Is Still Very Narrow

Mitt Romney faces an uphill battle in trying to get to that magic number of 270 Electoral Votes.

Mormonism Sure Is Weird

Jeffrey Goldberg asks, “What if Mitt Romney were Jewish?”

2012 Race Down to Seven Battleground States?

While the news media is focused on sixteen battleground states, the professionals running the Obama and Romney campaigns are focused on a much narrower list.

Obama’s Bain Attacks Aren’t Working

The Obama campaign’s focus on Mitt Romney’s years at Bain Capital don’t seem to be working.

The Battle For The Senate

The battle is on for control of the Senate, but whoever wins is likely to have a very slim majority.

Mitt Romney’s Incredibly Narrow Path To Victory

The biggest argument against Romney winning in November is the fact that there aren’t many ways for him to get to those pesky 270 Electoral Votes.

Court Rules That Accessing OTB At Work Isn’t A Federal Crime

A Federal Court rejects an effort to significantly expand the application of a law designed to target computer hacking.

Rick Santorum’s Delegates

Now that Rick Santorum is out of the race, what happens to his delegates?

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Also Ran Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Republican Slog Continues

Last night’s results ensure the race will continue to the convention.

Santorum Sweeps The Deep South, But Romney Wins The Delegate Fight Again

Rick Santorum won the night, but Mitt Romney continues to win the delegate hunt.

The Six States That Will Likely Decide The 2012 Election

Six states are likely to decide the 2012 election.

Romney Fails To Deliver Knockout Punch, Will Still Win Nomination

The race will go on after Super Tuesday, but the outcome seems ineviable

Did Rick Santorum Blow It In Michigan?

Rick Santorum’s inability to stay away from the culture wars may have been his undoing.

Mitt Romney’s Ford Field Fumble

Mitt Romney’s campaign gives us a lesson in how not to stage a “major” economic speech.