The Cuccinelli Blame Game And The GOP Civil War

Accusations of blame are already being tossed around about why Republicans lost in Virginia, and they mirror a broader debate in the Republican Party nationally.

Retail Politics And The Appeal Of Chris Christie

Looking at Chris Christie as he interacts with voters in New Jersey offers a glimpse of just how he could succeed in a 2016 GOP nomination fight.

Obama Aides Discussed Booting Biden From Ticket, Book Claims

The news that Obama aides discussed a change to the 2012 ticket is part of the latest Halperin/Heilemann campaign history.

Yes, Immigration Reform Is Dead, Probably Until 2015 At The Earliest

The prospect of Congressional action on immigration before the midterms just got a whole lot less likely.

Chris Christie’s Gay Marriage Decision And The Politics Of 2016

Chris Christie’s decision to take a tactical retreat on the issue of same-sex marriage raises some interesting questions for 2016.

Ted Cruz Begins Filibuster That Isn’t Really A Filibuster

Ted Cruz is holding the Senate floor “until I can no longer speak,” but he still won’t be able to stop the Senate from going forward.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Matriculate Your Way Into Syria Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Rick Santorum Will Not be the 2016 Republican Nominee

It may be Rick Santorum’s “turn” but he’s too harsh and extreme to win the nomination.

Chris Christie’s Misguided Attack On Rand Paul And The GOP’s ‘Libertarian’ Wing

Chris Christie waded into the debate going on in the GOP over foreign policy. His comments were less than helpful to say the least.

Bailing Out “Detroit” Didn’t Save Detroit, But It’s Not Clear Anything Can

Just as the auto industry has, painfully, had to learn to adapt to a new world, the city will as well even if that means becoming a shadow of its former self.

More Trouble For Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell

The drip, drip, drip in Richmond is turning into a flood.

Can Rick Perry Be A Viable Candidate In 2016?

Could Rick Perry recover from his disastrous 2012 campaign to become a viable candidate?

Immigration Reform Bill Passes Senate, Faces Bleak Future In House

The Senate passed an immigration reform bill today, but it’s not going to go anywhere.

A New Conspiracy Theory: IRS Tea Party Targeting Helped Win The Election For Obama

A new theory circulating on the right asserts that IRS targeting of Tea Party groups had an impact on the 2012 elections by diminish the Tea Party’s effectiveness. It’s mostly nonsense.

Border Security, Or Just Immigration Reform Obstructionism?

Opponents of immigration reform are using “border security” as a shield to hide their true desire to kill the very idea of immigration reform.

Initial Polls Seemingly In Conflict On Public Opinion Of NSA Surveillance Programs

Revelations about the NSA’s data mining programs don’t seem to be having a significant impact on public opinion.

What Did Susan Rice Know and When Did She Know It?

I have for months taken it as a given that she went on five Sunday morning talk shows and lied about what happened there. Did she?

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The The Audubon Autobahn Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Mitt Romney Stepping Back Into Political Arena

Mitt Romney returns from the political graveyard.

The “Obama Scandals” Could Backfire On Republicans

The GOP’s latest investigatory crusade could end up backfiring on them.

Too Early for 2016 Talk?

We’re actually not speculating about who might be running any more than we used to.

Demographic Trends Not Looking Good For Republicans

Republicans are fighting over how best to deal with their demographic problems, but they seem to be fighting the wrong battle.

Could Benghazi Have Changed The Outcome Of The 2012 Election?

Would more information about the Benghazi attacks have changed the outcome of the Presidential election?

Does Benghazi Rise To The Level Of A “Scandal?”

Republicans looking to Benghazi for political ammunition are likely going to be disappointed.

Benghazi: Incompetence But No Cover-Up

Yesterday’s hearings shed more light while also raising yet more questions to which we’ll likely never get a satisfactory answer.

Ted Cruz For President?

Is someone who’s only be a Senator for just over 100 days a serious contender for the Republican nomination in 2016?

Senators Who Voted Against Manchin/Toomey Take A Hit In the Polls, But Does It Matter?

Several Senators who voted against the Manchin/Toomey background checks bill have suffered in the polls, but it’s unclear if that matters in the long run.

Black Voter Turnout Higher Than White Voter Turnout In 2012

2012’s election represented a significant change in voting patterns in the United States. What’s unclear is if the change is a permanent one.

Huntsman 2016?

The GOP’s most promising alternative to Mitt Romney in 2012 may run again in 2016, but it doesn’t seem like he’d go very far.

Kid Rock Embarrassed to Be a Republican

The artist known as Kid Rock endorsed Mitt Romney but now says he’s “embarrassed to be a Republican.” Because of their stance on paperless tickets, naturally.

Social Conservatives Make An Empty Threat

Social conservatives are seeing their clout slip away, but there’s not much they can do about it.