FreedomWorks Shuts Down

MAGA has eaten the Tea Party.

Headline Reaction

David Brooks edition.

Trump’s Financial Troubles

What happens if a corrupt man who owes hundreds of millions is President?

Biden Energy Subsidies More Popular Than Projected

The projections were way off—in a good way.

Chris Christie 2024?!

Can the fat man take down the elephant in the room?

When Does Politics Stop Being Politics?

When we do it, it’s negotiation. When they do it, it’s hostage taking—and terrorism.

Trump’s Town Hall

CNN gave the former Liar in Chief a huuuge platform.

SOTU 2023: Normal vs Crazy

The state of the union is . . . not good.

Yellen Again Rejects Trillion Dollar Coin

A silly workaround to an infuriating problem that won’t go away.

Italy Expected to Elect Post-Fascist Premier

Democratic backsliding appears to be spreading to another European country.

Why isn’t Biden Magical?

Some pundits have high standards.

Manchin Shoots BBB Dead, Dead, Dead

The West Virginia Senator has taken the football from Charlie Brown and gone home.

Irrelevant Republicans Being Ignored!

The liberal media is giving all their attention to the tax and spend Democrats!

Debt Ceiling Thoughts

American exceptionalism at its worst. (Plus some history!).

Republicans Playing Chicken with Debt Ceiling. Again.

They shall not submit to blackmail!

Sullivan on Biden (and a Discussion of Fiscal Policy)

On fiscal policy and historical comparisons.

McConnell’s Statement on Afghanistan

Yes, it’s complicated, but it is also time to stop relying on cliches.

Fascism Is A Nationalist Aesthetic Movement

Fascism is less about real politics, which is what makes it terrifying.

tax taxes pig piggybank dollar signs chalkboard tax taxes pig piggybank dollar signs chalkboard

No, The Republican Tax Cuts Aren’t ‘Paying For Themselves’

Contrary to the promises of December 2017, the Republican tax cuts are not paying for themselves. Instead, they are helping lead us to trillion-dollar deficits.

Federal Budget Deficit Ends Fiscal Year Just Shy Of $1 Trillion

Don’t worry folks, we’ll make it past that mark quite easily over the course of the new Fiscal Year.

Trump And The GOP Have Continually Lied About The Budget Deficit And The Economy

President Trump and the Republican Party have spent the last three years lying about the Federal budget deficit and the economy.

Republicans Think They Can Win Back The House By Focusing On The Deficit And Health Care

Despite having utterly mishandled both areas when they actually held power, Republicans think they can win back the House of Representatives by focusing on the budget deficit and health care reform.

Welcome Back To The World Of Trillion-Dollar Deficits

As predicted, the Federal Budget Deficit has crossed the threshold back into the world of trillion-dollar deficits. This is all due to the hypocrisy of Republicans and so-called conservatives.

Budget Deficit Growing Faster Than Expected, CBO Reports

Thanks for nothing, Republicans.

Budget Deficit Sets Another Record Under Trump, Heads Toward $1 Trillion

The Federal Budget Deficit rose 27% in July, putting it on course for the $1 trillion by the end of September.

Trump And Congress Reach Deal On Budget-Busting Debt Deal

President Trump and the Congressional leadership have reached agreement on a multi-year budget deal that that busts through all remaining controls on spending.

Mark Sanford Considering Primary Challenge Against Trump

Former South Carolina Congressman and Governor Mark Sanford is reportedly considering an intra-party challenge to President Trump

Raise The Debt Ceiling? Let’s Eliminate It Instead

The Trump Administration is warning Congress that we will need to raise the debt ceiling by September. Congress should take this as an opportunity to eliminate it entirely.

Federal Budget Deficit Near $750 Billion For First Three-Fourths Of Fiscal Year

The Federal Budget Deficit passed the $700 Billion mark with three months still to go in the Fiscal Year.

Wyoming Senator Mike Enzi Won’t Run For Re-Election In 2020

The move creates a rare Senate opening in the Equality State, and an opportunity for the daughter of a certain former Vice-President.

Bill Weld Prepares For Primary Challenge To Trump

Former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld is preparing for a primary challenge against Donald Trump. He won’t win, but he could still have an impact.

Walter Jones, Iraq War Supporter Who Became Anti-War, Dies At 76

Walter Jones, a former supporter of the Iraq War who became one of the most prominent anti-war voices in Congress, has passed away at the age of 76. He will be missed.

National Debt Tops $22 Trillion, Up $2 Trillion Since 2017

The National Debt officially topped $22 trillion, marking a $2 trillion increase since President Trump took office.

Trump’s Tax Cuts Haven’t Resulted In The Economic Benefits He Promised

A new study reveals that the Republican tax cut package passed at the end of 2017 has not had the economic impact the GOP claimed it would.

Democrats United In Opposition To Trump’s Shutdown Offer

Not surprisingly, the President’s proposed shutdown deal is not being received well by Democrats on Capitol Hill.

Trump Offers Temporary DACA Protection In Exchange For Wall Funding

President Trump put an offer on the table to end the shutdown, the question is whether it will actually lead anywhere.

Budget Deficit On Pace To Exceed $1 Trillion For Current Fiscal Year

Two years of Republican control of the Legislative and Executive Branches has put us back on a path toward $1 trillion budget deficits.

No Progress In Talks To End Shutdown

As the shutdown continues, there’s little sign of progress on either end of Pennsylvania Avenue.

Growing Our Way Out Of Debt? Not Very Likely

The Trump Administration appears to think that the Budget Deficit and National Debt aren’t a big deal because we can just grow our way out of the problem. This is highly unlikely to happen.

Trump Shrugs Off Reports Of An Approaching Debt Crisis

Trump has reportedly told aides that he doesn’t really care about reports of an approaching crisis of the budget deficit and national debt because he’ll be out of office before it becomes a problem.

Federal Budget Deficit Heads Back Up Under Republican Rule

Nearly two years into Republican control of Washington, the budget deficit is headed back up.

Federal Budget Deficit Set To End Fiscal Year Near $1 Trillion, And Continue Growing

The Federal Budget Deficit is set to end the Fiscal Year close to $1 trillion, and to continue growing after that.

Whither the Fiscal Conservative?

Deficits continue to rise.

National Debt Passes $21 Trillion Mark As Republican Budget Deficits Begin To Rise

The National Debt has passed $21,000,000,000,000 for the first time in history just as the nation begins its return to the era of trillion dollar budget deficits.

Federal Government Set To Borrow $1 Trillion This Year

The Federal Government will borrow more than $1 trillion this year for the first time in more than a half-decade.

Federal Reserve Not Worried About Economy Overheating

The Federal Reserve sees the economy staying relatively the same for the foreseeable future, which is both a good and bad thing.

Economic Growth Beats Expectations, But It’s Hardly Impressive

The first estimate of economic growth in the first three months of 2018 beat expectations slightly, but it doesn’t bode well for the immediate future.

March Jobs Report Falls Short Of Expectations

March’s Jobs Report fell far short of expectations.

The GOP Is Now The Party Of Deficits And Debt, But Then It Always Has Been

Republicans spent the eight years of Obama Administration railing against fiscal irresponsibility. Now that they have power, they’re the ones being fiscally irresponsible.

The Era Of Trillion Dollar Deficits Is Set To Return, And Republicans Don’t Seem To Care

With Republicans fully in control in Washington, their concerns about the budget deficit seem to have disappeared.