One Year Later, The Debt Downgrade Doesn’t Seem To Have Mattered Very Much

One year ago, the U.S. lost it’s AAA credit rating with S&P. There doesn’t appear to have been any real impact from that decision.

Was The Revolution A Mistake?

Were the Colonists wrong to toss aside the British Empire so casually?

How Economic Doldrums Are Impacting The Election

A spate of bad economic news foretells a shift in the campaign for President.

Get Ready For Another Debt Ceiling Showdown

The battle lines are being drawn for another showdown over the debt ceiling.

Has National Debt Increased More Under Obama Than Bush?

Obama has borrowed slightly more money in 3 years than Bush did in 8. Does it matter?

Debt Under Obama Increasing Faster Than Under Bush

The debt has increased at a faster rate in the past three years than in the previous eight, but assigning blame isn’t what matters.

Gas Prices About To Become An Election Issue

Prices are rising at the pump, and the candidates for President are starting to notice.

The Truth About The So-Called “Buffett Rule”

On it’s own, the so-called “Buffett Rule” is unlikely to do much to reduce the deficit.

Ethanol Tax Credit Expires After Three Decades

Congress eliminates a bad subsidy, but it’s only because there’s a worse one on the books.

What Lies Ahead For The Economy?

Where is the economy headed? The signals are mixed at best.

Common Ground Between Occupy Wall Street And The Tea Party

More in common than they might think.

Woman Claims Herman Cain Groped Her In 1997

New accusations of inappropriate behavior mean another stressful week for Herman Cain.

Herman Cain Was Against A National Sales Tax Before He Was For It

Less than a year ago, Herman Cain was denouncing a tax plan that is remarkably similar to the one he now advocates.

Social Security Isn’t ‘Cash Negative’ – We Are

Social Security outlays are exceeding its income. Is that really a problem?

Clark Clifford Republicans

Have Republicans been co-opted by the Big Government they claim to hate?

What “Occupy Wall Street” Is Missing

By looking only in one direction, Occupy Wall Street is missing the big picture.

What If The Economy Never Really Gets Better?

The prospects for real economic recovery are not good.

#OccupyWallStreet: A Protest, Or A Temper Tantrum?

The Occupy Wall Street protests look more like a temper tantrum than a substantive protest movement.

Obama’s Millionaire’s Tax

President Obama is proposing a special tax rate for millionaires.

Are We Safer?

Measuring our progress a decade after the 9/11 attacks

Obama Jobs Speech Tough On Rhetoric, Light On Substance

Not surprisingly, there was very little about the President’s jobs speech to write home about.

Do Earthquakes Stimulate the Economy?

Either a bunch of bloggers or one of the world’s smartest economists doesn’t understand economics.

US Competitive Balance

Not only is the US outspending all our allies and competitors combined in real dollars on defense, we’re doing so in terms of GDP as well.

Does Ron Paul’s Strong Showing In Ames Matter? No

Does Ron Paul’s second place showing at Ames mean the media should take him seriously as a contender? No, it doesn’t.

FAA Funding Remains In Limbo As Congress Goes On Vacation

Congress is failing to complete even simple tasks thanks to a bitter partisan divide.

Tired Tropes: Kickin’ that Can

The problem with the ever popular complaint about kickin’ the can down the road.

The Tea Party’s Utopianism Is Making It Irrelevant

By insisting on perfection in the debt ceiling debate, the Tea Party has made itself irrelevant to the process.

Tom Coburn: Lady Gaga of Fiscal Conservatives

If a crisis over the national debt is averted, Oklahoma’s Tom Coburn may be the unlikely hero.

Moody’s Is Right, Eliminate The Debt Ceiling

Moody’s is on the right track. The current debt ceiling law has done more harm than good.

Is The House GOP’s “Cut Cap And Balance” Vote A Political Stunt? Probably

The House GOP has scheduled a vote next week on a debt ceiling package that is solely designed to mollify the base.

Debt Ceiling Concerns: Much Ado about Nothing?

Should we assume that a deal will eventually be struck and simply stop paying attention to the debt ceiling debate?

Why Do We Even Have A Debt Ceiling Law?

Based on its history, the debt ceiling law may be the most pointless statute in the entire U.S. Code.

Congressman: Lower the Debt Ceiling

Georgia Congressman Paul Broun has a radical suggestion: While we’re playing chicken with the nation’s debt, let’s cut $1.3 trillion from the debt ceiling!

Geither: Defaulting on Debt Unconstitutional

The Obama administration is arguing the 14th Amendment renders the debt ceiling moot.

The Balanced Budget Amendment Is A Bad Idea

House and Senate Republicans are pushing a Balanced Budget Amendment. It sounds like a good idea, but it isn’t.

Obama Is President, But Is He A Leader?

Barack Obama’s leadership style may be his undoing.

Is The Debt Ceiling Unconstitutional?

Does a little known provision in the 14th Amendment make the entire debt ceiling debate irrelevant?