Donald Trump v. The Rule Of Law

Donald Trump spent part of Labor Day engaged in yet another unhinged attack on his own Justice Department.

Lawsuits Challenge “Winner Take All” Allocation Of Electoral College Votes

A group of lawsuits filed across the country are seeking to challenge the predominant method for allocation of Electoral College votes. These lawsuits appear to have little merit.

[Death penalty - image of a stretcher with shackles] [Death penalty - image of a stretcher with shackles]

Pope Francis Declares Capital Punishment Unacceptable In All Circumstances

In what amounts to a significant, albeit not surprising, change in Catholic doctrine, Pope Francis has declared that the death penalty is unacceptable in all circumstances.

Trump Sells Out To Putin

President Trump’s summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin was an even bigger disaster than anticipated.

Democrats Set Early Date For 2020 Convention

Democrats have decided to move up the date of their 2020 Convention.

Is The E.R.A. Really Just One State Away From Ratification? Maybe, Maybe Not.

Earlier this week, the Illinois legislature ratified the Equal Rights Amendment. What’s unclear is if this act has any meaning at all.

Why Do We Have Congressional Chaplains To Begin With?

The incident involving Paul Ryan and the House Chaplain has raised some questions.

States Working To Chip Away At Abortion Rights While Trump Remakes The Judiciary

While the Trump Administration slowly tries to remake the Federal Judiciary, states are moving to pass radical new challenges to Roe v. Wade.

Texas And Six Other States Sue To End DACA Program

A new lawsuit seeks to have the 2012 DACA program declared unconstitutional.

Republicans Worried About Political Impact Of Trump’s Tariffs And Anti-Trade Rhetoric

Trump’s tariff plan isn’t going over well in farm country, and that could cause problems for the GOP in November.

Trump Escalates His Trade War Rhetoric With Predictable Results

President Trump is continuing his dangerous and misguided trade war rhetoric,

Mississippi Governor Taps Cindy Hyde-Smith To Replace Thad Cochran

Mississippi’s Governor has chosen a replacement for Thad Cochran, but the White House isn’t too happy about the pick.

2018 Is Looking Good For Democrats, But What About Nancy Pelosi?

Things are looking good for Democrats in 2018, but there’s some speculation that Nancy Pelosi’s position at the head of the party in the House could be in danger.

Conor Lamb’s Win Sets Off Debate Inside Democratic Party

Conor Lamb’s win in Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District has set off an inevitable debate inside the Democratic Party about how to approach the upcoming midterm elections.

Did Trump Really Move Left On Guns? Don’t Count On It

President Trump appeared to change positions on several gun control ideas, but he probably doesn’t mean it.

Trump Considered Dumping Gorsuch Over Perceived Disloyalty

Report that President Trump considered withdrawing the Gorsuch nomination are another sign of his unhealthy obsession with pledges of loyalty from people who have no business giving it to him.

No Matter Who Wins In Alabama, Republicans Stand To Lose

There are no good outcomes for the GOP in Alabama.

Citing Nastiness In Trump Era GOP, Jeff Flake Announces He’s Retiring

One of the few Republicans willing to speak out against Donald Trump is retiring at the end of his current term.

Steve Bannon Declares War On The Senate GOP

Former Trump aide Steve Bannon is declaring war on Republicans in the Senate.

Hugh Hefner Dies At 91

Hugh Hefner, who became both a cultural icon and a catalyst and reflector of vast social changes, has died at the age of 91.

Trump Suggests ‘Military Option’ In Venezuela

More stupid, irresponsible rhetoric from the President of the United States.

George Will on Alabama and GOP Politics

On the special election for US Senate in Alabama

Republican Health Care Chaos

The Senate left for vacation without a viable path forward on health care reform, and the road ahead seems treacherous and hard to navigate.

Puerto Rico Votes Overwhelmingly For Statehood in Heavily Boycotted Referendum

Puerto Rican voters voted overwhelmingly for statehood yesterday in a referendum whose legitimacy is being questioned due to boycotts by opposition parties.

Was The Russia Investigation The Real Reason For Comey’s Firing? It Sure Seems Like It

There seems to be no question that the decision to fire James Comey was motivated largely by the President’s frustrations over the fact that his campaign is under investigation.

Gorsuch Has Another Good Day In Front Of Senate Judiciary Committee

More fireworks on the second day of the questioning of Neil Gorsuch, but his confirmation nonetheless seems assured.

Judge Gorsuch Parts With Trump On Attacks On Judiciary

Judge Gorsuch isn’t much of a fan of Donald Trump’s comments about the judiciary.

Senator Elizabeth Warren Silenced By Senate During Debate On Sessions Nomination

There were fireworks on the floor of the Senate last night, but it was really just politics as usual.

The Most Dreadful Inaugural Address in History

A speech traditionally used to unite was instead a continuation of a divisive campaign.

No, The Electoral College Is Not Unconstitutional

Wherein a law professor makes the absurd argument that the Electoral College, which exists pursuant to the Constitution, is unconstitutional.

Why Did Clinton Lose The Election? Perhaps The Blame Lies With Her Own Campaign

Hillary Clinton’s national campaign wasn’t nearly as well-organized as we’d been led to believe.

Electoral College Wargames And Paths To Victory

A look at the Electoral College shows that It is far more likely that Hillary Clinton will win the election than that Donald Trump will.

Evan McMullin’s Presidential Campaign Not Going So Well

The “independent conservative” running for President is finding it hard to even get on the ballot.

Delaware Supreme Court Strikes Down Death Penalty As Unconstitutional

The death penalty appears to be effectively dead in Delaware thanks to a decision by the State Supreme Court.

Nobody Wants To Speak At Donald Trump’s Convention

Republican officials are running away from Donald Trump the way they’d run away from a horde of mosquitoes infected with the Zika virus.

Hillary Clinton Is Crushing Donald Trump In The Money Race

Donald Trump has almost no cash on hand. That doesn’t bode well for his campaign going forward.

Senate Approves Bill Requiring Women To Register For The Draft

The Senate has passed an amendment to a military spending bill that would require women to register for the draft.

Bill Kristol Reportedly Floating National Review Writer As Independent Candidate For President

Bill Kristol’s plan to stop Donald Trump involves a long shot independent bid for the White House by someone most Americans have never heard of before.

Obama Announces End Of U.S. Arms Embargo Against Vietnam

On his trip to Hanoi, President announced the latest sign that the Vietnam War is finally something both nations have manged to put behind them.

Pfizer Bars Use Of Its Drugs In Capital Punishment

Pfizer has become the latest drug maker from barring its products from being used in executions.

Donald Trump Within 102 Delegates Of Clinching GOP Nomination

With the field before him now clear, Donald Trump is now assured to win the Republican Presidential Nomination. After that, though, his plans don’t seem to make a lot of sense.

Eight Years Ago, Clinton Trounced Obama In West Virginia. Today, She Looks Likely To Lose

Thanks largely to the fact that she has moved left on coal, Hillary Clinton seems likely to lose today’s West Virginia primary. But it will have only a minimal impact on Clinton’s quest for a delegate majority.

Sanders Wins Indiana Primary, But Hillary Clinton Continues To Advance In Delegate Fight

Bernie Sanders won the Indiana Primary last night, but Hillary Clinton continues to accrue the delegates she needs to become the Democratic nominee.

Donald Trump Wins Indiana, Becomes Presumptive Nominee, As Ted Cruz Drops Out

Donald Trump’s win last night made him the presumptive Republican nominee, whether Republicans will unify around him is another question.

Trump Sweeps Mid-Atlantic Primaries, Putting Himself One Step Closer To Victory

Another round of victories puts Donald Trump another step closer to the Republican nomination.

Nebraska To Abandon Congressional District Method For Electoral Votes?

Nebraska legislators are talking about abandoning their somewhat unique method of allocating Electoral College votes.

Justices Sharply Divided In Latest Obamacare Birth Control Mandate Case

The Supreme Court appeared deadlocked during oral argument in the latest case dealing with the PPACA’s contraceptive coverage mandates.

Republican Delegate Math Continues To Heavily Favor Donald Trump

Looking at the delegate math, Donald Trump’s path to victory seems to be becoming clearer by the day.

Supreme Court Rejects Lawsuit Against Legal Pot In Colorado

The Supreme Court rejected a lawsuit filed by Nebraska and Oklahoma against Colorado’s decision to legalize marijuana.