Paul Manafort is Not Having a Good Day

Minutes after a Federal judge added 43 months to his sentence, New York state prosecutors unsealed an indictment that could yield another 7 years.

Congressman: Abolish Filibuster and Electoral College

Massachusetts Democrat Seth Moulton makes an argument familiar to OTB readers.

Democrats Pick Milwaukee For 2020 Convention

For their 2020 convention, Democrats are headed to the Midwest.

Roy Moore “Seriously Considering” Running For Senate Again

Disgraced former Chief Justice of Alabama Roy Moore is apparently “seriously considering” running for Senate in 2020.

On Personal Liberty And Vaccination

Mandatory vaccination laws raise personal liberty issues that ought to be taken seriously, but in the end, public health concerns weigh heavily in favor of laws mandating vaccination.

Spring Forward? Fall Back? Let’s Just Pick A Time And Stay There

It’s that time of year again, and once again people are asking if it isn’t time to drop the whole ritual of changing time every six months altogether.

Despite Donald Trump, America’s Institutions Are Prevailing

It’s been a rough two years under Trump, but America’s institutions are surviving.

Paul Manafort’s Sentence, Justice, And The Question Of Race

The relatively light sentence that Paul Manafort received is raising eyebrows. Hopefully it will lead to a long-overdue debate on sentencing reform.

Judge Finds Trump Administration Broke Law With Citizenship Question On Census

A second Federal Judge has found that the Commerce Department violated the law when it moved to put a question about citizenship on the 2020 Census form.

February Jobs Numbers Fall Far Short Of Expectations

Job growth in February was far below estimates, but we did see some solid wage growth and other signs that we’re approaching what economists refer to as “full employment.”

Marijuana Legalization Becoming Consensus Issue Among 2020 Democratic Candidates

Democratic candidates for President are quickly voicing support for marijuana legalization.

DNC Excludes Fox News From Hosting A 2020 Primary Debate

As it has since 2007, the Democratic National Committee is barring Fox News from hosting a debate featuring the party’s candidates for President.

Another Study Rebuts The Claim That Vaccinations Cause Autism

A decade-long study once again establishes that there is no link between childhood vaccination and autism.

The Saudis Tortured An American Citizen, Trump Looked The Other Way

The Saudis tortured an American citizen, but the Trump Administration doesn’t care.

Trump Intervened To Get Ivanka Trump A Security Clearance

For the second time in a week, reports indicate that the President intervened to get a family member a security clearance.

Michael Bloomberg Not Running For President

For the fourth time since the 2008 election cycle, Michael Bloomberg flirted with the idea of running for President. For the fourth time, he declined to do so.

U.S. Measles Cases Hit Another High

Measles cases in the United States are surging thanks to the lies spread by the anti-vaccination movement.

Justin Trudeau’s Image Tainted Amid Growing Scandal In Canada

There’s a political scandal brewing in Canada just as that nation starts looking ahead to elections later this year.

Fox News And The Trump Presidency: State Run Media, Or A Media Run State?

A new report demonstrates that the relationship between Fox News Channel and the Trump Administration is much closer and more pervasive than previously believed.

Hillary Clinton Not Running For President Again

We won’t have Hillary Clinton to kick around anymore.

John Hickenlooper, Former Colorado Governor, Enters Presidential Race

Former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper is the latest entrant into an already crowded Democratic field.

House Passes Measures To Strengthen Gun Background Checks

Last week, the House passed two bills to strengthen the laws regarding background checks for guns, but they’re not likely to even make it to the floor of the Senate.

Donald Trump and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: A Study in Contrasts

The President of the United States and the most-talked-about freshman Representative in ages could not be more different.

Washington Governor Jay Inslee Is Running For President

Washington Governor Jay Inslee is running for the Democratic nomination for President on a platform primarily focused on climate change. Whether that helps distinguish him from a growing field of candidates remains to be seen.

Trump Ordered Security Clearance For Jared Kushner Despite Objections

President Trump personally overrode the objections of security officials, the White House Counsel, and the Chief of Staff to make sure his son-in-law got a security clearance.

Supreme Court Appears Likely To Let ‘Peace Cross’ On Public Property Stay In Place

The Supreme Court appears to be leaning toward letting a war memorial on public property stay in place.

Michael Cohen Hearing Paints Trump In Horrible Light

Michael Cohen pulled back the curtain and revealed much about the true nature of Donald Trump yesterday. It’s not a pretty picture.

Michael Cohen Set To Deliver Potentially Blockbuster Evidence Against Trump

Michael Cohen, the President’s former lawyer and “fixer,” is set to deliver several bombshells in his testimony before Congress today.

Separation Of Church And State Back Before The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is set to hear oral argument in a case involving a World War I Memorial in the form of a cross on public land in Suburban Maryland.

Republicans Face A Choice: Do They Support The Constitution, Or Trump?

Republicans face a choice in the coming days. Do they support the Constitution, or do they support Donald Trump? You can count on them making the wrong choice.

Australia’s Top Cardinal Convicted Of Abusing Children

Cardinal George Pell, the top Catholic Cleric in Australia, has been convicted of sexually abusing boys in the 1990s.

Former Trump Campaign Staffer Files Lawsuit Alleging Assault By Trump

A 2016 Trump Campaign staffer has filed a lawsuit against the President alleging that she was assaulted by Trump during the campaign.

I Don’t Care Where Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lives

Breathless coverage of this freshman Congressman is getting tiresome.

Felons Are Keeping Guns That Should Be Taken Away From Them

Gun laws requiring guns to be taken away from convicted felons are either being ignored or have too many loopholes. We need to fix that.

Solving The District Of Columbia Problem

There’s only one solution to the D.C. statehood issue. It’s called retrocession.

Racist Republican Congressman Steve King Is Unrepentant And Running For Re-Election

Steve King isn’t backing down from his history of white supremacy and racism. And he’s also running for re-election.

Amy Klobuchar is Temperamentally Unsuited for the Presidency

And I’d still prefer her to Donald Trump.

Robert Caro’s Obligations to Readers

The 83-year-old is taking time off finishing his LBJ quintilogy to write his memoirs. Is that selfish?

Majority Of Americans Oppose Overturning Roe v. Wade

A new poll shows that most Americans believe the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision should remain the law on the land. Opinion on other abortion-related issues is more divided.

1970s and 1980s Yearbooks Featured Blatant Racism—And Not Just in the South

Ku Klux Klan jokes, fake lynchings, and the like were routinely depicted even at places like Cornell.

Mueller Report Coming Soon?

Robert Mueller appears to be winding down his investigation and getting ready to submit a report to the Attorney General.

The Republican Game Plan For 2020: Demonization And Demagoguery

Following Donald Trump’s lead, the GOP is making clear that its game plan for 2020 is paint all Democrats as ‘socialists, baby killers, and anti-Semites.’

ACLU Files Lawsuit Against Trump Over ‘Emergency’ Declaration

The American Civil Liberties Union has joined the list of groups with lawsuits against the President’s declaration of a “national emergency” at the southern border.

Time to Reconsider New York Times v Sullivan?

Justice Clarence Thomas argues that a 55-year-old precedent should be overturned.

For Now, Obama Is Staying On The 2020 Sidelines

For now,former President Obama is staying on the sidelines in the race for the Democratic nomination.

Bernie Sanders Is Running For President Again

Bernie is back and running for President, but he’s likely to face a tougher road this time around.

Sixteen States, Other Groups, Sue Trump Over Border Wall ‘National Emergency’

The lawsuits against President Trump’s “national emergency” have begun. Except more.

Can Coverage of Women Candidates Be Non-Sexist?

Gender bias is real. Most examples cited, though, aren’t.

The Rift Between The U.S. And Europe Gets Wider And Wider

The Trump Administration continues to drive a wedge between the United States and Europe, can it ever be repaired?

Supreme Court Accepts Appeal Of Case Barring Citizenship Question From Census

The Supreme Court will hear a case dealing with a challenge to the Commerce Department’s decision to put a question about citizenship on the 2020 Census.