Obama’s Second Term Honeymoon Looks To Be Over

President Obama’s job approval numbers have fallen off from their post-election highs. But, does it matter?

Trying to Understand Benghazi!

A theory on why Benghazi will not die as a political issue.

Poor Pay High Taxes, If We Redefine ‘Taxes’

The American tax code contains perverse incentives and barriers to getting out of poverty.

Law School Applications Nearing 30 Year Low

Applications to America’s Law Schools are down, because the nature of the legal profession is changing.

Prestige Schools Dominate Academic Placement

Want to teach political science for a living? Go to one of a handful of top schools or don’t bother.

Harvey Mansfield Sees Crisis of American Self-Government

Harvard’s pet conservative offers a critique of the Democratic Party that reads like something from the OTB comments section.

The Horrors of Having to Think Differently

Thinking can be an uncomfortable exercise.

The Clinton-Bush-Obama Trifecta

Are two-term Presidencies the new normal?

So What Did Silver Opponent Jay Cost Have to Say?

More griping about poor analysis.

Interpretation, Art, and Analysis

The analyst actually wants to understand and be correct far more than he or she wants their preferences to prevail in the analysis

Young Voters Far Less Enthusiastic For Obama This Time Around

Younger voters are starting to become as cynical as the rest of us.

Undecided Voters Aren’t Stupid and Have Opinions

John Sides argues that, contrary to popular conception, undecided voters are neither morons nor non-partisan.

American Politics And The Denial Of Reality

It’s no wonder partisans can’t agree with each other when they can’t even agree what the facts are.

The Most Serious Aspect of the Poll Denialist Position

Getting to the heart of the problem from my POV (plus historical numbers).

Is Early Voting A Good Idea?

Should people be able to vote six weeks before Election Day?

Signs and Portents

Harvard Students Accused Of Cheating Respond To Allegations

Some of the Harvard students accused of cheating are speaking out, and making allegations of their own.

Harvard Says 125 Students May Have Cheated In ‘Introduction To Congress’ Class

Harvard has announced the discovery of what one official calls an “unprecedented” cheating scandal.

‘Democrat’ Artur Davis Speaking at Republican Convention

A black ‘Democrat’ who seconded Obama’s nomination in 2008 is endorsing Romney in 2012. It’s not a big deal.

Applying for a PhD in Political Science

Dan Nexon often gets asked by prospective candidates how they might improve their chances at getting into a PhD program in political science.

Politics and Political Science

It would be nice if people who make authoritative decisions had some idea what they are talking about.

June Jobs Report Brings Another Round Of Disappointment

With four months to go until Election Day, the Obama Campaign was greeted with a very dismal jobs report this morning.

Further Evidence That Voters Don’t Pay Attention To Gaffes

Voters don’t seem all that interesting in the things that the political media becomes obsessed with.

Why Has Public Approval Of The Supreme Court Declined?

Public opinion of the Supreme Court has declined in recent years. But It’s not because of anything the Court did.

Is It Racist To Oppose Barack Obama?

Figuring out how much of the opposition to a black president is based on racism is . . . complicated.

Naomi Schaefer Riley and Mob Rule

A blog post lampooning black studies dissertations got a writer fired, setting off a controversy over the limits of free speech.

More on the Federalist Papers as the Rosetta Stone for the Constitution

There are a number of problems with the notion that the Federalist Papers provide a perfect guide to the Constitution.

Are Today’s College Students Dumber and Lazier?

The Wall Street Journal publishes a screed aimed at those about to graduate college.

Teaching the Federalist Papers

If we taught the Federalist Papers more rigorously would that lead to a shared view of the constitution?

What Today’s Scholars Can Learn From Watson and Crick

The famous “double helix” article was published 59 years ago today. It’s worth a look.

Most Useless College Majors

The major you choose in college will have an impact on your future.

President Obama Much Bigger Fan of Executive Power Than Senator Obama

Charlie Savage documents a major shift in Barack Obama’s philosophy of presidential authority.

Ted Nugent Said Something Stupid; I Apologize

Ted Nugent, whose music I really liked when I was in junior high school, said something vile and crazy.

Romney Infographic: “Women & The Obama Economy”

The Romney campaign is pushing back on the “Republican War on Women” meme with this infographic on “Women & The Obama Economy.”

Where Have the Thoughtful Conservatives Gone?

OTB’s comment section as a microcosm of the American political landscape.

Newt Gingrich’s ‘Think Tank’ Bankrupt

Newt Gingrich is morally and intellectually bankrupt, so perhaps it’s no surprise that his health care think tank is now fiscally bankrupt.

IR Wonks vs. IR Journals

Dan Drezner declares that “Policy wonks ignore political science journals at their peril.”