What Should Americans Know About American Government?

What walking around knowledge about our political system is necessary to be an informed citizen?

Professionalization and Marginalization of International Relations Field

The takeover of academic IR study by the stats geeks is complete.

Newt, the Trayvon Martin Shooting, and Race

Solutions come from understanding, not denial or political posturing

Further Thoughts On The Resonance And Relevance Of The Etch-A-Sketch Meme

The Etch A Sketch meme isn’t nearly as powerful as those pushing it believe it to be.

Gas Prices Hurting Obama In The Polls, But Will It Matter In November?

Rising fuel prices are starting to hurt the President in the polls, but it’s unclear what that means for November.

Captain Carroll LeFon, Neptunus Lex, Killed in Crash

Carrol LeFon, better known on the Internet as Neptunus Lex, one of the original milbloggers, has been killed in a fighter jet crash.

Rick Santorum And Conservative Anti-Intellectualism

A man who has three degrees from three public universities considers the President of the United States a “snob.”

Stolen Valor Act and the Supreme Court

Why should lying about having served in combat or been awarded a medal for valor should be legally different from lying about athletic prowess in high school, the number of sexual partners you’ve had, or the size of one’s sex organs?

More Maker/Taker Musings

The NYT has an interesting piece on the ongoing limted v. big governemnt debate.

On Using the US Constitution as a Model

Yes, the US Constitution has been the most successful such document in human history. That does not mean it is a good template for other countries.

Mitt Romney, Al Gore, and John Kerry Birds of a Feather?

Is the presumptive Republican nominee too handsome, too rich, and too pompous to win the hearts of ordinary Americans?

Republicans Vying For Tim Tebow Endorsement

Republican candidates have reached out to Tim Tebow for an endorsement. Desperation?

Sorry Jon Huntsman, Third Place Isn’t Good Enough

Jon Huntsman put on a brave face last night, but he’s really got nowhere to go from here.

The Presidency That Republicans Would Rather Forget

The Republican candidates for President have apparently forgotten that this guy was their party’s nominee twice.

Herman Cain’s Low Class Attack On Sharon Bialek

Herman Cain’s initial response to the allegations made yesterday leaves much to be desired.

The Key Question for Republicans Regarding November 2012

Is public dissatisfaction with Obama also a cry for a conservative revolution?

Why Athletes Graduate at Higher Rate Than Other Students

Contrary to popular belief, college athletes graduate at a much higher rate than other students.

Think Before Running For President

Byron York argues that the lesson of Rick Perry’s candidacy is “Think before you run.”

Some Political Science on Obese Candidates

Some actual political science suggests that being an overweight male candidate may not be a negative for voters.

Experts and Cable News

Why talk to boring experts when you can, instead, air some more bickering?

Ames Matters, But What If Ron Paul Wins?

Time for the spinning of the straw poll results to begin.

Veto Players and Governance

A political science-y response to the question of whether the system is broken.

Super Tuesday Won’t Be So Super In 2012

The primary calendar is going to look very different next year.

Rick Perry’s Grades

Texas Governor Rick Perry got lousy grades as an undergrad at Texas A&M. Does it matter?

Can Any Republican Beat Obama in 2012?

Does it matter which candidate the GOP nominates?

Most Hated Congress Ever

The job approval numbers for Congress are at historic lows, but will that matter in 2012?

Syrian Crackdown Continues, International Options Limited

International options with respect to Syria are limited and likely to have little impact on the governments treatment of civilians.

Vietnam Draft Lottery Had Lasting Impact

The draft ended in 1973. It’s effects still linger today.

Jungle Alien Loon Likes Pawlenty

A retiree with some rather strange views hosted a Tim Pawlenty event.

Professor Bias and Student Perception

Do ideologically radical professors impose their biases on their students?

University of Texas clocktower University of Texas clocktower

University of Texas Professors: Already Teaching

Texas A&M professor finds serious flaws in college faculty productivity study.

Unemployment and Education

Your major matters. But not as much as simply having a degree.

Make Professors Teach!

A new study finds that college tuition costs could be cut in half if lazy professors got off their butts.

Too Many F’s

In colleges with non-selective or open admissions policies, having large numbers of F’s in introductory courses is the norm.

Madison’s Defintion(s) of Republic

More on the whole “republic not a democracy” discussion.

The Towering Power of Saul Alinsky in American Political Science

Despite recent obsession with him, Saul Alinsky’s work has not garnered much attention from political scientists.

Will Republicans Get Sane On The Debt Ceiling?

Wall Street says raise the debt ceiling. The Tea Party says no. What will the GOP do?

President Obama Wades Back Into The Middle East Quicksand

Once again, an American President thinks he can bring peace to the Middle East.