The Unanswered Question About Drones

Rand Paul’s questions about the nation’s drone war were only the beginning.

Why Rand Paul’s Filibuster Mattered

Rand Paul’s filibuster is one that all American’s should thank him for that.

Rand Paul Filibustering Brennan Nomination

Mr. Paul Goes To Washington.

Obama White House Thinks It Can Kill Americans In America

The Obama White House is not ruling out targeted strikes against Americans inside American territory.

CPAC Snubs Chris Christie

CPAC’s organizers have decided not to invite the most popular Governor in the country.

GOP Swings And Misses At Clinton Benghazi Hearings

Despite some tough questions, Congressional Republicans didn’t land a glove on Secretary of State Clinton.

Senator Ashley Judd?

Actress Ashley Judd is reportedly considering a run for the United States Senate.

Palin As The GOP’s 2016 Savior? In Your Dreams

Guess who’s back?

In 2012, Democrats Had The Advantage On Foreign Policy

Without question, Barack Obama won the foreign policy debate in the 2012 campaign.

Rand Paul Criticizes Romney’s Foreign Policy Speech

One of Mitt Romney’s own supporters didn’t like his foreign policy speech very much.

A Foreign Policy Of Self-Interested Non-Interventionism

With Mitt Romney and Barack Obama basically saying the same things about foreign policy, it’s time to take a look at an alternative.

Rand Paul Offers An Alternate Path On Foreign Policy For The GOP

Senator Rand Paul suggests the GOP may want to reconsider its foreign policy aggressiveness.

GOP Foreign Policy Positions Expose Their Claim To Be A Party Of Limited Government As A Lie

The GOP claims to be a party that favors limited government, but its foreign policy positions reveal this to be little more than a lie.

Two Words Missing From The Republican Convention: Tea Party

Over two days of speakers, not a single Republican has mentioned the Tea Party.

Rand Paul Rips Mitt Romney’s Statements On Presidential War Powers

Rand Paul calls Mitt Romney out over his comments about Presidential War Powers.

Mitt Romney Has Some Very Disturbing Opinions On Presidential War Powers

Mitt Romney believes he could take America to war without Congressional involvement.

Who’s On The Democratic Bench For 2016?

If not Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden, who might the Democrats have to choose from in 2016?

Ron Paul’s Delegate “Wins” Won’t Amount To Anything

Ron Paul’s supporters are racking up delegate wins at party conventions in caucus states, but it won’t matter in the end.

Do Endorsements Matter?

Like most endorsements, Jeb Bush’s endorsement of Mitt Romney is unlikely to have a major impact on the race.

Republican Senators Leading Effort To Halt Automatic Pentagon Cuts

Not surprisingly, Republicans are trying to reverse the automatic cuts to defense spending agreed to in August.

Another Round Of Hand-Wringing Over “Negative Campaigns”

Once again, the punditocracy is bemoaning the rise of so-called “negative campaigning.”

Last Night Was Ron Paul’s High Point

Last night was the high point of Ron Paul’s 2012 campaign for the Presidency.

Richard Lugar: Tea Party Cost GOP Senate Control In 2010

Facing his own Tea Party challenge, Richard Lugar reminds Republicans of an uncomfortable truth.

Gary Johnson To Leave GOP Race, Run For Libertarian Party Nomination

Gary Johnson is jumping ship.

Defense Bill Allows For Indefinite Military Detention of American Citizens

The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 authorizes the President the authority to indefinitely detain persons, even American citizens arrested on American soil, without trial because they allegedly support the enemy.

Clark Clifford Republicans

Have Republicans been co-opted by the Big Government they claim to hate?

The Tea Party’s Utopianism Is Making It Irrelevant

By insisting on perfection in the debt ceiling debate, the Tea Party has made itself irrelevant to the process.

Obama Still Trying To Sell GOP On “Grand Bargain” Debt Deal

It was a largely fruitless weekend in the debt negotiations.