Republican Party Politics And The Isolationist Canard

A few Republicans have picked up on John McCain’s criticism of critics of the Libya mission as being “isolationist.”

A Libertarian Moment?

Recent polls seem to indicate a shift in public opinion in a more libertarian direction.

Republicans At A Foreign Policy Crossroads

For the first time since the end of World War II, the GOP is wrestling with two diametrically opposed visions of foreign affairs.

Opposing Dumb, Unnecessary Wars Is Not “Isolationism”

Contrary to what Senator McCain, seeking realism in military policy does not make one an isolationist.

Jon Stewart Not a Moderate!

Don’t confuse moderation in tone with moderation in beliefs.

Rand Paul Delays Renewal Of PATRIOT Act

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul wants a full debate on the PATRIOT Act. What’s Congress so afraid of?

Obama Administration Tells Congress War Powers Act Doesn’t Apply To Libya Mission

The Obama Administration is offering an odd explanation for why it doesn’t need to comply with the War Powers Act.

Don’t Blame Obama For The Death Of The War Powers Act

It has now been 60 days since American involvement in Libya commenced. Congress has failed to act, and that’s their fault.

Rand Paul’s Pointless Gimmick: The Gas Tax Holiday

Rand Paul has borrowed a bad idea from the 2008 Presidential campaign.

Ron Paul Says He Would Have Voted Against The 1964 Civil Rights Act

Thanks to an appearance on Hardball we’ve got another story about a 47 year old law.

Authorization For Libyan War Set To Expire Next Week, Don’t Expect Anyone To Do Anything About It

The 60 day deadline for Presidential discretion under the War Powers Act will expire next week. Congress won’t do anything about it.

Tea Party Politics At The State Level: Less Libertarian, More Authoritarian

If you look at the Tea Party’s impact on state politics, you see it really isn’t much different from the Religious Right.

Rand Paul: Both Sides Will Have To Compromise To Reach A Budget Deal

One of the Tea Party movement’s favorite Senators used the dreaded c-word.

John Boehner Doesn’t Want A Shutdown Next Week, But The Tea Party Does

The next week promises to be a battle between John Boehner and the Tea Party over whether or not compromise is a good idea.

President Obama Drops The Ball On Deficit Reduction

President Obama’s new budget involves nothing less than a thumb in the eye of anyone who hoped he would seriously address federal spending in his first term.

Cheney and Rumsfeld Booed at CPAC

The media are wildly exaggerating the heckling at a gathering of conservatives.

Rand Paul Is Right: End Welfare To Israel, And The Rest Of The World

The debate over Senator Rand Paul’s proposed $500 billion spending cut plan has focused almost exclusively on one issue, and one nation.

Rand Paul, David Vitter Take Aim At Birthright Citizenship

Two Senators are proposing a Constitutional Amendment to redefine what it means to be an American citizen.

The Rand Paul Plan

Moast Loathesome Americans

The Beast has released its The 50 Most Loathsome Americans of 2010, which I gather is supposed to be amusing rather than taken seriously.

Civility to Republicans’ Advantage?

Now that Republicans have the House, wouldn’t they be better off playing nice?

Will Republicans Play Chicken With The Debt Ceiling Vote?

Within the first few months of 2011, Congress will be required to take another unpalatable vote to raise the debt ceiling. Already, some incoming Republicans are talking about waging an effort to block the vote. That would be politically, and financially, stupid.

Tea Party Group Vows No More Christine O’Donnell’s Or Sharron Angle’s

At least one group of Tea Party activists seems to realize that their biggest mistake of the 2010 election cycle was backing candidates like Christine O’Donnell who turned out to be their own worst enemies.

Rand Paul, The Tea Party, And The Phony “War On Earmarks”

Rand Paul is taking some heat for remarks that may or may not indicate that he’s backtracking on his previous vow not to seek earmark spending for Kentucky. Yes folks, the phony war on earmarks is back.

Republicans Still Not Getting Specific On Spending Cuts

They’ve won the elections, but Republicans still aren’t getting specific about exactly where they’d cut Federal spending.

Gary Johnson: 2012’s Ron Paul

He’s the darkest of dark horses right now, but Gary Johnson stands as the heir apparent to Ron Paul’s surprisingly energetic 2008 run for the GOP nomination.

The Tea Party And Foreign Policy

Will the incoming “Tea Party” caucus in the House and Senate force the GOP to reconsider its views on foreign policy? Don’t count on it.