Two-Thirds of Tea Party Candidates Lost?

An NBC analysis shows Tea Party candidates winning only 5 of 10 Senate races and 40 of 130 House races, a success rate of only 32 percent.

Election Results Are A Mixed Verdict For The Tea Party

Last night’s election results stand as a mixed verdict on the Tea party and its impact on the Republican Party.

Republicans Win House Big; Tea Party Costs Them Senate

The enthusiasm for Tea Party candidates likely helped the House Republican wave. But it also likely cost the GOP four Senate seats that it would otherwise have won — and thus the majority.

DeMint Answers my GOP/Tea Party Question

Senator DeMint provides the basic answers to my Tea Party/GOP questions from earlier today.

Which Candidates are Tea Partiers?

Who are the Tea Party candidates and who will be the Tea Party office holders?

National Republicans Abandoning Joe Miller?

National Republicans are reportedly abandoning Joe Miller’s Senate campaign at the last minute out of fear that only Lisa Murkowski can stop Alaska’s Senate seat from falling into Democratic hands. That could have a serious impact down the road for relations between inside-the-beltway Republicans and the Tea Party.

Johnny Carson as Carnak Johnny Carson as Carnak

2010 Election Predictions

We’ve been talking about the 2010 elections since, oh, the day after the 2008 elections.   Now, it’s time for final predictions.

Aqua Buddha Comes Back To Haunt Jack Conway In Kentucky

Jack Conway’s “Aqua Buddha” ad has come back to haunt him in the polls, and may become the act that seals his fate on Election Day.

What Is The Tea Party Foreign Policy?

The Tea Party movement doesn’t seem to have a coherent view on foreign policy. Which means that a Tea Party victory will just mean more of the same Republican neo-conservatism.

“Princess Sarah” Causing Frustration Among Some Republicans

Sarah Palin is causing headaches among fellow Republicans regarding her 2010 endorsement activities.

Kentucky Senate Race Turns Nasty

If you’re looking for negative campaigning, personal insults, and all the other things that make American politics fun, look no further than Kentucky.

Could Republicans Win the Senate?

Polls show the Republicans easily retaking the House but falling short in the Senate. But 2006 showed us that wave elections can produce shocking outcomes.

The Year of the (Odd) Candidate

Politicians are, by definition, a bit abnormal. However, this year we seem to have more than our fair share of the truly odd.

Change in American Political Parties

If the Republicans win back Congress in November, it will be largely unearned. But that doesn’t mean that there’s no incentive for change in American politics.

Silly Third Party Musings

Thomas Friedman engages in some early speculation about a serious third party presidential run. As usual, such speculation ignores the basic structures of American politics.

Kentucky Senate Race Tightening ? Maybe Not

A newly released poll on the Kentucky Senate race may not be an accurate measure of what’s actually going on in that race.

Kentucky Senate Race Tightens

Jack Conway is now only 2 points behind Tea Party favorite Rand Paul.

Odds Of GOP Senate Takeover Less Likely After Delaware Primary

Christine O’Donnell’s victory in Delaware Tuesday has made it less likely that the GOP will be able to take control of the Senate, but they still have an excellent shot of making substantial gains that will transform Congress’s Upper House.

Sarah Palin And The 2010 Elections

Sarah Palin had a very good track record in her primary season endorsements, but it’s not at all clear that she will have much of an impact on the 2010 General Election.

Playing The Gender Card In The O’Donnell Backlash

At least one Christine O’Donnell supporter thinks that Republicans who aren’t jumping on are bandwagon are doing so because of her gender.

What the GOP Just Won in Delaware: a Likely Loss in November

The Delaware GOP now has, according to Nate Silver, a 17% chance of winning the Senate seat.

Ron v. Rand

It would appear that the Pauls have different views on Park51.

Silly Story Of The Weekend: Rand Paul Gets Donation From Porn Queen

Rand Paul is apparently taking heat from some of his more socially conservative supporters after FEC reports indicate he received a donation from the owner of an Adult web site. People need to get a life.

Rand Paul Maintains A Lead In Kentucky

Rand Paul’s initial mis-steps after winning the Republican primary seem to be largely behind him.

Colorado Primary Shows Evidence Of Enthusiasm Gap

The results of last night’s Colorado Senate primaries should be causing Democrats to worry.

Profile of Rand Paul

The Re-Invention Of Rand Paul

As the campaign in Kentucky heats up for the final sprint to November, Rand Paul seems to have succeeded in moving beyond many of the mis-steps that plagued him three months ago.

Should Conservatives Be Embarrassed?

A growing number of conservatives are in dismay about the state of their movement.

Is The Right Losing Its Mind ?

American Conservatism has changed significantly since the days of William F. Buckley Jr. One former National Review editor says that it’s changed for the worse.

Is The GOP Ready For The Tea Party ?

Some Republicans in Congress are worried they won’t be able to control the future Congressmen and Senators that the Tea Party might be sending to Washington.

More Politics 101 for Rand Paul (and his Supporters)

More Politics 101 for Rand Paul.

Sarah Palin, One Year Later

One year ago today, Sarah Palin resigned as Governor of Alaska after only 2 1/2 years in office.

Line of the Day – “Welcome to Big Time Politics, Rand Paul” Edition

Man running for United States Senate shocked to learn that he has to be careful what he says.

Endorsement By Sarah Palin Seen As A Negative, Poll Shows

“Endorsed by Sarah Palin” could become something that Democrats start using in negative campaign commercials.