Romney Fails To Deliver Knockout Punch, Will Still Win Nomination

The race will go on after Super Tuesday, but the outcome seems ineviable

Mitt Romney Not Crazy Enough For The Base?

Mitt Romney’s Presidential rhetoric probably won’t appeal to the GOP base.

Republicans v. Obama On Iran: Fewer Differences Than You’d Think

The differences between the parties when it comes to Iran are far less substantial than the candidate’s rhetoric would suggest.

Republican Candidates Trailing Obama Among Hispanics By Wide Margin

A new poll shows just how badly the GOP is doing among Hispanic voters.

Mitt Romney Poised To Do Very Well On Super Tuesday

Mitt Romney is likely to put considerable distance between himself and his opponents tomorrow.

New Yorker: Santorum on Romney’s Car Roof

The New Yorker’s cover has Rick Santorum in a doghouse strapped atop Mitt Romney’s car.

Are Republican Politicians Afraid Of Rush Limbaugh?

The GOP has sold its soul.

Santorum Would Try To Nullify All Existing Gay Marriages

Rick Santorum wants to nullify nearly 200,000 marriages.

Pressing The Santorum Button

Nominating Rick Santorum may be the best things Republicans could do to save their party, but not for the reasons Santorum thinks.

Yes, Rush Limbaugh Is A Jerk

Many on the right seem unwilling to condemn clearly offensive remarks by Rush Limbaugh

George Will Wants Four More Years of Gridlock

The conservative columnist argues Republicans should concentrate on winning back the Senate and stopping Obama through 2016.

Ohio Primary Tightens After Romney’s Michigan Win

Not surprisingly, the race in the Buckeye State is tightening.

Citizens United Not The Problem

Billionaires have been free to donate as much money as they want to activist groups since the dawn of the Republic.

Did Rick Santorum Blow It In Michigan?

Rick Santorum’s inability to stay away from the culture wars may have been his undoing.

Twilight Of The RINOs?

The GOP Establishment is in crisis, but it has nobody to blame but itself.

Michigan Too Close To Call

The future of the Republican race in 2012 is in the balance in the Wolverine State.

Money, Bombs, and Jesus

A discussion in the comments thread of my “Time Running Out For GOP?” post led me to a post from four-plus years ago by frequent commenter and erstwhile blogger* Michael Reynolds titled “Money, Bombs and Jesus.”

The First Amendment Makes Rick Santorum Want To Vomit

Rick Santorum’s views on the role of religion in public life are built on lies about American history.

Time Running Out For GOP?

2012 may be the last chance for the current Republican Party to win the White House.

Republican Party Sex Problems

Rick Santorum is at the front of a brigade that wants to re-fight the sexual revolution. They’ll lose.

Rick Santorum And Conservative Anti-Intellectualism

A man who has three degrees from three public universities considers the President of the United States a “snob.”

Religiosity of the American Professoriate

Reading journal articles, so you don’t have to.

Santorum and his Theology

Santorum and stewardship of the Earth.

Social Science v. Santorum

A study of religiosity and young adults found that those who attend college are actually less likely to experience religious decline than those who do not attend college.

Mitt Romney’s Ford Field Fumble

Mitt Romney’s campaign gives us a lesson in how not to stage a “major” economic speech.

Rick Santorum Gets It Wrong On The Role Of Religion In Politics

Rick Santorum would do well to listen to the words of the last Catholic to be President of the United States.

Republicans Clash In Mostly Lackluster Debate

Last night’s debate may have been the last one. It was also the least informative.