Afghanistan War at Ten

Ten years ago tomorrow, President Bush announced that “the United States military has begun strikes against al Qaeda terrorist training camps and military installations of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.”

The Death Of Anwar Al-Awlaki And The Imperial Presidency

Giving the President the unchecked power to kill American citizens raises some serious red flags.

“We’ll Fight Against America For A Thousand Years If We Have To”: The Folly Of Afghanistan

The U.S. War in Afghanistan sounds disturbingly similar to the Soviet one.

Are We Safer?

Measuring our progress a decade after the 9/11 attacks

America’s License to Kill

Killing’s our business and business is good.

Religious Extremism in America

What are the contours of “mainstream” religious thought in today’s America?

U.S. Troops In Afghanistan Until 2024?

The U.S may be on the verge of committing the next decade to the future of Afghanistan.

Honor Fallen SEALs by Questioning Their Mission

Honoring the fallen by ensuring that the didn’t die in vain is a recipe for getting more good men killed.

31 Americans Killed After Chopper Is Shot Down In Afghanistan

A disastrous day for American troops in Afghanistan.

Allen West is an Embarrassment

Freshman GOP Representative Allen West is a loose cannon and unfit for office.

Pakistan Boots U.S. From Drone Base We Weren’t Using Anyway

Our good ally Pakistan has publicly ordered us to leave a base used for “covert” CIA drone attacks.

The Beginning Of The End Of America’s Longest War

Last night, the President basically announced that America’s longest war had entered it’s end game.

President Barack Obama puts his hand on the shoulder of outgoing Defense Secretary Robert Gates, as he introduced a reworked national security team, Thursday, April 28, 2011, in the East Room of the White House in Washington. From left are, top commander-designate for U.S. forces in Afghanistan, Marine Corps Lt. Gen. John Allen; CIA Director-nominee Gen. David Petraeus; Defense Secretary-nominee Leon Panetta; Gates; the president; and Vice President Joe Biden. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) Read more: President Barack Obama puts his hand on the shoulder of outgoing Defense Secretary Robert Gates, as he introduced a reworked national security team, Thursday, April 28, 2011, in the East Room of the White House in Washington. From left are, top commander-designate for U.S. forces in Afghanistan, Marine Corps Lt. Gen. John Allen; CIA Director-nominee Gen. David Petraeus; Defense Secretary-nominee Leon Panetta; Gates; the president; and Vice President Joe Biden. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) Read more:

Afghan Surge Ending

President Obama is expected to announce the withdrawal of the 30,000 Surge troops.

Opposing Dumb, Unnecessary Wars Is Not “Isolationism”

Contrary to what Senator McCain, seeking realism in military policy does not make one an isolationist.

Pakistan Arrests CIA Informants Linked to Osama Raid

The ISI appears to have shown a special interest in informants that helped the CIA find bin Laden.

Allen West: Anti-War Congressmen Should ‘Get Shot at a Few Times’

Allen West says Congressmen who oppose the war in Afghanistan should go over and “get shot at a few times and maybe they’d have a different opinion.”

President Obama’s Address to Parliament

While President Obama has had some amusing gaffes on his trip to London, including getting the year wrong in the guest book and an awkward toast to the Queen, his speech to Parliament today hit all the right notes.

Why John Walker Lindh is Still in Jail

Frank R. Lindh, father of Abu Sulayman al-Irlandi (aka Sulayman al-Faris, Abdul Hamid, and John Walker Lindh) has an op-ed in the NYT asking “Bin Laden’s Gone. Can My Son Come Home?” The answer is, sure: In another 8 to 11 years.

Bin Laden, The Afghan Mujahadeen, And The CIA: The Myth That Needs To Die

The myth that the U.S. armed and trained Osama bin Laden in the early 80’s is rearing its ugly head again.

Pakistan After Bin Laden: Frenemies Forever?

Changing our relationship status to Complicated.

What Did Pakistan’s Government Know?

And when did it know it?

Law of Remote Control War

The law of war is not fully clear when applied to modern conflicts.

Blame The Afghan Rioters For Murder, But Condemn The Demagogues Too

The only people responsible for the murders in Afghanistan are the people who committed them, but the demagogues like Terry Jones deserve condemnation as well.

Afghanistan’s Tet Offensive?

Todays’ horrific attack on the UN complex in Mazar-i Sharif may well the the Tet Offensive of Afghanistan: a relatively minor event that permanently changed the American public’s view of the war.

Taliban History Lesson: Not Our Boys From the 80’s

The groups we supported were defeated by the Taliban in the civil war that followed Soviet withdrawal. The Taliban and Usama bin Laden were supported by the separate “Sayyaf” group of Mujahideen supported by Saudi Arabia and Deobandi fanatics in Pakistan.

Where Did The Antiwar Movement Go?

The antiwar movement has been strangely silent despite the fact that U.S. foreign policy hasn’t really changed that much since Barack Obama became President.

America The Ignorant

Another survey shows that Americans don’t know much about their own history, but does it really matter?

Four NYT Journalists Missing in Libya

New York Times journalists Anthony Shadid, Stephen Farrell, Tyler Hicks, and Lynsey Addario have not been heard from in more than 24 hours.

Nearly 2/3 Of Americans Say Afghan War No Longer Worth Fighting

Public support for the war in Afghanistan continues to plummet, but will that hurt the President when 2012 rolls around?

Time To Pull Out Of Afghanistan

Nine years into a war that seems to be without end, it’s time to declare victory and go home.