Will The GOP Back Away From Using The Budget To Attack The PPACA?

Republicans don’t seem willing to let go of the Obamacare issue just yet. But, how long will that actually last?

House To Insist On One Year Delay Of Obamacare, Making Shutdown All But Inevitable

The House will reportedly vote on a new Continuing Resolution with conditions that would seem to make a shutdown inevitable.

Ted Cruz and the Fight for the Soul of the Republican Party

With key conservatives pushing for sanity, the grown-ups have a chance to take back the GOP.

Ted Cruz Working To Undermine Boehner’s Plan On Budget, Debt Ceiling

Ted Cruz is going after the Speaker of the House.

Ted Cruz Tops Poll Of 2016 GOP Contenders

If nothing else, Ted Cruz’s quixotic mission has succeeded in cementing him in the minds of Republican voters.

Media Coverage Of Ted Cruz v. Media Coverage Of Wendy Davis

Can differences in media coverage of two unrelated filibusters be explained solely by media bias?

Ted Cruz Begins Filibuster That Isn’t Really A Filibuster

Ted Cruz is holding the Senate floor “until I can no longer speak,” but he still won’t be able to stop the Senate from going forward.

There (Probably) Won’t Be A Government Shutdown

If recent history is any guide, there won’t really be a government shutdown next week. But, the zealotry of the “defund Obamacare” caucus could change everything.

Republican Plan B: Hold The Debt Ceiling Hostage?

Republicans reportedly have another plan to get what they want on Obamacare and other issues.

Politics of Hate

The communications chairman of the Democratic Party of Sacramento County wished a horrible death on the children of Ted Cruz’ speechwriter.

It Appears That Senate Republicans Have Already Lost The Obamacare Chess Match

Nobody has moved a piece yet, but the outcome of the Obamacare battle in the Senate seems foreordained.

Christie Leads All Other Potential GOP Candidates In Match-Up Against Hillary Clinton

The one Republican currently polling anywhere close to Hillary Clinton is, unfortunately for the GOP base, Chris Christie.

Ted Cruz Admits His Plan To Defund Obamacare Won’t Succeed

Ted Cruz becomes a little more honest about his plan to “defund” Obamacare.

House To Vote On Budget That Makes A Government Shutdown More Likely

The House is going to make it more likely that we see a government shutdown at the end of the month.

Poll: Public Would Blame GOP For Government Shutdown

The GOP’s plan to defund reality becomes even more disconnected from reality.

House Republicans Try To Placate The “Defund Obamacare” Crowd

The House GOP Leadership didn’t endear itself to the Tea Party today.

Cory Booker Will Be A Senator, But Many On The Left Don’t Seem Thrilled About That

Surprisingly, many pundits on the left don’t seem too thrilled about the idea of a Senator Cory Booker.

Republican Infighting Over Ridiculous Government Shutdown Schemes?

There seems to be a divide developing between Republican leadership and the Tea Party over the idea of shutting the government down over Obamacare.

John McCain: Obama’s Secret Weapon?

The president’s 2008 rival has gone from bitter foe to go-to deal broker.

Ted Cruz’s Foolish Advice To His Fellow Republicans

Ted Cruz is either being incredibly cynical as he deludes his fellow Republicans, or he’s living in a fantasy world.

GOP Senator: Plan To Defund Obamacare Is Dishonest Hype

A top Republican Senator blasts the plan by some of his colleagues to “defund” Obamacare.

Republican Fight Brewing Over Threatened Government Shutdown

Republicans on Capitol Hill are openly disagreeing with a proposed strategy to threaten a government shutdown if Obamacare isn’t repealed.

Groundswell: Conservatives’ Lame Answer to JournoList

Conservatives are doing what the criticized JournoList for doing—even though JournoList didn’t.

“Border Security” And GOP Political Pandering

There are many fallacies contained within the GOP’s insistence that immigration reform must begin and end with “border security.”

Can Rick Perry Be A Viable Candidate In 2016?

Could Rick Perry recover from his disastrous 2012 campaign to become a viable candidate?

GOP Hawks Getting Worried About Rand Paul?

There seem to be some signs that defense hawks in the GOP are concerned about Rand Paul’s growing popularity in the party.

Border Security, Or Just Immigration Reform Obstructionism?

Opponents of immigration reform are using “border security” as a shield to hide their true desire to kill the very idea of immigration reform.

Scott Walker: The GOP’s Sleeper Candidate For 2016?

Scott Walker could be the GOP’s surprise candidate in 2016.

Republicans Haven’t Learned The Lessons Of 2012

The GOP seems to be making the same mistakes that led to defeat in 2012.

The Unfortunate State of the Congressional GOP

If one is going to be in government, one ought to take governing seriously.