A Texas-Sized Primary Challenge, Or Much Ado About Nothing?

Congressman Steve Stockman’s primary challenge of Senator John Cornyn could be a big deal, or, more likely, it could be a dud.

On Mandela, Some Conservatives Get It And Others Quite Obviously Don’t

Some on the American right have a very odd view of both Nelson Mandela and the Apartheid regime he fought against.

Democrats Dominate List Of Most Vulnerable Senate Seats In 2014

The 7 seats most likely to switch parties are held by Democrats.

Chris Christie Leads Republican Field In 2016 Poll

Chris Christie has had a very good month, and it’s ending with him with a strong lead among potential Republican candidates for 2016.

GOP On ObamaCare: Goodbye Repeal/Defund/Delay, Hello ‘Let It Burn’?

The GOP seems to be shifting strategy on the Affordable Care Act.

Rand Paul: Government Shutdown I Was Totally Behind With My Floor Votes Was A “Dumb Idea”

The Junior Senator from Kentucky does some re-writing of history.

Blaming Dallas For Kennedy’s Assassination

Don’t blame Dallas, or 60s era Texas conservatism, for what happened in Dallas 50 years ago,

Governors Only For President?

A top House Republican suggested today that only Governor’s should be President. His argument has both practical and historical merit.

McConnell Fires A Shot Across The Bow Of The Tea Party

When it comes to the unfolding conflict inside the GOP, Mitch McConnell seems to have fired an opening shot.

October Jobs Report Stronger Than Expected

A better than expected jobs report in October, but one that comes with a few caveats.

Did Obamacare Nearly Cost Terry McAuliffe The Election?

Republicans are contending that the nearly won the Virginia Governor’s race by emphasizing Obamacare in the closing weeks, but the evidence supporting that contention is far from clear.

Chris Christie Coasts To Victory, Next Stop 2016?

Chris Christie did as well as expected last night, but that’s just the beginning.

McAuliffe Wins, But Virginia Is Still A Purpleish State

The race for Virginia Governor turned out to be much closer than many predicted, but that should not be a surprise.

Retail Politics And The Appeal Of Chris Christie

Looking at Chris Christie as he interacts with voters in New Jersey offers a glimpse of just how he could succeed in a 2016 GOP nomination fight.

Obama Hits Majority Disapproval

A majority of Americans now disapprove of President Obama’s performance and a whopping 70 percent think the country is moving in the wrong direction.

Chris Christie’s Gay Marriage Decision And The Politics Of 2016

Chris Christie’s decision to take a tactical retreat on the issue of same-sex marriage raises some interesting questions for 2016.

Nobody For Virginia Governor

The Richmond Times-Dispatch has endorsed “none of the above” for governor of Virginia.

What Lessons Will The GOP Learn From The Shutdown?

Will the GOP learn the right lessons from the just-concluded showdown? That remains to be seen.

The Coming GOP Civil War

The shutdown debacle seems destined to lead to a battle between the Tea Party and the more business oriented elements of the GOP

Ted Cruz Refuses To Rule Out Making The Same Dumb Mistake Again

Ted Cruz isn’t ruling out a reprise of his foolish, quixotic, crusade.

I Don’t Think that Means What you Think it Means

Ted Cruz’s definition of “the American people” needs some refining.

Sane Republican Minority Prevails

Nearly two-thirds of House Republicans voted for default. They lost.

The GOP’s Seinfeld Shutdown

The GOP’s shutdown was about as pointless as a show about waiting for a table in a Chinese restaurant.

House Republicans Waste A Day, Leaving Final Deal Up To The Senate

The House wasted a day yesterday, now it’s crunch time.

Time For A GOP/Tea Party Divorce? No, Time To Re-Open The ‘Big Tent’

Much like the Tea Party, David Frum wants to make the GOP tent smaller.

Senate Nears Deal That Kicks The Can Down The Road, Accomplishes Little Else

The deal emerging out of the talks between Senator Reid and Senator McConnell is about what you’d expect, but it’s probably the best we can expect right now.

Monument Shutdowns Bring Protesters To National Mall

Conservatives gathered on the National Mall today to protest the closure of memorials, but their message seems really intended for Republicans in Congress to not back down.

How One Change In House Rules Made The Shutdown Inevitable

A little noticed rule change in the House is arguably one of the main reasons we’re in a government shutdown crisis.

GOP Plan Would Address Debt Ceiling, But Keep Government Shutdown Going

Republicans appear to be uniting behind a short-term plan to deal with the debt ceiling, but seem okay with keeping the government shutdown going forward.

Paul Ryan Reemerges, Offering The GOP An Obamacare-Free Way Out

Paul Ryan is back, and he has a plan his party ought to be paying attention to.

Government Shutdown Hurting Republicans In Virginia Governor’s Race

The government shutdown seems to be having an impact on the one competitive statewide race in country this year.

Ted Cruz Doubles Down On His Failed Obamacare Strategy

Ted Cruz wants his fellow Republicans to follow him down the rabbit hole again.

Ken Cuccinelli Distancing Himself From National GOP On Shutdown

The Republican candidate for Governor of Virginia wants a quick end to the Government Shutdown.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The One State, Two State, Red State, Blue State Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Sane Republicans Trying to Take Party Back

Reasonable members of the House GOP caucus are fighting back. Are they outnumbered?

Obama Warns Wall Street On Debt Ceiling

President Obama had some potentially market-moving news for Wall Street.

Chris Christie Hits Congress, President Over Shutdown

Chris Christie had some words about the crisis in D.C., and they almost sound like they could be part of a 2016 campaign message

A Day Of Glitches For Day One Of Obamacare’s Exchange Websites

Day One of the Obamacare online “marketplaces” is proving to be a bit of a bumpy ride.