SCOTUS on Presidential Immunity: It Depends

Too little, too late.

Campus Crackdowns Escalate

Police have been brought at universities across the country.

SCOTUS Puts Trump Election Interference Case on Ice

The Supreme Court has effectively derailed the main criminal case against the likely Republican nominee.

Where The Gays Are

A breakdown of new survey data.

The End of the Power 5 Era

The rapidly changing face of college sports.

SCOTUS Ends Affirmative Action

The inevitable has happened. Now for the fallout.

Unreasonable Propriety?

Vague terms of use.

Supreme Court Strikes Down Alabama Districts

A surprising ruling on the Voting Rights Act.

LeBron James Becomes NBA’s All-Time Scoring Leader

What was once impossible, then inevitable, has now happened.

University of California TAs and Postdocs on Strike!

A showdown over wages could upend the apprenticeship arrangement that has long characterized graduate education.

The High Price of Politicizing COVID

Republicans have died at a far higher rate than Democrats.

Democrats Funding MAGA Primary Candidates

Hardball politics or dirty pool?

Bill Russell, 1934-2022

The iconic basketball player, coach, and civil rights leader is gone at 88.

Maximal Angst Despite Minimal Cause

Quite often, political fights are about attitudes rather than issues and polices.

Clarence Thomas’ Continuing Conflict

Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion. Alas.

More on Standing

Student Debt and the For-Profit Connection

The loaners, the dreamers, and schemes.

Trump Gaining Black and Hispanic Voters

Some surprising poll numbers.

Cancel Cancel Culture

The state of American debate is not strong.

Thinking about the Injustice that Feeds the Flame

The evidence is clear. Injustice feeds rage and rage sometimes boils over.

NCAA Allows ‘Image and Likeness’ Compensation

Bowing to Immense political pressure to pay college athletes will dramatically change the game.

Mark A.R. Kleiman, 1951-2019

A great public intellectual, pioneering blogger, and all-around good man is gone.

Trump’s Trade War Is Bad, And Everyone Is Losing

Donald Trump’s tariffs are hurting the American economy, American consumers, and American businesses.

Democratic Contender Websites

A deep dive into typography and naming choices.

50 Charged in College Bribery Scandal

Actresses Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman are the most famous of dozens of rich folks trying to get their kids into elite schools.

Kirsten Gillibrand Enters The Race For President

New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is the latest Democratic entrant into the 2020 race for President.

Federal Government To Test ‘Presidential Alert’ System Thursday

Be prepared to get a test message from the Federal Government at 2:18 pm Eastern Time on Thursday. This is only a test.

How Can a White Supremacist Have a Security Clearance?

It’s more complicated than one might think.

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Civil Asset Forfeiture Case

We may finally get a ruling applying the Excessive Fine Clause to the states and limiting the ability of police to confiscate property.

Warriors Win NBA Title, As Expected

There have been dynasties in American team sports before. But this one feels different.

Donald Trump’s Pettiness On Display Yet Again

Donald Trump is without question the pettiest, most vindictive person to ever occupy the Oval Office.

Tom Petty Dead at 66

The band leader of the Heartbreakers and the Traveling Wilburys is gone.

California Files Suit Over Trump’s Border Wall

Yet another lawsuit against yet another controversial Trump Administration policy.

Supreme Court Declines To Accept Yet Another Second Amendment Case

The Supreme Court has once again declined to hear an appeal in a Second Amendment case.

Yes, The First Amendment Does Protect So-Called ‘Hate Speech’

Even the most offensive speech is protected by the First Amendment.

Supreme Court To Hear Argument In Free Speech Case

An important free speech case is coming up this week at the Supreme Court.

Carrie Fisher Dies At 60

Rest in Peace, Princess. May the Force be with you.

Using The No-Fly List To Bar Gun Purchases Is Bad Policy, And Likely Unconstitutional

The Governors of Connecticut and New York are joining President Obama and Hillary Clinton in favor of a really bad idea.

The Rug Rat Race

Paradoxically, the children of affluent parents are less happy than those of the poor.

University Of Virginia Fraternity Files Defamation Suit Against Rolling Stone Over Campus Rape Story

Rolling Stone faces yet another legal headache over last year’s story about a campus rape that never took place.

The Prison-Industrial Complex

The problem goes beyond the War on Drugs.

New Michigan Law Allows Religious Adoption Agencies To Discriminate Against Gay Couples

A new Michigan law allows religious-affiliated adoption agencies to turn away parents for religious reasons, and it seems fairly obvious what the target is in this case.

Supreme Court Remains Silent In Case Involving Students Wearing American Flag Shirts

The Supreme Court declined to hear the appeal of three students disciplined for wearing American flag shirts on Cinco de Mayo

Republicans Seek To Use Budget To Block D.C. Marijuana Legalization

The budget bill Congress set to pass Congress would effectively reverse the will of the voters of Washington, D.C., who just voted to legalize marijuana.

Why Top Students Are Being Rejected by In-State Colleges

Their places are being filled by students who pay higher tuition rates.

Transgender Soldiers Next Barrier

Last month, a retired Navy SEAL came out as transgender. Those still in uniform, however, must serve in silence.

Sex Addiction Not Real Disorder

There’s no such thing as “sex addiction.”