NPR Fires Juan Williams

NPR has fired Juan Williams over controversial comments about Muslims.

Presidential Transitions To Start Before President Actually Elected

A new law allows Presidential candidates to set up transition offices while they’re still running for election, perhaps providing an opportunity for shortening the 2 1/2 month interregnum between Election Day and Inauguration Day.

Washington Post: Tea Party Not Racist After All

The Washington Post looks around and discovers that the Tea Party isn’t racist after all. Their bad, I guess.

Mortgage Foreclosure Fiasco

Banks are faced with a huge number of foreclosures and that resources they’ve allocated towards handling them was woefully inadequate.

Do Jews Really Control the Media?

Responding to the rant that got Rick Sanchez fired, Slate’s Brian Palmer investigates the question, “Do Jews Really Control the Media?” His short answer, “Maybe the movies, but not the news.”

Pakistan: Ally or Enemy?

Pakistan yesterday blocked NATO’s primary supply line into Afghanistan in retaliation for an air strike that killed three Pakistani paramilitaries. Are the two countries truly allies?

Woodward: Military Thwarted Obama

Bob Woodward reports that President Obama was looking for options other than staying the course in Afghanistan. The military didn’t provide any.

Obama: “We Can Absorb A Terrorist Attack”

What’s so wrong with saying that America will survive even if al Qaeda manages to hit us again ?

Woodward Book Reveals There Is No Plan In Afghanistan

According to a new book from Bob Woorward, American policy in Afghanistan is the result of a decision making process that can only be described as chaotic at best.

Bob Woodward Still Relevant?

Dan Drezner asks, “Has Bob Woodward jumped the shark?” My snarky response is that he did that in Bob Casey’s hospital room.

Howard Fineman to HuffPo

In yet another sign of how rapidly the media landscape is changing, longtime Newsweek stalwart is leaving for the Huffington Post.

Fenty Ouster A Black Tea Party

The Tea Party movement and the populist backlash against DC mayor Adrian Fenty are a sign that things are changing so fast that a lot of people simply can’t adjust.

Sarah Palin And The 2010 Elections

Sarah Palin had a very good track record in her primary season endorsements, but it’s not at all clear that she will have much of an impact on the 2010 General Election.

End of Combat Operations in Iraq Ain’t Happened Yet

U.S. forces are still engaged in full-scale counterrrorism operations in Iraq. In what sense are “combat operations” over?

What the GOP Just Won in Delaware: a Likely Loss in November

The Delaware GOP now has, according to Nate Silver, a 17% chance of winning the Senate seat.

Kagan Recuses Herself From 21 Of 40 Cases SCOTUS Will Hear In 2010-11 Term

Elena Kagan has announced that she will not participated in the consideration of more than half the cases currently scheduled to be hear by the Supreme Court when it’s new term begins in October.

Giving Bin Laden What He Wants?

Ted Koppel thinks our actions since 9/11 have helped Osama bin Laden fulfill his goals. He couldn’t be more wrong.

New Poll Links Anti-Muslim Sentiment And Opposition To “Ground Zero Mosque”

A new poll indicates that there are some disturbing motivations that seem to be associated with opposition to the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque.”

Washington Post Columnist Falls For Twitter Fake Congressman Parody

The Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart is suffering a little New Media embarrassment after writing a blog post based on comments by a Congressman who doesn’t exist.

Sexing Up Headlines

It’s getting harder and harder to tell blogs from newspapers.

Fifty-Six Days Out, A Tidal Wave Approaches

As the mid-term elections enter their final eight weeks, there’s more bad news for Democrats.

Democrats Preparing To Cut Losses In Vulnerable Races

Democrats are sending some of their candidates to the Death Panels.

White House Considers Tax Cuts for Business

Facing a difficult economy and a very bad November, the Obama administration is considering a tax cut proposal to spur hiring.

Pakistan Flood Dwarfs Recent Crises, No One Cares

Epic flooding in Pakistan is a humanitarian crisis which dwarfs the combined devastation of the 2004 Asian tsunami, the earthquake in Pakistan in 2005, and the 2010 Haiti earthquake. Why aren’t we paying attention?

Ken Mehlman is Gay and I Don’t Care

The guy who ran George W. Bush’s campaign and the Republican National Committee has realized after only 43 years that he likes dudes.

WikiLeaks and the Damage Done

Critics of WikiLeaks have no affirmative proof that the release of tens of thousands of classified documents has gotten anyone killed. The truth is that we’ll likely never know.

Mosque Opponents: Bigots, Opportunists, and Krauthammer

The only reasons Michael Kinsley can conjure for opposing the Park51 project are bigotry and political opportunism. Unless you’re a really smart columnist.

“Ground Zero Mosque” Debate: Distraction, Or Fundamentally Important ?

Glenn Greenwald argues that the “Ground Zero Mosque” debate is about more than just a “mosque” near Ground Zero. He’s right, but that also means the debate is likely to get uglier.

Could 2010 Be Worse Than 1994 For Democrats?

The signs point to 2010 being an even worse year for Democrats than 1994.

Meanwhile, In Pakistan, The Floods Continue To Worsen

While American politics concerns itself with trivial issues, Pakistan finds itself dealing with a devastating natural disaster that could have real geo-political implications.

Pakistan’s Floods

The United States has promised $150 million in aid to flood-ravaged Pakistan. Should we have?

Once Again, Nobody Wants A Dollar Coin

Take a good look at that dollar coin, because you’re unlikely to see it circulation any time soon.

Obama’s Afghanistan Deadline Under Attack

Either Obama’s Defense Secretary and commanding general are conspiring to undermine his July 11 deadline for withdrawal from Afghanistan or that they’re carrying out his intent.

Harry Reid’s Campaign Against Sharron Angle Having An Impact

Harry Reid has spent the summer trying to portray is opponent as a kook. So far, it’s working.

Republicans Splitting On 14th Amendment “Reform”

There isn’t as much GOP unity over the idea of changing America’s citizenship rules as you might think.

Supreme Court Backup Plan?

Pat Leahy suggests allowing retired SCOTUS Justices fill in when a sitting member recuses himself. A great idea on paper, it won’t work in practice.

For-Profit Universities

For-profit universities are defrauding their students. Indeed, it’s their business model.

Colombia has a New President

Colombia has sworn in a new president. And so begins the Santos era as the Uribe era heads for the history books.

Google and Verizon Test Net Neutrality

Congress has been wrestling with the net neutrality issue for years. Two major players may force a decision soon.

Northern Virginia Tragedy Becomes Part Of National Immigration Debate

A fatal car crash on a country road in Northern Virginia has become part of the national debate on over illegal immigration.

Immigration Enforcement up under Obama

The Obama administration is refusing to enforce border security, right?

ObamaCare Becoming More Popular ? Don’t Be So Sure

A new poll claims that the health care reform law is now supported by a majority of Americans. Don’t believe it.

Change in Sentencing: Crack v. Powder Cocaine

Congress has (after many years of debate) narrowed the gap between sentencing for crack cocaine and powder cocaine.

Dave Weigel Joins Slate

The Washington Post Company, which famously accepted Dave Weigel’s resignation from its namesake newspaper last month, has hired him back in essentially the same job for its online magazine Slate.

Seat Hogs: Subway Villains?

WaPo’s Breaking News Blog highlights a story that is, well, hardly breaking news: inconsiderate people on the DC subway.

The Inevitable Barack Obama Comeback

Reports of Barack Obama’s political death are greatly exaggerated and wildly premature.