The Capital Strike Of 2010

American businesses are sitting on a big pile of cash, and giving no indication that they have any intention of spending it any time soon.

Extend Unemployment Benefits

The Senate’s stonewalling of unemployment benefits extension makes no sense.

New Polls Bring More Bad News For Obama, Democrats

The President likely has some very bad poll numbers on his mind this morning.

Newspapers Print the Legend

Journalists have been following Maxwell Scott’s advice since long before “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance” was made.

A Return to AZ Crime Levels

Let’s revisit the question of crime levels in Arizona.

Democrats Seeing Wall Street Backlash?

Two widely-hyped reports have Wall Street firms donating less money to Democrats as payback for financial reform efforts. But a closer look reveals no such thing.

The Founders and the Central Government

No, the founding fathers of the United States were not “very afraid of a central government.” Indeed, such an assertion makes no sense.

Ugly Party vs. Grown-Up Party

Michael Gerson argues that the source of our polarization isn’t the Democrats and the Republicans but the Ugly Party and the Grown-Up Party.

Elena Kagan, Jeff Sessions Spar Over Harvard Military Recruiting Issue

The testiest exchange during today’s hearings in the Senate came when Jeff Sessions tried to confront Elena Kagan over military recruiting at Harvard Law School, and failed miserably.

Robert Byrd, Emperor Palpatine of Pork

The late Senator Robert Byrd’s legacy as the master of pork barrel spending is secure.

Dave Weigel, MSNBC Contributor

Dave Weigel lands on his feet as a contributor for MSNBC.

Bringing Magazine Ethos to Newspapers

Magazines routinely run great pieces by highly biased writers. Why can’t newspapers do the same?

Did Rolling Stone Violate Journalistic Ethics In McChrystal Interview ?

Does it matter if the controversial McChrystal comments were “off the record” ? No, it doesn’t.

Yet More Dave Weigel

A roundup of some of the more intelligent commentary on the Big Picture issues in the brouhaha of the day.

Ethics of Publishing ‘Private’ Emails

Do journalists have any expectation of privacy in their emails?

Dave Weigel Resigns

You know who would be a good replacement for him at the Right Now blog? David Petraeus.

Newspapers Suck Less Than You Think

An article attempting to illustrate the obsolescence of newspapers inadvertently does the opposite.

Afghanistan Is Not Like Iraq, Even If The Same General Is In Charge

The odds that David Petraeus will be able to pull off a miracle in Afghanistan like he did in Iraq are very slim.

Dave Weigel’s Anti-Conservative Rants Go Public

Sharing your unvarnished thoughts on a listserv is just asking for trouble, as Dave Weigel is the latest to discover.

Afghanistan Reboot Needed

Stanley McChrystal is being called to face Obama’s national security team this morning. They should take the opportunity to come up with coherent Afghanistan policy.

General McChrystal Crosses The Line

General Stanley McChrystal is opening his mouth again and, this time, it could cost him his job.

10 Easy Steps to Success in Afghanistan

Christian Bleuer provides a 10-step solution for victory over the Taliban.

White House, Rahm Emanuel Dismiss Departure Reports As “Ludicrous” And “B.S.”

The White House and Rahm Emanuel were quick to deny the reports that he has a plan to leave the White House.