Legitimate Reasons To Question September’s BLS Household Survey

While the conspiracy theory is nuts, there are legitimate reasons to be skeptical of some elements of September’s Jobs Report.

Trying to Get a Handle on the Unemployment Figures

There is nothing wrong with healthy skepticism (which is different than outright denialism).

Appeals Court Upholds Ruling Restoring Early Voting For All Ohio Voters

Another legal victory for the Obama campaign in Ohio.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Burning Ring Of Fire Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Way Too Excited About Coffee With Pumpkin Syrup in It

So, apparently there’s a shortage of the goop that turns coffee into a $4 pumpkin-flavored milkshake. And grown ass men are upset about it.

Release Of Jobs Report Gives Birth To The Unemployment Truthers

Within minutes after today’s Jobs Report was released, the conspiracy theorists began to come forward.

Unemployment Rate Drops Below 8% Amid Weak Jobs Growth

September’s BLS Report will likely be significant but, behind the numbers, things don’t look all that great.

Afghanistan, Then And Now

Afghanistan was a much different place half a century ago.

Did Romney’s Debate Win Change Anything?

Before last night, Romney was toast and Republicans were demoralized; now, there’s a glimmer of hope.

Turkish-Syrian Tensions Increase After Syria Shells Turkish Village

Turkey’s military has attacked Syria several times since Syrian forces shelled a Turkish village.

Romney Won The Debate, But Will It Matter?

Mitt Romney won the debate last night, but it’s not at all clear that this will matter at all.

OTB Caption Contest

Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM

Iran’s Currency Has Collapsed. A Sign The Sanctions Are Working?

Iran’s currency has collapsed and there are riot police in the streets of Teheran. It appears the sanctions may just be working after all.

German Unification Anniversary

22 years ago today, I was battalion duty officer for the 1/27 Field Artillery in Babenhausen in what, a few hours earlier, was West Germany.

Todd Akin Believes Doctors Give Abortions To Women Who Aren’t Pregnant

Seriously, how did this guy ever get elected to Congress?

Jerry Seinfeld Really Likes ‘Really’

When Jerry Seinfeld writes a letter to the editor, the editor publishes the letter. Really.

“Shocking” Obama Video Turns Out To Be Not So Shocking

A five year old “shocking” video of President Obama speaking to a group of African-American ministers proves to be not very shocking at all.

Presidential Race Tightening?

For no apparent reason, the presidential race is tightening ahead of tonight’s first debate, according to two reputable national polls.

New Jerseys Make NFL Lineman Feel Fat

Some of the NFL’s heftier players do not appreciate the new form-fitting jerseys introduced this season.

Why Are All You People Such Jerks Online?

A new study looks at the reasons why people are so belligerent in their online communications.

The Beltway Snipers, Ten Years Later

Ten years ago starting today, John Allen Mohammed and Lee Boyd Malvo began a crime spree that kept the D.C. area on a knife’s edge for three long weeks.

U.S. Abandoning Plan For Peace Deal With Taliban Before Withdrawal

Slowly but surely, we’re giving up on Afghanistan.

Obama’s Gas Prices

A sign at a local Exxon station seemingly blames high gasoline prices on Barack Obama.

Judge Blocks Pennsylvania Voter ID Law For 2012 Elections

A victory for opponents of Pennsylvania’s Voter ID law, but likely only a temporary one.