Donald Sterling: Sympathy for a Devil

I’m uneasy about a world in which a private conversation, illegally recorded, can be used in this fashion.

Hollywood’s Changing Male Ideal

On screen body objectification is now equal opportunity.

When Did Posters From A Defeated Murderous Dictatorship Become Pop Art?

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney’s choices in home decor raise an interesting question.

UConn Dominates College Basketball . . . Not So Much College Itself

UConn won another national championship. Their graduation rate remains embarrassing.

Just a Little Pimpin’

I’m going to put in a good word for my son Josh’s new album “Shame of Tones,” a parody compilation based on HBO’s “Game of Thrones.”

Ray Rice Celebrates Aggravated Assault Indictment by Marrying Victim

Ray Rice celebrated his aggravated assault indictment by marrying his victim.

#CancelColbert Trolling

An opportunist ruins a good joke and hijacks an important discussion.

NLRB Official Rules Football Players At Northwestern Can Unionize

Are student athletes employees? According to an NLRB hearing officer they are, but that’s hardly the end of the story.

How Professors Spend Their Time

An oldie but goodie from PhD comics is making the rounds.

Why German Sounds Harsh

Here’s Why The German Language Sounds Harsh To Most People

Sochi Mascots Ride Tank

Russian militarism in Ukraine has undone any public relations benefits of the Sochi Olympics.

Marines Roll Sleeves; Soldiers Roll Eyes

Rolling up your sleeves is hard if you’re a Marine.

HaHa Clinton-Dix Tired of Monica Lewinski Jokes

Worst part about being named HaHa Clinton-Dix? ‘The whole President Clinton thing with Monica Lewinsky’

It Doesn’t Get Better

Rush Limbaugh: Heterosexuals Under Attack By Homosexuals

Once again, Rush Limbaugh panders to the most pernicious of the right side of American politics.