Atlantic Council Awards Dinner 2013

Last night, the Atlantic Council honored Hillary Rodham Clinton, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, John S. Watson, Tony Bennett, and Juanes.

Netflix Removes 1794 Movies From Library

The soft underbelly of the post-ownership society.

FBI Probing Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell

The FBI is looking into Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell’s relationship with a major donor.

The GOP And The Conspiratorial Mindset

The wacko fringe of the GOP is increasingly finding room in the mainstream of the party.

Air Traffic Control vs Anti-Poverty Programs

Think Progress continues a silly meme: “12 programs that Congress cares less about than averting flight delays.”

First Quarter GDP Up, But Fails To Meet Expectations

The economy grew in the first quarter of 2013, but the numbers were far from impressive.

Go Navy

The Hazards of Red Lines

Has Bashar al-Assad crossed the red line drawn by President Obama? And does it matter?

Mike Bloomberg Suggests We Need To Sacrifice The Constitution

The Boston Marathon bombing attacks are leading some politicians to make wildly absurd statements.

Time To Reassess George W. Bush?

There seems to be an effort underway to reassess the legacy of our 43rd President.

AP Twitter Feed Hacked, Dow Plummets

Why does the stock market care if there is an explosion at the White House?

Sequestration and Punishing the Taxpayer: Air Traffic Control Edition

Airport delays are the latest example of targeting sequestration cuts where the taxpayer will feel them most.

24/7 News Even When There’s No News

A sensational story, little solid information, and instant analysis are a bad combination

The Day CNN Melted Down In Boston

Yesterday was not a good day for the Cable “News” Network.

Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion

As many as 15 are dead and more than 160 injured after a West, Texas fertilizer plant exploded.

Boston’s Hospitals Have Done An Amazing Job

The events in Boston on Monday were tragic, but there was one shining success.

Breaking: Life Hard for Military Spouses Wanting Careers

You can either have a career in a white shoe law firm or marry a military officer. Pick one.

Self-Driving Cars Here By 2025, Mandatory By ?

Most of us suck at driving. Soon, we won’t be allowed to drive.

Keep Calm and Carry On

We shouldn’t overreact. But we shouldn’t fool ourselves either: We’re not safe.

California Defies Supreme Court on Prison Releases

Jerry Brown tells the US Supreme Court to go to hell.

Social Conservatives Make An Empty Threat

Social conservatives are seeing their clout slip away, but there’s not much they can do about it.

Recriminations on Iraq

Revisiting an old posting of mine on the subject.

Patent Trolls Go After Scan-to-Email Users

Ars Technica introduces us to “nice-guy lawyers who want $1,000 per worker for using scanners.”

Engaging North Korea

Our current approach isn’t working.

The Hagel Doctrine

My latest for The National Interest, “Hagel’s Three Questions,” ponders our national security decisionmaking.