31 Americans Killed After Chopper Is Shot Down In Afghanistan

A disastrous day for American troops in Afghanistan.

Honoré: Send Congress to Boot Camp

The general made famous by his leadership of the Katrina effort has some harsh words for our political leadership.

Debt Deal Reveals GOP Split On Defense Spending

The cuts to Pentagon spending in the new debt deal are further revealing a split in the GOP over foreign policy and military spending.

Air Force Cancels ‘Jesus Loves Nukes’ Training

The Air Force has suspended a course that teaches nuclear officers that Christian ethics permit them to do their job.

Biden: Tea Party ‘Terrorists’

Vice President Biden has called Congressional Republicans and their Tea Party backers “terrorists.”

How did we get to Trillion Dollar Deficits?

It is always useful to go inside the numbers.

Blaming Extreme Rhetoric for Extreme Acts

News that Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik was a fan of anti-Islamist sites, including Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch and Pamela Geller’s Atlas Shrugs has opened a big can of schadenfreude.

General John Shalikashvili Dead at 75

A legendary American soldier, General John Shalikashvili, has died.

Oslo Shooter Anti-Muslim Christian Extremist

The death toll in Norway’s deadliest day of terrorism is up to 91. The man behind it, 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik, is a frequent poster of anti-Muslim screeds on Christian fundamentalist websites.

Oslo Bomb Blast and Shooting Spree: Al Qaeda Suspected (Updated)

A bomb blast in Oslo’s government center has killed at least two people and a presumably related shooting spree at a nearby children’s camp are being investigated as terrorist related.

Military Gay Ban Ending in September

The ban on gays openly serving in the military will end in September, nine months after President Obama signed the repeal into law.

Army Personal Blast Sensors

The Army is fielding tiny blast sensors to gauge the effects of explosions on individual soldiers.

An Attempt at Unpacking the News Corp Scandal

I must confess to having only paid peripheral attention at first, but it is clear that there is a major story here that requires attention.

John F. Kennedy The Worst President Of The 20th Century?

Thomas Ricks makes the case that JFK was the worst President of his century but his argument misses the mark.

Federal Appeals Court Rejects 4th Amendment Challenge To TSA “Nude” Image Scanners

A Federal Appeals Court says the full body image scanners showing up in airports are Constitutional.

New Book Criticizes Old War College

Howard Wiarda’s book on the National War College is based on his experiences from 1991 to 1996.

CIA Fake Vaccination Drive For Bin Laden DNA

So the CIA organized a fake vaccination drive in Pakistan in an attempt to get bin Laden family DNA. What could possibly go wrong?

Afghanistan and Iraq War Casualties by Hometown

While it’s true that the South and the Heartland disproportionately contribute to our all-volunteer force, the notion that our forces are mostly Nebraska farmboys is false.

American Boots on Ground in Somalia

Leon Panetta has been brought in to oversee significant cuts to the U.S. Defense budget. Meanwhile, we’re in six wars.

America Carrying Load in Libya While Pretending Otherwise

The US handing Libya over to NATO is “like Beyonce saying she’s ceding control to Sasha Fierce!” – Jon Stewart

Secret CIA Interrogation Facility in Eastern Europe?

Danger Room’s Spencer Ackerman reports on an alleged secret CIA interrogation facility somewhere in the former Soviet Union.

Pakistan Boots U.S. From Drone Base We Weren’t Using Anyway

Our good ally Pakistan has publicly ordered us to leave a base used for “covert” CIA drone attacks.

Vietnam Draft Lottery Had Lasting Impact

The draft ended in 1973. It’s effects still linger today.

Tim Pawlenty’s Foreign Policy Speech And The Neocon Distortion Of Ronald Reagan’s Legacy

Tim Pawlenty’s foreign policy speech shows him siding with the hawks, and joining in the neocon distortion of Reagan’s legacy.

What Obama Could Learn From Nixon

One foreign policy analyst argues that President Obama should look to Nixon’s Vietnam withdrawal strategy for ideas on Afghanistan.

Fake Soldier Wore Uniform for Airline Upgrades

Rock Diaz likes to wear Army cammies and “Marine Corp” dog tags when he flies. The portly Long Island man has never served in the military.

Presidents, Generals, and War Decisions

Should President Obama do whatever General Petraeus wants in Afghanistan?