photo of working, person, military, construction, cutting, team, helmet, build, labor, job, workers, laborer, task, construction worker, sledge hammer photo of working, person, military, construction, cutting, team, helmet, build, labor, job, workers, laborer, task, construction worker, sledge hammer

Men, Work, and Self-Worth

Most of us define ourselves largely through our jobs. That’s increasingly a problem.

Virginia Woman Ordered Dog Euthanized, Buried With Her After She Died

A Virginia woman left unusual instructions for the Executor of her will, and it’s become something of a controversy.

Is San Francisco’s Gentrification Such a Bad Thing?

The city by the Bay is rapidly transforming. Should we lament that?

Tony Robbins Accused of Harassment and Malpractice

America’s leading motivational speaker and self-help guru is coming under fire.

Is America “Ready” For A Gay President?

Despite poll numbers suggesting otherwise, one political analyst suggests that the United States may not be “ready” for a gay President.

Corruption in Baltimore

This is my shocked face.

Our Shrinking Cities

The New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago metro areas are all losing people.

Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

Pledges from wealthy men to help rebuild Notre Dame cathedral after a devastating fire is generating backlash.

New Hampshire Supreme Court Rejects Challenge To Prosecutions Of Topless Women

The New Hampshire Supreme Court rejected a challenge by three women to their prosecution for going topless on a public beach in the Granite State.

Should There Be A Political Statute Of Limitations On Acting Like An Idiot?

The cases of Ralph Northam and Mark Herring raise a question of when, if ever, something we did in the past should follow us for the rest of our lives.

MAGA Hats the New White Hood?

Wearing Donald Trump’s famous campaign symbol creates a presumption of ill intent. Is that fair?

Is There Room For Forgiveness And Redemption In The #MeToo Era?

Can society forgive the men caught up in the #MeToo movement? Is it even our place to decide?

Days After Condoning Wearing Blackface, Megyn Kelly Is Out At NBC

Just days after appearing to condone donning blackface in the style of a 19th Century minstrel show, Megyn Kelly is out at NBC News.

Mormons Don’t Want to Be Called ‘Mormons’ Anymore

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints wants to be referred to by its given name. Shouldn’t we respect that wish?

Cold Civil War or Civil Cold War?

The Kavanaugh fight is just another indicator of our national divide.

Marijuana Legalization Continues To Move Forward

In November, Michigan voters will be able to make their state the tenth state to legalize marijuana. This is just the latest step in what seems to be an irreversible trend.

politics outrage shouting politics outrage shouting

Outrage Over Minority Rule

There is a frustration and a growing sense that the American political system is illegitimate.

Laura Ingall Wilder’s Name Stripped from Children’s Book Award

A pioneer woman born in 1867 depicted American Indians and African-Americans in ways that are cringe-worthy today.

The Racist New York Lawyer And Internet Vigilantism: How Far Is Too Far?

New York attorney Aaron Schlossberg found himself on the receiving end of an Internet firestorm this week. His case raises some interesting questions about Internet vigilantism.

Mormons Sever Ties with Boy Scouts

The church sponsors 20 percent of the youth organization’s membership.

The Limits of Comedy

Controversies involving Jimmy Kimmel and “The Simpsons” highlight a perennial question.

Women Competing With Porn?

Maureen Dowd blames the Internet for women having sex with men they find unattractive.

Kevin Williamson Doesn’t Want Women Murdered and Doesn’t Belong at The Atlantic

Argumentation without the intent to persuade is masturbation, not journalism.

Kevin Williamson and the Limits of Polite Discourse

The Atlantic fired one of their few conservative voices for saying women who have abortions should be hanged. Was this beyond the pale?

Woman Fired After Flipping The Bird To Trump’s Motorcade Sues Former Employer

A woman who was fired after a photograph of her giving the middle finger to President Trump’s motorcade went viral is suing her former employer. She doesn’t have much of a case.

Noor Salman Was Acquitted in the Orlando Massacre; She Wasn’t Innocent

The FBI committed gross malfeasance in building a case against the widow of Omar Mateen. She nonetheless bears significant blame for 53 deaths.

Confirmation Bias, Hidden Agendas, and the Challenges of Conversation

A blog post and resulting Twitter exchange point to a larger problem in our political dialog.

Are Marriage Proposals Stupid?

The grand gesture may put undue pressure on women in making an important life decision.

The Meritocracy Myth

Why do most people think success is mostly due to merit?

What Happens Online Doesn’t Just Stay Online, Justine Sacco Edition

The danger of saying stupid things online apparently has not sunk in with some people.

Fast Pass Nation

Those with the means can buy their way out of more and more of life’s inconveniences.

Kevin Williamson: Hero Or Menace?

What is the appropriate response to someone who’s acting like a jerk?

Occupy Wall Street: What It Isn’t

There’s no consensus for European-style social democracy or a Randian libertarian paradise.

Disadvantages of an Elite Education

While elite schools confer many advantages on their graduates, they also wall them off from normal people and create an entitled, out-of-touch elite.

Writing The Southern Accent

Attempts to capture the speech patterns of the American South in written dialogue should be approached with extreme caution.

Ruling Class Elites

A bizarre rant in American Spectator contains some interesting thoughts about the nature of America’s political elite.

Poor Euphemisms