Still A Steady State Election?

The Presidential race seems to be returning to the state it was in before the political conventions.

New Battleground Polls Show Slight Romney Surge

Romney’s post-debate surge is being picked up in swing state polls, but will it be enough?

Pollster Prematurely Calls Florida, Virginia, And North Carolina For Romney

One pollster has called three battleground states 27 days early.

Romney Leads Popular Vote Race, Trails Badly in Electoral Vote Race

For the first time all cycle, Mitt Romney leads Barack Obama in the RealClearPolitics average.

Losing Our Religion

America’s Protestants are dying off and being replaced by non-believers.

Romney’s Poll Surge is Real

The Pew poll is no longer an outlier but the start of a trend.

Romney’s Post-Debate Poll Bump

Mitt Romney has gotten a bump in the polls from Wednesday debate, but it’s still too early to say if it means anything.

Presidential Race Tightening?

For no apparent reason, the presidential race is tightening ahead of tonight’s first debate, according to two reputable national polls.

How Romney Lost The Economy As A Winning Issue

The biggest surprise of the Presidential race to date is the fact that Mitt Romney has lost the edge he once had on economic issues.

The Beginning Of The End Of Polling?

The response rates for opinion polling of all types has become incredibly low.

Debunking The Poll Denialists

The arguments of the people claiming that every single poll showing Mitt Romney is unfairly biased do not stand up to scrutiny.

Are The Polls Biased Against Mitt Romney?

Many on the right are heavily invested in the argument that current polling is intentionally biased against Mitt Romney. Their argument is not very plausible.

Romney’s Ohio Problem

Mitt Romney has an Ohio problem, and little time to fix it.

Americans’ Distrust In Media Hits New High

Public distrust of the media is at an all-time high. It’s easy to see why.

Romney Needs The “47 Percent” To Win

In order to win, Mitt Romney needs the support of a large segment of the 47% of the populace he wrote off back in May.

The Convention Bounce Is Apparently Over, But Obama Still Leads

The President’s poll lead has shrunk, but there are still signs of trouble for Mitt Romney.

Romney Losing His Edge On The Economy?

Several recent polls suggest that Mitt Romney is losing the advantage he had over the President on economic issues.

Debunking A Myth: Reagan Was Leading Carter Long Before That Final October Debate

Ronald Reagan was leading Jimmy Carter long before the two men met in Cleveland on October 28th, 1980.

Obama Leads In Three Crucial Swing States

Three new state polls show that Mitt Romney’s path to victory continues to narrow.

Obama Leading Romney In New Polls, Extent Of Convention Bounce Is Unclear

A new round of polling has Obama in the lead and shows reasons why Romney’s supporters should be concerned, but it’s unclear how long any of this will last.