Rick Perry Loves the Constitution

Except, of course, the parts he doesn’t like.

Why the Establishment Doesn’t Like Newt Gingrich

The Establishment opposition to the current frontrunner has little to do with his policy ideas.

Will He Or Won’t He? The Fate Of The Herman Cain Campaign Hangs In The Balance

Herman Cain will announce his future campaign plans this afternoon but, in some sense, it doesn’t matter what he decides to do.

Remember That Ban On Earmarks? Apparently, Some Congressmen Don’t.

The much celebrated ban on earmarks isn’t stopping Congressmen from trying to earmark.

Manchester Union-Leader Endorses Newt Gingrich

It was a good day for Newt Gingrich, but will it matter in the end?

Herman Cain Won’t Be President and That’s a Very Good Thing

The former pizza executive is a smart guy. But he’s not fit to run the country.

Republican Foreign Policy Craziness Inherent in the System

My latest for The Atlantic: “Some Reasons Not to Worry About Republican Foreign Policy Craziness”

Herman Cain Flunks The Commander In Chief Test

Last night, Herman Cain established that he simply isn’t prepared to be Commander in Chief.

Peter Principle Politics

Or, perhaps, the Perry Princple?

Does Herman Cain Also Have A Campaign Finance Problem?

Another potential problem for the Cain campaign.

Presidential Debates: Neither Debates Nor Presidential

Do we place too much importance on performance in presidential debates?

State Department Bought $70,000 Worth of Obama Biographies

Barack Obama wrote two bestselling memoirs before becoming president. Both of them are hot items at Foggy Bottom.

Herman Cain Continues To Lead GOP Field

Quite improbably, Herman Cain remains at the top of the GOP field.

Rick Perry Playing The Sarah Palin “Victim Card”

Rick Perry seems to be picking up where Sarah Palin left off.

Christie Now Allegedly “Seriously Considering” Presidential Race

And, the week closes out with another round of rumors about New Jersey’s Governor.

The Christie Speculation

The grass is always greener on the candidate not running (or something like that).

Gay Soldier Booed at GOP Debate

Stephen Hill, a US soldier serving in Iraq, was booed by some members of the audience at last night’s Republican debate.

Santorum Supports PA EC Plan

Rick Santorum: naked partisan. (Although, really, this is more a post about the EC than it is about Santorum).

Looking to the Design of the Electoral College

Of the institutions designed by the Framers, the electoral college is the one that deserves the least amount of defense if one’s defense is predicated on assumptions of the genius of said framers.

Timing is Everything

It’s not a given that we’ll have a massive recovery during the next presidential term but it’s a pretty decent bet. And the party in power will get too much credit for it if it happens.

Can A President Become Irrelevant?

No matter how weak he becomes, no President will ever be completely irrelevant to the political process.

Do Legislators Make Bad Presidents?

Let’s see if there is evidence to support the assertion.

A Correction

We Have a President, Not a King

Did Speaker Boehner insult President Obama by snubbing his speech request? If so, so what?

Obama Re-Election Keys

A political scientist whose formula has correctly picked every presidential winner since 1984 says Barack Obama will be re-elected.

Madison, the Philadelphia Convention, and Presidentialism

The US came a lot closer to something resembling a parliamentary system than most people think.

Would Not Running For POTUS Make Sarah Palin Irrelevant?

Her appeal is not her ideas, policies, or achievements but her personality and appeal to the red meat base.

Rick Perry: We Need President Military Respects

Rick Perry declared, “One of the reasons that I’m running for president is I want to make sure that every young man and woman who puts on the uniform of the United States respects highly the president of the United States.”

Bachmann and the Definition of “Family”

Further evidence of Bachmann’s extreme views on homosexuality.

Can Any Republican Beat Obama in 2012?

Does it matter which candidate the GOP nominates?

Functional Apathy’s Opposite

Steven Metz muses, “Scholars argue that too much political mobilization can make democracies dysfunction. Is that where the US is today?”