Will Michele Bachmann’s Migraines Become A Campaign Headache?

Speculation about Michele Bachmann’s health continues.

John F. Kennedy The Worst President Of The 20th Century?

Thomas Ricks makes the case that JFK was the worst President of his century but his argument misses the mark.

Congressman: Lower the Debt Ceiling

Georgia Congressman Paul Broun has a radical suggestion: While we’re playing chicken with the nation’s debt, let’s cut $1.3 trillion from the debt ceiling!

The Genius of Mitch McConnell

The Senate Republican leader is running a shrewd political game. But what’s good for the GOP is bad for America.

Is A Three-Term Congresswoman Who’s Never Sponsored A Law Ready For The White House?

The odds of history are against Michele Bachmann.

What’s up with Chávez?

The normally loquacious Chávez has been almost silent since emergency surgery in Cuba on June 10th.

Howard Dean: Sarah Palin Could Beat Obama

When John McCain declared that Sarah Palin could beat President Obama, it was easy to dismiss. But when the architect of the Democratic strategy in 2008, says the same thing, you have to listen.

Rick Perry Running for President?

With so many Republicans wringing their hands over the 2012 field, one name that keeps popping up as a possible game changer is Texas Governor Rick Perry.

Colbert Super PAC, Citizens United, and Silly Election Laws

Stephen Colbert has been running an ongoing shtick in which he’s trying to start a political action committee, gets letters from his Viacom bosses poo-pooing the idea, and then inviting his lawyer on to explain ways to get around these concerns.

Obama Killed The War Powers Act? No, Congress Did

Once again, Congressional abdication has led to an Executive Branch power grab.

Huckabee’s Out, What’s Next?

Mike Huckabee’s decision not to run has shaken up the GOP field for 2012.

Spouses and Running for the Presidency

Can one effectively run for the presidency if one’s spouse doesn’t want to be in the spotlight?

War Powers Act and Illegal Wars

Is the war in Libya illegal?

Does the U.S. Need a Peer Competitor?

Matt Eckel’s takeaway from my Atlantic piece on How Perpetual War Became U.S. Ideology is that we need a peer competitor.

How Perpetual War Became U.S. Ideology

Why the United States has found itself in a seemingly endless series of wars over the past two decades.

Did Osama bin Laden Win?

Osama bin Laden is dead, but he’s succeeded in changing America for the worse.

Of Course The Birthers Aren’t Satisfied

You thought the birther insanity was over? Silly you.

Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate

President Obama’s long-form birth certificate is being released, the White House announced today.

Campaigning Like it’s 2008

Trump continues his antics: pulling out 2008 campaign memes and doing his best to paint Obama as a mysterious “other.”

More Cautionary Poll Tales

It is waaay too early to be putting much stock in polling for 2012 (either in terms of X v. Obama or GOP v. GOP).

How Do You Solve A Problem Like Donald Trump?

What is Donald Trump up to? Only he seems to know for sure.

Time To Eliminate The “Natural Born Citizen” Requirement

With all the birther talk these days, it’s probably time to question whether we even need the “natural born citizen” rule anymore.

Candidate Obama vs. President Obama On Presidential Signing Statements

Once again, President Obama has ignored Candidate Obama’s promises to reign in the Presidential powers assumed by George W. Bush.

Barack Obama’s Imperial Presidency

Like all Presidents before him, Barack Obama is asserting the right to virtually unfettered discretion when it comes to military matters.

Too Late For Palin?

There’s still time for Sarah Palin to burnish her political reputation. But she probably won’t.

Mark Sanford for President

If the Republicans need their own Bill Clinton, how about Mark Sanford?