Barack Obama Re-Elected President Of The United States

There are still votes to be counted, and the Romney campaign has yet to concede, but the race is over and Barack Obama has been re-elected.

Ohio Provisional Ballots Could Leave Presidency In Doubt For Weeks

Will Ohio’s Provisional Ballot’s be 2012’s version of the Hanging Chad?

If Obama Wins (Even If He Doesn’t), The Campaign For 2016 Will Begin Soon

It’s just a few days until the 2012 campaign ends, and the jostling for position for 2016 begins.

Don’t Try To Parse Chris Christie

Pundits on the left and the right are having a hard time understanding what Chris Christie’s praise of the President is all about.

Most Random Constitutional Amendment Ever?

Congressman Steve Israel has proposed an amendment to the Constitution to award 29 bonus electoral votes to the popular vote winner.

Barack Obama’s College Transcripts

Donald Trump has yet again duped the media into giving him attention by hyping a “bombshell” that turned out to be a nothing-burger.

The Cult Of Barack Obama’s Presidency

Like the men who came before him, Barack Obama has vastly increased the powers of his office. Someone should have asked him about that last night.

What Exactly Would Obama Do With A Second Term?

The President has yet to tell us what he would do with a Second Term.

How Virginia Went From Red To Purple

Virginia went Republican in every presidential contest from 1968 to 2004. It’s likely to vote for Barack Obama again five weeks from now.

The Presidency Costs Taxpayers A Lot, But That’s Not Obama’s Fault

The Presidency costs taxpayers a lot of money, but that’s been true for many, many years now.

It Matters What Question is Asked

Understanding public opinion is tricky.

Attempts to “Carterize” the Race

Romney supporters seem to want to paint Obama as Carter. This is unlikely to help.

Ann Romney’s Opinions About Birth Control Are Irrelevant To This Election

Ann Romney dodged questions from a reporter seeking her personal opinions on hot-button social issues. Good for her.

Obama’s Rove

The front page of Sunday’s NYT profiled Valerie Jarrett, the power behind the throne at the Obama White House.

Running Out Of Angry White Guys

Lindsey Graham: “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

Lots of People do not Understand Parties, Conventions, or Presidentialism

Mark Levin provides the latest example.

Election Night Might Be Over Early

Brookings Institute scholar William Galston says election night might end early this year even if the race remains tight.

Maybe We’re Getting Exactly The Political Culture We Deserve

We have met the enemy, and it’s most likely us.

Why 2012 Is So Nasty And Likely to Get Nastier

Dan Balz summarizes what has been “A most poisonous campaign” and is likely to get much worse before it gets over.

Obama Holds Strong Lead Among People Who Aren’t Going To Vote

There’s a large group of people out there that like the President, but they’re probably not going to vote.

Obama’s War on White People

Victor Davis Hanson thinks President Obama plans to win the back the White House by alienating the white man.

Do Vice-Presidential Picks Really Matter That Much?

There’s little evidence that Vice-Presidential picks have as big an impact on elections as pundits seem to think.

Scalia on Bush v Gore: ‘Get Over It’

Antonin Scalia says “The only question in Bush v. Gore was whether the presidency would be decided by the Florida Supreme Court or the United States Supreme Court.”

Obama And Romney In Dead Heat In New Virginia Poll

Virginia could be the state that decides who controls the United States Government.

Romney’s Campaign Is Mishandling The Politics Of The Bain Issue

Mitt Romney’s campaign is mishandling their response to the Bain story, and hurting the candidate in the process.

John Boehner: I Can’t Make You Love Romney, Because Most Of America Won’t

John Boehner speaks an inconvenient, for Mitt Romney at least, truth.

Repeal and the Mechanisms of American Government

Electing Romney hardly means repeal of the PPACA, even if he will make it sound that way.

Jimmy Carter: U.S. Under Obama Is A “Widespread Violator Of Human Rights”

From one Nobel Peace Prize winner to another.

Does the Constitution Matter?

It’s a wonder the Constitution gets followed at all.

Ambition v. Ambition

Issa, Holder, and a little Madison.

Resistance To A Mormon President The Same As It Was In 1967

Mitt Romney faces the same resistance to the idea of a Mormon President that his father did when he ran for President four decades ago.

Obama’s Assertion Of Executive Privilege And The Law

Is there any legal merit to the Administration’s invocation of Executive Privilege?

Mormonism Sure Is Weird

Jeffrey Goldberg asks, “What if Mitt Romney were Jewish?”

The Other Side Of The Neil Munro Story: Obama Doesn’t Take Many Questions

Neil Munro acted like a jerk, but Barack Obama needs to be more open to questions than he has been.

Egypt’s Highest Court Dissolves Parliament, Is Another Round Of Chaos Coming?

A new ruling from Egypt’s highest court has set in motion a chain of events that could end very badly.