The Down Side of Early Voting

Many people have voted for candidates who aren’t running anymore.

Democratic Debate Stage Set To Shrink Again

Next week’s Democratic debate could have as few as five candidates.

Andrew Yang Raises $16.5 Million In Fourth Quarter

Andrew Yang had an impressive fourth quarter when it comes to fundraising, but it appears unlikely to help his campaign at all.

Julian Castro Ends Presidential Bid

Another one bites the dust.

Previewing The Sixth Democratic Debate

It’s time for the last Democratic debate of 2019, and the stage will be smaller than it has at any time in the past.

Lessons For The U.S. In The British Elections?

What lessons are there for the United States in general, and Democrats in particular, in last weeks British election?

Signs Of Trouble For Cory Booker

Cory Booker’s campaign is starting to show some of the same signs of collapse that Kamala Harris’s did.

Bloomberg Rising In The Polls, But Most Democrats Don’t Want Him

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is in fifth place in national polling, but a new poll suggests that he may not rise much further.

Kamala Harris Drops Out of Presidential Race

Kamala Harris, whose campaign has been floundering for months, is out of the race for the Democratic Presidential Nomination.

Montana Governor Steve Bullock Drops Out Of Presidential Race

And another one gone, another one gone, another one bites the dust.

Joe Sestak Drops Out Of Race Nobody Knew He Was In

Former Congressman Joe Sestak (Who?) is ending his bid for the Democratic Presidential nomination.

Brokered Convention Fantasies: 2020 Edition

It’s time to start speculating about a brokered convention again,even though it probably isn’t going to happen.

Kamala Harris in front of American Flag Kamala Harris in front of American Flag

The Wheels Are Coming Off Of Kamala Harris’s Campaign

Kamala Harris’s once-promising campaign is nearing the end whether the candidate or her supporters wish to admit it or not.

Obama May Intervene In Democratic Race

Former President Obama has been largely quiet about the race for the Democratic nomination, but that may not last.

Democrats Growing Skeptical Of ‘Medicare For All’

Even as candidates like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders continue to base their campaigns on it, Democrats appear to be growing skeptical of ‘Medicare For All.’

Bloomberg Not Worried About Missing Democratic Debates

Under the Democratic National Committee’s current qualification rules, Michael Bloomberg’s self-funded campaign means he wouldn’t qualify for any future debate. He doesn’t seem worried about that.

Andrew Yang Boycotting MSNBC Over Debate Speaking Time

Andrew Yang is upset about the fact that he’s largely being ignored at the Democratic debates. He’s right, but that’s at least partly his fault.

Viewership For Fifth Democratic Debate Drops Significantly

Wednesday night’s debate drew the smallest television audience of any of the debates so far.

One Of Deval Patrick’s Appearances Draws Empty Room

Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick isn’t exactly starting out on the right foot.

Previewing The Fifth Democratic Debate

Taking a look at the state of the race as Democratic prepare to clash in tonight’s fifth debate.

Biden’s South Carolina Firewall

Former Vice-President Joe Biden continues to hold a strong lead in South Carolina even while slipping in other early states.

Democratic Candidates Criticize Caucuses

Many of the 2020 Democratic candidates for President are arguing that the caucus process itself is unfair and undemocratic. They’re right.

Kamala Harris’s Campaign Appears To Be Falling Apart

After a promising start, Kamala Harris’s campaign appears to be in crisis mode.

Deval Patrick Enters Presidential Race

Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has entered the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination

Deval Patrick Reportedly Considering Late Entry Into Presidential Race

Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick is reportedly considering a late entry into the race for the Democratic nomination.

Democratic Voters Not Exactly Enthusiastic About Mike Bloomberg

A new poll seems to indicate that Democratic voters aren’t exactly jumping on the Mike Bloomberg train.

Mike Bloomberg Apparently Running For President For Some Reason

Mike Bloomberg is apparently entering the race for the Democratic nomination.

Biden, Warren Lead Race For Democratic Nomination

Two weeks after the most recent debate, Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren are pulling ahead in the polls.

Is Pete Buttigieg’s Sexual Orientation Hurting His Campaign?

With Pete Buttigieg rising in the polls, but underperforming among African-Americans, some are wondering if his sexual orientation is holding him back.

Kamala Harris in front of American Flag Kamala Harris in front of American Flag

Kamala Harris Cuts Back Presence In New Hampshire As Money Becomes Tight

Kamala Harris’s Presidential race continues to his bumpy roads.

Beto O’Rourke Drops Out Of Presidential Race

Beto O;Rourke finally faces reality.

Kamala Harris in front of American Flag Kamala Harris in front of American Flag

Bleeding Cash, Kamala Harris Cuts Campaign Staff, And Spending

Facing a cash crunch, Kamala Harris is shedding campaign staff and cutting spending. This seldom ends well.

DNC Sets Criteria For December Debate

The stage for the sixth Democratic debate in December is likely to be much smaller.

Another Unknown Candidate Drops Out Of Presidential Race

We won’t have whats-his-name to kick around anymore.

Post-Debate National Polls Show Biden Rebounding

The first round of polls after last week’s debate has good news for the former Vice-President.

Fourth Democratic Debate Garners 8.3 Million Voters

The fourth Democratic debate saw a viewership dip from September, but there are likely some good reasons for that.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez To Endorse Sanders

Not surprisingly, AOC is getting behind Bernie Sanders in the race for the Democratic nomination.

Warren Comes Under Fire In Fourth Democratic Debate

Elizabeth Warren took most of the fire during last night’s fourth Democratic debate, which will likely go a long way toward winnowing down a crowded field.

Mike Bloomberg Reconsidering Decision Not To Run For President?

Michael Bloomberg is reportedly reconsidering his decision not to run for President.

Tulsi Gabbard Threatening To Boycott Debate. Would Anyone Notice? [UPDATED]

Tulsi Gabbard, who managed to qualify for tomorrow’s fourth Democratic debate after missing out on the third, is threatening to boycott what may be her last chance to make her case to a national audience.

Amy Klobuchar Raises $4.6 Million In Third Quarter

Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar is behind in the polls but still able to stay alive financially.

Andrew Yang Raises $10 Million In Third Quarter

An unexpectedly big fundraising quarter for an unlikely candidate.

Kamala Harris in front of American Flag Kamala Harris in front of American Flag

Kamala Harris Hauls In $11.6 Million In Third Quarter

Kamala Harris has slipped in the polls but her financial numbers are still pretty respectable.

Cory Booker Reaches Goal, Will Stay In Race

It looks like we’ll have Cory Booker to kick around for a little while longer.

Democrats Tighten Criteria for November And December Debates

The criteria for the November and December debate will make it much harder for some Democrats to get on the national stage. That isn’t a bad thing.

It’s Time For Democrats To Severely Limit Access To The Debate Stage

The time for coddling the candidates polling below 5% is over.

Cory Booker Rings The Warning Bell

Cory Booker’s campaign is basically admitting they’re at the end of the road.

Democratic Race Mostly Unchanged By Third Presidential Debate

For the most part, the third debate appears to have had little immediate impact on the race for the Democratic nomination.

Bill DeBlasio Drops Out Of Presidential Race

New York City’s Mayor ends a campaign that was going nowhere.

Third Democratic Debate Draws 14 Million Viewers

After falling for the second debate, ratings were back near record levels for the third debate.