The ‘Outside Agitator’ Trope

It’s been around for a very long time.

Biden Reversing Trump on Space Command HQ

It’s taken more than two years to undo a silly, petty decision.

Even the NY Post

The truth is pretty obvious.

Trumper Sets Own Camper on Fire to Own the Libs

Oh, and committed insurance fraud to boot.

The Weak Case Against the January 6 Committee

Republicans killed their parents and demanding mercy for being orphaned.

Resetting Our Politics

Did Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony change anything?

The free high-resolution photo of wood, floor, building, old, construction, pile, red, brown, soil, industry, stack, brick, material, rubble, hardwood, bricks, brickwork, many, heap, scrap , taken with an unknown camera 02/17 2017 The picture taken with The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required. The free high-resolution photo of wood, floor, building, old, construction, pile, red, brown, soil, industry, stack, brick, material, rubble, hardwood, bricks, brickwork, many, heap, scrap , taken with an unknown camera 02/17 2017 The picture taken with The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required.

Cui Bono?

We live in a bizarre timeline.

January 6 Committee Public Hearings: Day 1

The laying out of the case begins.

Capitol Rioter Convicted of Six Felonies

A former Virginia police officer has been found guilty, partly on the testimony of a former colleague.

Normalizing Political Violence

In their censure of Cheney and Kinzinger the GOP wants to rewrite history.

A Reminder of the Gutless and Feckless

A number of GOP politicians criticized Trump over 1/6 and some resigned.

The Big Lie is Working

A majority of Americans are less than sure that Biden won the 2020 election.

Some Tabs

Some tabs plus some tabs equals some tabs.

Proud Boys, Antifa Clash in Portland While Police Stand Idly By

The weirdest goddamn story you’re likely to read today.

The January 6 Commission will be All-Democratic

A chance for a real investigation? Ruined legitimacy?

The Key Number: Two Hours

The pivot point in the impeachment charges: two hours of silence.

Call him the MiAutogolpe Guy

Mike Lindell’s behavior is both farcical and dangerous.

A Poster Child for White Privilege

You can’t make this stuff up.

How Trump’s Words are Heard

Trump is careless with his words and extremists respond.

The Pence Gambit

The absurd notion that the President of Senate is the arbiter and judge of the electoral vote.

Violence after DC ‘Stop the Steal’ Rally

Peaceful protests were once again followed by nighttime clashes.

More Kook Than Coup

A shameful farce continues to unfold.

Million MAGA March Sparks Violence

The inevitable happened, as extremist organizations descended on DC.

The Great Disappointment

Trump Calls Caravan Crashers ‘Patriots’

The man is unwell.

It was Intimidation

More on a dangerous and disturbing incident in Texas

Trump Yahoos Swarm Biden Bus in Texas

Just when you thought the 2020 campaign couldn’t go any lower.

The Proud Boys Heard Trump Loud and Clear

They are standing by as ordered.

Andrew Sullivan’s Complicated Legacy

The one-time wunderkind, blogging pioneer, and same-sex marriage champion is now on the outs.

Richmond Police Claim White Supremacists Behind BLM Riots

The ‘outside agitators’ trope strikes again.

A Diminished, Surreal July 4th

The crowd for DC’s fireworks celebration was small but weird.

If you Need a Laugh

Utterly classic.

Protests, Riots, and Looting

Outside agitators, including white supremacist groups, are shaping public perception of the George Floyd protests.

On A Day That Called For National Unity, Trump Reverted To Attacks And Division

On a day that called for national unity and empathy, President Trump couldn’t help but revert to form.

Antifa Terrorist Killed While Attempting to Blow Up ICE Facility

A strangely under-publicized story.

Radicalizing Rhetoric

Trump’s words matter.

Charlottesville Anniversary March A Complete Dud

White supremacists held a rally in Washington on Sunday, and almost no one but their opponents and the police showed up.

Parkland Shooting Survivors Speak Out On Gun Control, And Some On The Right See A Conspiracy

The students who survived last week’s mass shooting in Parkland, Florida are speaking out, and some on the right are responding by engaging in personal attacks and spreading conspiracy theories.

Trump Reopens Charlottesville Wounds By Resurrecting His ‘Both Sides’ Argument

Donald Trump went there again, and in the process reopened a wound that was starting to heal just a little bit.

Trump Goes To Phoenix And Returns To Old Form

Donald Trump gave a campaign-style speech in Phoenix last night and reminded us of everything that’s wrong with him.