Rudy Giuliani Leads Republican Field: CNN Poll

Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani tops the latest CNN poll of Republican presidential contenders.

Does Tim Pawlenty Have A Willie Horton Problem?

Tim Pawlenty may face trouble from a pardon he issued while he was Governor of Minnesota.

Mitch Daniels Won’t Run in 2012

Mitch Daniels, the candidate of George Will and a host of mainstream Republicans hoping for something better in 2012, has announced he will not be running for president in 2012.

With Huckabee Out, Bachmann More Likely To Run For POTUS, And That Helps Romney

With Huckabee out, the right side of the GOP primary base may end up divided. And that will help Mitt Romney.

Mike Huckabee Bows Out Of 2012 Race: “The Factors Say Go, But My Heart Says No.”

We won’t have Mike Huckabee to kick around in 2012.

Ranking The Pundits

A study shows that most national columnists and talking heads are about as accurate as a coin flip.

Obama’s Approval Numbers Down, But He Still Leads All GOP Rivals

President Obama is vulnerable, but he’s facing a GOP field that is underwhelming even for Republicans.

Is Arizona’s ‘Birther’ Bill Unconstitutional?

Arizona’s so-called “Birther Bill” seems to violate several provisions of the Federal Constitution.

Should Trump Be Fired From ‘Apprentice’?

Donald Trump is waiting to announce whether he’s running for president until after taping of “The Apprentice” concludes. Some thing NBC shouldn’t allow him to wait.

Donald Trump Tied For Lead In Meaningless Poll

Donald Trump has been surging in polls of Republican voters recently, but that doesn’t mean much of anything.

Mike Huckabee And The Mystery Of The Destroyed Hard Drives

Why did then-Governor Mike Huckabee’s office destroy all its office hard drives shortly before leaving office?

Your Current GOP 2012 Frontrunner: Mike Huckabee?

Quite improbably, Mike Huckabee seems to be positioned at the top of the GOP field right now. The only question is whether he really wants to run for President again.

Debtors Prison for Deadbeat Dads

The Supreme Court will decide whether states may jail parents who fail to make child support payments without providing them an attorney.

Warren Christopher Dead at 85

Warren Christopher, Bill Clinton’s first Secretary of State, has died at 85.

The Triumph Of The Neocons, And The Death Of Fiscal Conservatism

With minor exceptions, all of the potential candidates for the GOP nomination in 2012 seem to have accepted the idea that defense spending, and the Bush-era interventionist foreign policy, are off the table when it comes time to talk spending cuts.

Sarah Palin Losing Support Among Republicans

Republicans are starting to sour on Sarah Palin, meaning that they’re finally starting to catch up to the rest of the country.

Daylight Saving Time History

Overnight, we celebrate the biannual ritual of resetting all our clocks so as to save daylight. Oddly, the amount of daylight continues to heed its own rhythms.

Republicans Begin To Realize That Obama Won’t Be Easy To Beat

Republicans begin to discover that defeating an incumbent President isn’t an easy task.

Opposition To Same-Sex Marriage No Longer A Winning Issue For The GOP

Opposition to marriage equality is no longer the wedge issue it used to be.

Obama’s State-Level Job Approval Polls And The 2012 Election

A new set of polls from Gallup show that President Obama is still looking good for re-election.

The Leftward Drift Of The Democratic Party

Oddly, the Democratic Party seems to be responding to the 2010 midterms by moving further left.

Mortgage Interest Deduction Favors Blue States

The home mortgage interest deduction benefits Democrat-voting states most! Is the fix in?

Caption Contest Winners

The Get The Flock Outta Here Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Mitt Romney Wins N.H. Straw Poll, Ron Paul Second, Palin Fourth

It’s straw poll season already. First up, New Hampshire where things turned out about how you’d expect them to considering Mitt Romney lives there now.

Is Rep. Giffords In Danger Of Losing Her Seat Due To Being Hospitalized?

An obscure Arizona law has raised questions over whether Congressman Gabrielle Giffords could lose her seat if she is disabled for an extended period.

The End Of Sarah Palin?

One columnist argues that Sarah Palin’s response to the Arizona shootings mark the end of whatever political future she might have had. He’s probably correct.

Geno Auriemma and John Wooden

Geno Auriemma and his UConn Huskies should rightly be enormously proud of their accomplishments. But comparing them to John Wooden’s is embarrassing.

Presidential Candidates Never Seem Presidential

The prospective Republican field for 2012 is dismal. Then again, it always is.

Sarah Palin Most Polarizing Figure In 2012 Field

This is a strange disconnect between Sarah Palin’s popularity within the Republican Party and her popularity with the nation as a whole. One wonders if the GOP notices, or cares.