Cameroon’s “Missing” Olympians

Eight of Cameroon’s 37 Olympians are “missing.”

Israel Is America’s Greatest Espionage Threat In The Mid-East?

According to a new report, the CIA considers Israel to be an espionage threat.

Socialist Canadians Wealthier Than Capitalist Americans?

“The average Canadian has quietly become richer than the average American,” claims a pro-Canada organization.

What is “Constitutional”?

What does the US Constitution actually provide in terms of guidance for governance?

Was The Revolution A Mistake?

Were the Colonists wrong to toss aside the British Empire so casually?

CERN Physicists Announce Evidence Pointing To Existence Of Higgs Boson

Scientists have made a major step toward unlocking one of the biggest mysteries of particle physics

Is It Anyone’s Business If You Don’t Vote?

Should it be anyone’s business if you vote?

The End Of The Debate Over Evolution?

Will more knowledge bring an end to the public debate over evolutionary theory? Don’t count on it.

Cubicles Lower Productivity But Management Loves Them

The private office is quickly becoming a relic, despite the loss of morale and productivity that comes from open floorplans.

World’s Top Universities

Seven of the top ten and fifteen of the top twenty universities on the planet are American.

USA World’s Most Charitable Nation

The United States tops the world in giving money, volunteering time, and helping strangers.

Despite Congressional Reprieve, The Old Incandescent Light Bulb Is Still Dead

Welcome technological change, or crony capitalism?

Kim’s Eulogy

We held Kim’s services this morning. These were my prepared remarks.

Apple’s Odd New Patent And What It Says About Our Patent Laws

A new patent granted to Apple raises once again the question of how far patent protections should extend.

Occupy The World – OWS Goes Global

Protests at least loosely affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement were conducted around the globe yesterday.

The End Of The Draft

Timing is Everything

It’s not a given that we’ll have a massive recovery during the next presidential term but it’s a pretty decent bet. And the party in power will get too much credit for it if it happens.

Madison and States v. the Central Government

Madison went to Philadelphia wanting to increase the power of the central government over the states (quite a bit, in fact).

What’s Wrong With Political Reporting?

Political journalists aren’t like you and me. Well, you, anyway.

Madison, the Philadelphia Convention, and Presidentialism

The US came a lot closer to something resembling a parliamentary system than most people think.

US Competitive Balance

Not only is the US outspending all our allies and competitors combined in real dollars on defense, we’re doing so in terms of GDP as well.

Syrian Troops Continue Crackdown Amid International Pressure

The world is starting to denounce the crackdown in Syria, but the reaction seems unlikely to go much beyond strongly worded statements.

U. S. to Recognize Libyan Rebels

Move eases way to providing funding to the rebels.

Hybrid Cars, Rare Earth Elements, and Supply

President Obama wants a million hybrid cars on the road by 2015. That’s easier said than done.

North Korea Famine: Starving Soldiers

Australia’s ABC News has video smuggled out by an activist showing widespread famine in North Korea, including filthy children begging in the streets and evidence that even soldiers are not getting enough to eat.

Guns and Democracy

Is it reasonable to state that countries with less guns are more likely to become tyrannical than countries with more guns?

Is the U.S.-European Relationship Really in Decline?

My latest piece for The Atlantic, “Is the U.S.-European Relationship Really in Decline?” is posted.

Go the Fuck to Sleep Goes Viral

Go The Fuck to Sleep, the children’s book aimed at parents, has become an Internet sensation and reached #1 on Amazon well before its release owing to a leaked copy.

Piss Christ Slashed By French Catholics

On Palm Sunday, French Christians stormed a museum and slashed Andres Serrano’s Piss Christ

USA a Low-Tax Country?

Australia is the only major country with lower tax rates than the USA.

Obama In South America: Nitpicking, Bad Optics, Or A Really Bad Idea?

Obama is visiting Brazil and Chile while American fighting men join the coalition against Libya.

Saudi Arabia Hoping To Bribe Its Citizens Not To Revolt

Is Saudi Arabia the next domino to fall in the Middle East? The Royal family is hoping that money will be enough to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Facebook Adds Gay Friendly Status Options

Facebook has come up with new settings to meet the needs of users in same-sex relationships.

OTB Foreign Desk

Brief takes on foreign affairs