Trump’s Mounting Legal Bills

He owes over half a billion so far. That creates significant conflicts of interest.

Kyrsten Sinema Mixes Pleasure and Business

Running for office or just running?

The Theory of the Case Against Trump

Legal analysts are skeptical.

GOP Clown Show Continues

After two days of futility, a deal is coming together to make futility permanent.

The Ongoing Mystery of Sinema

Her price to sign on to the Inflation Reduction Act was, well, odd.

On Moderate Legislative Power and Other Political Dreams

A bloc of moderates is not coming to a Senate near you.

More on GA’s SB202

Georgia Public Broadcasting provides a useful list of provisions.

Trump Pardons More Cronies

Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, and Charles Kushner are among last night’s lucky recipients.


The Trump Presidency has been a long con.

62% of Americans Afraid to Share Political Views

An interesting if frustrating new survey from Cato.

Bloomberg’s Influence-Buying

Unprecedented spending since leaving City Hall has put him in a unique position.

Mike Bloomberg Apparently Running For President For Some Reason

Mike Bloomberg is apparently entering the race for the Democratic nomination.

Two Giuliani Associates Arrested While Heading Out Of The Country

Two associates of President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani were arrested on their way out of the country, and the question is what connection Giuliani may have to the reasons behind their arrest.

Democrats Announce Roster For Second Debate

Once again, twenty candidates will participate in the second debate scheduled to take place over two nights at the end of the month.

Trump Says He’d Accept ‘Dirt’ About Opponents From Foreign Sources

President Trump says in a new interview that he would be willing to break the law to get “oppo research” on an opponent.

Prosecutors Reach Deal With Publisher Over Payoffs On Behalf Of Trump Campaign

The publisher of the National Enquirer admits that it made payments to a Playboy model for the purpose of protecting Donald Trump’s campaign for President.

Government Implicates Trump In Election Scheme In Cohen Sentencing Memos

Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the U.S, Attorney for the Southern District of New York have filed sentencing memos that directly implicate the President in a series of felonies.

Donald Trump The Unindicted Co-Conspirator

No matter how long Donald Trump remains in office, August 21, 2018 will be the day that everything changed.

Congressman Duncan Hunter Jr., Early Trump Backer, Indicted

California Republican Duncan Hunter Jr, who was an early backer of President Trump’s campaign, has been indicted on charges he used massive amounts of campaign funds to pay for personal expenses.

California’s Democratic Party Snubs Dianne Feinstein A Second Time

California’s Democratic Party endorsed “progressive” upstart Kevin de León over Senator Dianne Feinstein, but this is unlikely to stop Feinstein from winning election to a sixth term in office.

Rudy Giuliani: Sure, Trump Reimbursed Cohen For That Stormy Daniels Payment

Rudy Giuliani threw a live grenade into the middle of the Stormy Daniels affair last night, and he’s made things much, much worse for his client.

Stormy Daniels Talks To 60 Minutes

Stormy Daniels spoke to 60 Minutes last night about her relationship with Donald Trump and the agreement that was made on the eve of the 2016 election to keep her quiet.

Former Playboy Model Sues To Be Able To Tell Her Story Of Affair With Trump

Former Playboy model Karen McDougal is suing the publisher of the National Enquirer for the right to tell her story of an alleged affair with President Trump in 2006.

The Case For Bringing Back Earmarks

It’s been seven years since Congress eliminated earmarking, and what we’ve seen has provided good evidence for the argument that it should never have been eliminated.

Clinton, Sanders Clash In Final Democratic Debate Before Iowa Caucuses

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders clashed in the final debate before the Iowa Caucuses in the context of a race that has appeared to become tighter than it was before Christmas.

Obama’s Lame Duck State Of The Union

President Obama’s final State Of The Union Address was largely a recognition of the fact that his time on the world stage is quickly coming to an end.

New York Judge Upholds Injunction Shutting Down Draft Kings And Fan Duel In New York

A New York Judge has upheld an injunction against Draft Kings and Fan Duel. It’s probably correct under New York law, but that just means the law needs to be changed.

Supreme Court Upholds Campaign Finance Limitations In Judicial Elections

In a marked departure from recent cases, the Supreme Court rules that states can impose significant restriction on solicitation of campaign contributions in judicial elections.

Virginia GOP Senate Candidate Using Redskins Name Controversy In Hail Mary Ad Campaign

Republican Senate candidate Ed Gillespie picked an odd issue on which to start his closing argument to Virginia voters.

Supreme Court Strikes Down Aggregate Limits On Campaign Contributions

Once again, the Supreme Court reminds us that limiting political speech is unconstitutional.

The Roberts Court Hasn’t Been As “Activist” As Its Critics Contend

The argument that the Roberts Court has been overly “activist” does not hold up to examination.

Supreme Court Weighs Campaign Contribution Limits

The Supreme Court heard argument in a major campaign finance case yesterday.

Sam Nunn’s Daughter Running for His Old Seat

Michelle Nunn is running for her dad’s old Senate seat.

“Happy Birthday To You” And What’s Wrong With Intellectual Property Law

A song written when Grover Cleveland was President is still protected by Copyright Law. That makes no sense at all.

Marco Rubio’s Olympian Tax Policy Pander

Marco Rubio wants to prevent these young women, and other Olympic medal winners, from paying taxes. It’s a dumb idea.

Citizens United Was About Freedom Of Speech, Not “Corporate Rights.”

Opponents of the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United continue to miss the point of what the case was really about.

John Edwards Not Guilty On One Count, Mistrial On Remaining Five Counts

The John Edwards trial is over. This should be the end of the matter.

Cory Booker’s Kinsley Gaffe And The Relevance Of The Bain Attacks

Yesterday, Cory Booker committed the rookie mistake of saying what was on his mind.

Time For Real Campaign Finance Reform

Mitt Romney made a suggestion about how to fix our campaign finance system. It’s a good idea.

With Super Committee Dead, Showdown Likely Over Defense Cuts

With the Super Committee dead, 2012 is likely to see a fight over the defense cuts set to take place starting in 2013.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Ask Not For Whom The Bell Tolls Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Is A Politician Who “Flip-Flops” Really A Bad Thing?

Mitt Romney is still being dogged by charges of changed positions. Now, he’s trying to spin that as a good thing.

Obama White House Fundraising Video a Crime?

Where is the line on using the White House to further the president’s re-election effort?