Is Our Problem a Lack of Public Virtue?

Are we betraying the Founders?

Is This Time Different?

America survived a civil war and the turmoil of the 1960s. Can we rebound again?

Kyrsten Sinema Leaving Democratic Party

Because of course she is.

Originalism and the Declaration of Independence

The implications of modes of interpretation.

The USA at 246

The Nation is unusually divided and melancholy on its birthday.

Turkey the Country Now Türkiye (Bird Still Turkey)

Our ostensible ally is seeking to rebrand itself.

[Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson] [Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson]

The Right Is Having A Hard Time Framing Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson As An Extremist

If this is the best they have, they don’t have a lot

Hippie VW microbus Hippie VW microbus

Culture Wars are a Long Game

Conservatives have lost it one generation at a time.

Some CRT Theory/Politics of Race Thoughts

You know, some light weekend thoughts.

1776 Report Should be 86’d

A parting shot from the Trump administration.

A Diminished, Surreal July 4th

The crowd for DC’s fireworks celebration was small but weird.

Reactions to 1619

In this case, Rich Lowry’s.

A Fourth of July Thought

Ideas, not tanks.

Nike Pulls Old Glory Flag After Kaepernick Complaint

The ex-athlete has picked a bizarre target.

Trump Assisting Putin In His War On Liberal Democracy

Whether he knows it or not, Donald Trump is assisting the Russian leader in his goal of undermining the foundational institutions of democracy and freedom.

Putin: “The liberal idea has become obsolete.”

The latest in the wars against liberalism.

Supreme Court Takes Federal Courts Out Of Partisan Gerrymandering Fight

In a significant setback for challenges to partisan gerrymandering, the Supreme Court has effectively ruled that Federal Courts do not have jurisdiction to hear challenges to redistricting based on partisan motivations.

Federal Court Finds Michigan Districts Unconstitutionally Gerrymandered

A Federal Court in Michigan has found several of that state’s Congressional and state legislative districts to have been subject to extreme partisan gerrymandering.

Bernie Sanders’ Rights Talk is Nonsense on Stilts

The Vermont socialist likes to invent rights that don’t exist.

Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski Married

The morning show co-hosts tied the knot at a secret ceremony at the National Archives.

Birthright Citizenship Isn’t Just The Law, It’s A Good Idea Too

In addition to being mandated by the Constitution, birthright citizenship goes to the core of what it means to be an American.

Democracy and Institutional Design II: A (Very) Basic Definition of Democracy

The second installment of a seemingly forgotten series.

Corey Stewart Caught Praising The Confederacy In 2017 Campaign Video

The Republican Party’s nominee for Senator in Virginia really is as bad as you’ve heard, probably worse.

Happy Independence Day From Outside The Beltway!

Yes, it’s still okay to celebrate America.

A Return to “a Republic, not a Democracy”

And a little Electoral College for good measure.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Strikes Down House District Map Due To Partisan Gerrymandering

Another win for forces fighting partisan Gerrymandering.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

American Ideals?

Some thoughts about why the president’s remarks on immigration are so problematic.

Federal Court Strikes Down North Carolina Congressional Districts As Partisan Gerrymandering

A Federal Court in North Carolina has issued a stinging ruling against the partisan gerrymandering undertaken by the Republican legislature in that state.

Catalan Voters Headed Back To The Polls

Two months after a referendum that supported independence from Spain, Catalan voters head to the polls for a new round of parliamentary elections that remain up in the air.

Supreme Court Takes On A Second Political Gerrymandering Case

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a second case dealing with political Gerrymandering.

Spain Moves To Take Over Catalonia In The Wake Of Independence Declaration

Things are heating up very quickly in Catalonia.

Spanish Government Threatening To Take Over Catalonian Government Over Independence Bid

The standoff between Madrid and Barcelona over Catalan independence appears to be ready to come to an end.

Catalan Government May Declare Independence Next Week, But It Will Be Meaningless

After Sunday’s referendum, the government of Catalonia says it may declare independence from Spain as early as Monday. However, it’s likely to be a completely meaningless act.

Catalonia Votes For Independence In Chaotic Vote Marred By Police Violence

Catalonia voted overwhelmingly for independence from Spain, but it’s not at all clear that the vote will amount to anything.

Catalonia, And All Of Spain, On Edge As Independence Referendum Vote Nears

Catalonia’s independence referendum is one day away, and nobody seems to know what to expect.

A few words about Charlottesville…

We mourn Charlottesville because Donald J. Trump, the President of the United States, made clear in no uncertain terms that in his mind there was little distinction between those in Charlottesville who pursued the un-American “values” of soil, blood, and racial dominance and those who pursued the ideals of the American Constitution.

Supreme Court Agrees To Hear Case On Partisan Gerrymandering

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear its first case on partisan gerrymandering in more than ten years, but opponents of the practice shouldn’t start celebrating just yet.

A Quote to Ponder

Senate Approves Bill Requiring Women To Register For The Draft

The Senate has passed an amendment to a military spending bill that would require women to register for the draft.

Ben Carson’s Odd Relationship With Truth

As Ben Carson rises in the polls, it’s worth noting his many examples of having what can only be called a very odd relationship with truth and the basic facts of history.

Republican Candidates Are Dodging The Issue On The Confederate Flag

With notable exceptions, most of the Republican candidates for President are refusing to take a stand on the propriety of South Carolina flying the Confederate Flag. That’s called cowardice.

The Amorality Of Dick Cheney And The Right In Response To The Truth About C.I.A. Torture

Vice-President Cheney’s amoral defense of torture has come to define how most conservatives view the issue, and that’s a problem.

Today in Circular Reasoning

Back to the Ten Commandments and Alabama politics.

Rush Limbaugh Is Madder Than Hell And He’s Not Gonna Take It Anymore

Rush Limbaugh is still really, really angry about subsidized birth control. And lots of other stuff.

A Typo in the Declaration of Independence?

Could a transcription error be changing our understanding of America’s founding document?

The Government-Liberty Connection: Looking to the Founding Documents

The “Founders” founded a government and the “Framers” were framing the basic structure thereof. This should be obvious.