Putin Wants Ceasefire

Alas, on terms Ukraine can’t possibly accept.

Ukraine Openly Mocking Russia

Things are not going well in the special military operation.

Putin’s Desperate Gambit

A phony annexation doesn’t hide that he’s badly losing his illegal war.

When Autocrats Get Desperate

Autocrats facing defeat have all kinds of counterproductive, dangerous ideas.

Voting Alone is Not Democracy

Putin provides an example for a Politics 101 class.

US Acknowledges Providing ISR Support to Ukraine

The Defense Department shares the worst-kept secret about the war effort.

Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War

The War After Bucha

World opinion has shifted even more against Russia. Will it matter?

Acceptable Ukraine End States?

What will Zelensky, Putin, and the West settle for?

West Shamed Into Action

Actions deemed unthinkable days earlier are suddenly mandatory.

Is Putin “Irrational”?

Addressing an analytical pet peeve (and, more importantly, correcting a mistake).

Russia Really Invades Ukraine

Putin’s forces are in Kyiv.

Putin Invades Ukraine in Defiance of West

The much-anticipated escalation has happened. Now to see how the United States and its allies respond.

Putin, Ukraine, and History

Russia’s leader sees the situation in the former Soviet Republic quite differently than the West.

Black Sea Confrontation Increases Tensions Between Russia And Ukraine

A confrontation at sea between Russia and Ukraine is increasing tensions in a long-simmering conflict.

Investigators Conclude Flight MH-17 Shot Down By Missile Brought Into Ukraine From Russia

A new report concludes that Malaysia Air Flight 17 was brought down by a missile brought into Ukraine from Russia.

Malaysian Air Flight 17 Inquiry Finds Plane Most Likely Taken Down By Russian Missile

A Dutch inquiry has largely confirmed what was widely believed about the fate of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17.

Vladimir Putin Decrees That Russian Military Deaths Are Now A State Secret

If a Russian solider dies, it’s now a secret thanks to a new decree signed by the Russian President.

Sending Arms To Ukraine Is A Foolish Idea

Pressure is building on the Administration to send military aid to Ukraine, but it would be a very bad idea.

Putin Makes Waves At G-20 Summit Over Ukraine, Reportedly Leaving Early

Vladimir Putin’s reception at the G-20 Summit in Australia has been less than warm thanks to recent events in Ukraine.

Russian Troops Have Entered Ukraine Again, NATO Says

The Ukraine crisis, which never really went away, is back,

Russia Has Invaded Ukraine

A major escalation.

NATO: “High Probability” Russia Will Invade Ukraine

The rebels in eastern Ukraine continue to suffer setbacks, and Russia is massing troops on the border again.

Ukrainian Forces Reportedly Have Rebels In Donetsk Surrounded

End game? Or the potential spark of a wider war?

Ukraine Is A Test For Europe. Does It Have The Will To Even Make The Effort To Pass?

What the West does in response to Russia’s actions in Ukraine is largely up to Europe, not the United States.

Russia Getting Ready To Escalate In Ukraine?

Things are getting serious in eastern Ukraine.

Russians Are Getting A Very Different Version Of The Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Story

If you live in Russia, you’re getting a different version of the story of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.

U.S. Intelligence Sources Confirm Malaysia Airlines Flight Hit By Surface-To-Air Missile

Someone took down a Boeing 777 over Ukraine today.

Malaysia Airlines 777 Crashes In Eastern Ukraine, May Have Been Shot Down

Another incident involving a Malaysia Airlines 777, but this one could be far more serious.

Vladmir Putin Looks To Be Throwing The ‘Pro-Russian’ Ukrainian Separatists Under The Bus

In the end, the separatists in eastern Ukraine have always been expendable as far as Vladimir Putin is concerned.

What Next For Ukraine?

They’ve got a new President, but there’s still much to do.

Acquiring Crimea Vastly Increased Russia’s Potential Oil & Gas Reserves

Not surprisingly, Russia’s acquisition of Crimea comes with quite a potential bonanza in natural resources.

Biden: U.S. Will Never Recognize Russian Annexation Of Crimea

Provocative words from Vice-President Biden. But, are they realistic?

NATO Commander Warns Alliance May Send Troops To Eastern Europe

NATO may be preparing to send Russia a message.

Preliminary Thoughts on the Ukraine Situation

Russian invasion or legitimate secessionist movement? And does it matter?