Stupidly, House GOP Appears To Take Taxes Off The Table In Future Budget Talks

The GOP seems to be telling President Obama that revenue increases are off the table. That’s a huge mistake.

Is Lack of Investment Holding Back the Recovery?

People and businesses are sitting on cash out of fear, creating a vicious cycle.

Japan Disaster and Broken Window Fallacy

Can the massive destruction caused by the Japanese earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdowns stimulate the economy?

Moodys: GOP Spending Cut Plan Could Cost 700,000 Jobs

Moodys warns the the Republican plan to cut spending could cost the economy 700,000 jobs.

The cost of doing nothing The cost of doing nothing

Less Than Zero

The Social Security “trust fund” may actually be worse than worthless.

Taxes At An All-Time Low; Deficits At An All-Time High

The drive to cut taxes is at the heart of the budget mess.

President Obama Drops The Ball On Deficit Reduction

President Obama’s new budget involves nothing less than a thumb in the eye of anyone who hoped he would seriously address federal spending in his first term.

Who’s A Conservative?

While most Americans consider themselves “conservatives,” some conservatives exclude most Americans from the definition.

How Much Does Russia Spend On Highways?

Does Russia really spend more on roads than we do?

Time To Put Defense Cuts On The Table

With just over a week to go before the 112th Congress convenes, battle lines are already being drawn in battle over the defense budget.

Why Does USA Outspend G7 on Healthcare?

The US has always outspent our G7 brethren on healthcare but the divergence has skyrocketed over the last three decades.

The Failure of “Starve the Beast”

The Republican talking point that lowering taxes lowers spending and raising taxes increases spending is denied by reality.

Slow Economic Growth: The New Normal?

Another round of GDP growth figures are out, and they show that the U.S. economy continues to grow far slower than necessary to sustain job growth. Is this a temporary problem, or something we can expect to live with for the foreseeable future?

Rising China

While the American economy languishes, China is booming again.

OTB Radio – Tonight at 5:30 Eastern

Tonight’s topics: The foreclosure mess, low GDP growth, and the world-wide Tea Party.

Recession Over ? Most People Don’t Think So

The numbers tell us we’re not in a recession, but the public thinks otherwise.

Bad Graphs Mislead More Than 1000 Words

A case study in how one’s choice of graphing techniques can shape a debate over known data.

Great Recession Ended June 2009

Great news, everybody: The biggest economic calamity since the Great Depression has been over for well over a year.

The Risk of a Fiscal Crisis

The CBO sees a clear threat of a fiscal crisis during the next two decades unless we’re saved by magic ponies.

Is America Too Genteel?

David Brooks blames our economic woes on a change from a culture that valued productive work to one of gentility. And Bill Cosby.

2nd Quarter GDP Growth Revised Downward To 1.6%

Another set of bad economic numbers are out today, and one wonders when we’ll start getting the good news.

Ireland’s Credit Takes a Hit

A combination of news and some lunchtime satire.

David Stockman’s Scathing Indictment Of GOP Fiscal Policy

Twenty-five years after retiring as President Reagan’s Budget Director, David Stockman is back with a scathing indictment of Republican fiscal policies over the past four decades.

USA Wealthiest Major Country

The US standard of living is not only growing but its lead over Europe and Japan is growing.

So Much For “Recovery Summer”

The latest GDP numbers are nothing but bad news for Democrats.

Pentagon Budget Cuts ? Yes, Why Not ?

With everyone concerned about the budget deficit, the idea of cutting military spending is finally gaining traction on Capitol Hill.

Doing Our Best to Boost Property Values in Dubai

Now we’re doubling down on the Karzai government.

Did The Bush Tax Cuts Reduce Federal Tax Revenue ?

Recent debates over the economic and fiscal impact of the Bush tax cuts indicate that Republicans still haven’t learned the lessons of the Bush years.

Did the Stimulus Work?

Nobody can really say whether the stimulus worked — or even define “worked” — but that doesn’t stop them from issuing pronouncements.

So Much For The Summer Of Recovery

There are further signs that the economy will remain anemic through the end of 2010, if not longer.

The Lie of Shovel Ready Jobs

President Obama was shocked –SHOCKED! — to learn that bureaucracy and contracting hassles delay construction projects.

Our Greek Cousin