Auto Bailout Politics

Romney eked out a win in the Michigan primary. He’s going to have a harder time there in November.

Tucker Carlson: Morally Bankrupt and Intellectually Void

This is one of the most draw-droppingly stupid 29 seconds I have experienced in some time.

And They Say The Iraq War Is Over

Sometimes there was no sugar or Splenda for coffee. On chicken wing night, wings were rationed at six per person.

A Parade For Iraq War Vets?

As they did four years, ago the New York Giants will get a parade in New York City today. Some are wondering when Iraq War vets will get theirs.

Makers vs. Takers Redux

Revisiting a lively debate from over the weekend.

Mitt Romney’s Bizarre Take On Obama’s Afghanistan Decision

Mitt Romney’s statements about the planned early draw down in Afghanistan make no sense whatsoever.

Some Generals Will Make More in Retirement Than Active Duty

A change in the law will radically increase retirement pay for generals and admirals.

The Drumbeat to War With Iran: Take a Stand

We need to have opinions on a subject as serious as war with Iran.

Losing Afghanistan A Year Sooner Beats Alternative

Everything the critics say about the decision is right–and so is the decision.

Republican Senators Leading Effort To Halt Automatic Pentagon Cuts

Not surprisingly, Republicans are trying to reverse the automatic cuts to defense spending agreed to in August.

Haditha Massacre Sentence Outrageous But Correct

My latest for The Atlantic explains, “Why We Should Be Glad the Haditha Massacre Marine Got No Jail Time.”

The American Public Is Not SEAL Team Six

Last night’s State Of The Union Address contained another unfortunate example of the prevalence of militaristic rhetoric in domestic politics.

State of the Union Post Mortem

The speech did exactly what it was supposed to do: kick off Obama’s re-election campaign while disguised as a call for unity.

Mitt Romney’s Misleading Claims About The United States Navy

Mitt Romney is making claims about Naval readiness that are, at best, misleading.

Obama’s Second Term Would Be Neither Groundbreaking Nor A Calamity

The truth about a Second Obama Term is that it likely wouldn’t be all that remarkable.

Army Officer Promotion Rates Returning to Normal

The US Army is returning to a peacetime mindset, which means promotions will cease to be automatic for anyone willing to endure service.

Weak Presidential Field. Again.

Why are all the candidates for president so awful?

Did US Choices Lead Egypt to its Current Situation?

We, as a country, need to remember that do not hold levers that allow us to move events this way or that

Does America Spend More Than Next 10 Nations Combined on Defense?

A Washington Post fact check calls this “true but false.”

Obama’s Pentagon ‘Power Grab’

Michael Hastings has yet another credulous story attempting to smear the United States military.

US Intelligence Drowning In Information

The US intelligence community has more information at its disposal than ever. Unfortunately, it can’t efficiently process it and make the necessary connections.

Bush To Blame For Weak GOP Field?

Is George Bush to blame for a weak Republican field almost four years after he left office? Not entirely.

Mitt Romney Walks Away Unscathed From Yet Another Debate

Watching last night’s debate, you would have been surprised to learn that Mitt Romney has any real opponents in the Republican race.

Obama’s Defense Cuts: 1992 All Over Again

President Obama’s Pentagon is planning for an unlikely war with China rather than the small wars America will inevitably fight.

Rick Santorum’s Disturbing Foreign Policy Vision

Rick Santorum’s foreign policy positions are troubling in many respects.

National Guard Gets Joint Chiefs of Staff Slot For No Apparent Reason

Despite the opposition of the SECDEF and Joint Chiefs, the latter expanded yesterday.

Winning the Iran Debate

Bernard Finel argues that those of us arguing against war in Iran are doing it wrong. He’s right.

The Presidency That Republicans Would Rather Forget

The Republican candidates for President have apparently forgotten that this guy was their party’s nominee twice.


Let’s ban robocalls.

Mikhail Gorbachev: The World Would Be Better If The USSR Was Still Around

Not surprisingly, the last man to lead the Soviet Union believes we’d be better off if it still existed.

Ron Paul: Imagine If China Occupied Texas

Ron Paul has a provocative new ad out asking Americans to imagine Chinese or Russian troops occupying Texas in the way American troops occupied Iraq and are occupying Afghanistan.

Iraq Disintegrating As US Withdraws

For years, analysts have worried that Iraq’s tenuous hold on stability would collapse upon the withdrawal of US forces. We’re now watching it happen.

Republicans Turning On Their Own Amidst Payroll Tax Fiasco

Some Republicans are starting to realize just how badly the House GOP has messed up this time.

Ron Paul’s Past Will Catch Up With Him

Ron Paul is rising in Iowa, which means he will soon face the scrutiny he’s avoided so far.

SPC David Hickman: Last Iraq War KIA?

82nd Airborne solider David Hickman was the 4474th American serviceman killed in Iraq. He should be the last.

Christopher Hitchens Dead at 62
